Resolution 03834inst MIQ NO - 3831, `,`.dCAT!0L TO STATA WRECTM, 017 .111h:011 011 3WILLF 01, 0,_2 REC WAMC TICE! OF --3. 47-7)- WW"St the Wate of California, under Chapzer 47, Statutes of 1944 (4th Axtra Session), as amended, has a;prapriatea funds to provide financial assistance to local a3encies, defined Harbin as counties, cities, or cities and counties, of the State of California, so t1iat tl-�ey-ra-ay anqaqe in a larle public works construction pr,``".Lai"; and the City of "lavadn has submitted to tho Airector of Yinancep under the aforesaid Act and the rules and regulationS Drescribed Wereunder all 0_11')Plicaof tion, Eu. 130, for an ailutNent in the 6au of 11,201.00 as the State's share the estivated cost of plan prepawation of a public �orks project, de- scribud in said application as Project Lo, 47-7--RecaDstructi4n of lashinGton Park, which application is identified under the above application nucalber; and 00RASSP the Diractor of vinance, on hovember 23, 1945, a -proved the aforesaiu application and allotted to the 3ity of Alameda, by Executive Urder Do. 2-702 sufi of ,4,,2o0.00; and K1013401 the dit: of Alyzieda desires to withdrnu tYe aforesail applica- tion owcause saia City wishes to renilocute, t1ie provided thereunder to othar projects of a more urnaLt unLure; 011021niZI AA TT AAK�MD _.7 M, OLIMII, g �j!L, 13!QT- j tLat zhe jit: of inianeda here I 0Y requests the Director of Zinnnce to withdraw the afurwsaiu nyplication and rescind Executive Order No, P-70. JA IT 2URM"t 1RAMMD that certified copies oi: this resclution M forwarded uu the Director of Mance, the Stnue 0ontroller and tAe Hate Moon - tion hoard. I, the undersiAned, heroby certiQ that the ZorajVovesulution wus duly and 2e,!Nrly Mtroduced and adopted by tAe Councii ur tho My of Alameda in aujourned reKnlui vvetin� asses oled on the 26th day of bentuner, 1046, bY W Y011CWHa VOW, zu wit: .y0j: Cainailmen andarson, Jun.s, Worn, 5weeney Una presiaent nrv.schoidl (0). 1. i Anve %arounts set qr hunG and offixod Wu Mi - 001 =.. a.; uz n.ia My LAM 2�tl Q� W neqto.je2, 1)41. I Lc cortify unt the zuro-ui. is a falit trua ana curruct cipy 01, "Awn-iltion �u- 3634, .11 WA 7. 1 n! Yit 11) ^. _ Z_ 13. 1. 1. Q M ill. 3 2: A 2L 1� 3 1,. 0-71," intrauucad and adopted by the louncil on tne Wth day oW nentznuer, 1916. M