Resolution 03832RISCLUTION M. 302 AITHWUNG APPROVED AITLICATLC Y TO STATE DIRECTUR OF FINANCE 011 PENALILT OF Ci'!-,,,,, C-`? JrIN DEFRAYING i� 01P 111PROVE1311T PLADS PROJEOT M. 3) the State of California under Chapter 47, 011]"11-HEIS"is I Statutes of 1944 (4t3 `.�,,Xtra Session), as amended, has appropriated funds to provide financial assistance to local agencies, defined therein as counties, cities, or cities and counties of the Mate of California, so that they may engage in a lar, public works construction program; and WM?203, tile City of Alameda has submitted to the Director of 2inance under the aforesaid Act and the rules and regulations prescribed thereunder an applicationt No. 126% for an allotment in the sum of Q1,000.00 as the 3tate's share of the estimatea cont of plan preparation of a public works projeat, descrioed in said application as Project No. 3—Improvement Plans, 2e1'nside Boulevard from Encinal Avenue to Pearl Street, which application is identified under the above application number; and the Director of Pinance on hoveZber 26 1945, approved the aforesaid appiicatioh and %iloted to the City of Alameda, by Executive Order to. P-82, tile s -w,, of and the City oz Alameda desiras to withdraw the aforesaid appli- I cation because said City wishes to reallocate the funds p2ov3.ded there,,,Lnder 'to Mher projects of a more urgent nature; 1"U"', 17-1 11L`,-"6-1L'VL1:) -11,31":111"LL,' C]`.'�117;-- that the City of iiameda hereuy requests the Director of Finance to witharalw tno afOrcsaid application and rescind oxecutive Order No. P-82. 13, IT that certified copies o2 this .t es be Worn arded to the Director of Financa, the Wate Controller and the State Alloca- tion Joard. A tke undersi;ned, hereby certify thnL the foreSuing Resolution eras duly and regularly Mtraduced and adopted by the Uozicil o-.,,' 'the City of Alameda in adJurned re,iar QeetinS assembled an the Wth aay o� Soptuaber, 194j, by tuo 20110winj VOLUS to wit: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweenc7 and President 3ranscheids (5) - A3,300: 10011e. it MUMS WMA I have hereuntu set my hand and affixed the official sea! of said City this 29th day of wptember2 1948. nm cc' a I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of i- APPLICATILK TO MATE DIRECTUR 02 HIWKM��', asOlution No. 3832, liplumil-'r Pu, U, Go' THE a0_ ALAUDA 201 Z071 ASKISTAICE !7 DURAYUG COST OF STREAT A&D WMEW LWAOVAZWK MATS (YPZUJ1-ECT NO introduced and adopted by the Council an the n8th day of Septembers 190. X ;110 -151- ULU;, a iew M 375