Resolution 038301ESCLUTIOK RC. 3630 ACCE2TIEG COWWWT101 CY jIS5550C.CO YNOL TH,,,' true and coriect copy WC "Resolution To. 3330, ACCEPTITO CGUTUY GW AWME)L TC 12W DEFRAY COST OP ILHOW 41955500. 13VT QV PACKJAH AVERUS PAW LINCOLN AVENUE nETWEK',',', GP WINIC AVWTM�.,' AVENUE 527TEEN Ai C} 310RH UTNEAM %Lroduced by il'112i_[_"��"' Sl]'.'111!�',E'L' L_`�D Council cn the 22th day of . WDAILIAS, by Resolution o. 51540 of the Board W Supervisors of Alameda County, the County W Alameda has contributed the sun of j1851500,00 to the City of Alameda to be usod to help defray the cost of the improvement of Pacific Avenue and Tincoln Avenue between Lain Strect and E!Ehth Streot; and 0111017AN tho cn� or Alannda u-111 dorive much bonefit by the contributior, " �-'o WK. 01 WUTU . NOW, '01AWKInt, 12 W RESCINNn BY TTVC00071, W 0EA CITY CY ATA0101 that, said Council, on bohalf of t4c City of Alamcda, dons horeby aratafully auccQ said contribution of the sum of �1051500.009 aid extends to Uie County aU Alam;? a. its sIncore approciation and Sratitude for the splendid spirit of cooperation exhibited by its loard oC Supervicors over the past many years. 1, the undersirned. hereby certlfv Lhat the foropoW7 Resolution was du17 and ro7ularly intrcduced and adjuted by the Council of the City of Alameda in ad- journed requiar meating assamhiea an the 20th duy of' Septumber, 1043, by the follow- inq Vote, to wit: AYES: Conncilmen Anderson, jonas, Csbern, nsreoney and Frosidont Kransc&ld, W. KUM Zone. WSW: Mono. W 00RESS 1 have nerounto sot rT hard and affixod t2e, >`f!,_...1.c..,. sea! of snid City Ws 20th day of Septembor, 1948. i V. CIARE, (SELL) c �" " r'7 ­er 1 hereby certify that the fore,ing 1s, full, true and coriect copy WC "Resolution To. 3330, ACCEPTITO CCATHIPUTIU- CF YHOW W COUNTY UV AIAKADA 41955500. TO 1AL1 DWRAY COST G? 711MOVELAW GP WINIC AVWTM�.,' AVENUE 527TEEN Ai C} 310RH UTNEAM %Lroduced by Lho Council cn the 22th day of STINITy LFID and adoptod September, 1048. Wt# QAark of W CIQ ef Alamada E g r7 q 0 4 1)