Resolution 03835378 &Ajkh�fio. vo. 3635 AIMW��.0 AMONAS SUPPLWALTAL APPLICATI017 J&M 01,13CTUA 61 17MAT01A V. 31MI., t:J I.; CT'_':�­�­ 111.111M WMTE 1�03TAICA !I AWRA7KG UST A, !' ,J' .'_"Tnuc TIC! W.J LW�A. 7 the joate of OnMumia, under Ckapoar 47, �tatutes of 194/ Wta Extra 3essiad, as amerded, has anproPriated funds to provide fimnoial assistarce to local agencies, defined therein as counties, Miss, or cities ond countlos at t, itate of Culifornia, so that vej �a� enjn= in a inrse Dualic works owAstrucHon progma; and :i llthe Wt � of Alone& has sub.dtted to the jimotor of �inmce� under the aforesaid not and the riles and resulations presoribed tKereunden a supplenental "IF.UnTIV �w. 130-x) for an naditional Viotiont in the sai ai' 51S.06 as the itate's shore of As estimntel cost o? pinH prepNratiun of a public umrks pyaject, described in said sorplemental applicatioh as Project Do. 47-?--le-Instructim and �Ytensiny oz 0s.1n1ton Park, WM suppimmial unnlicanion io ideLtified under He Move n,,ur.I)er; '.;nd Ve Diructor of 71nume, on jeptember 107 1947, approved tho aforesaid sunvinA=Lui applicution ani allotted to tke My of Alm.edn, by Axecu- tiv, coder Q! F -70A) the additioma-!_ oi` �2,518.06; ,_-md .Moos the My of Alone& desires to witndraw the aforesaid supple- muntql QDlication �acwam said C07 wishaj oo rcalloonto tua funds nrovided- thereunder to other project, Q a nure urqent nature; thut the City OZ "imeda hereby roqumts the Directur of Vinance to wit.dra7 the aforesaid supnimental application and resciad �xeautive order Le. P -70A. M 11, thaL certified copies of t"is reslution be for- warwad to the Diracuor of inanua, the Wato Ourbrollew ind Qe Mute Alloosbima mard. 11 Chu underat. ,ane C, Uveby cartiry that the iort. qoMResolution ms duly uno reaularly immauced nnd ddoptGd by me Council oz the W7 of hla�&,t in uajuurnud ruSuW2 neetinj asambled an t 23th uaa uYSeptenler, 1946, by the following vote, a. M: ','cancilmeL Anderson, jones, Osborn, mcene� and juesideLt Aramseneld'(5). E.hsj : Ihme. d�.nhT: !one. 1]:", 1 A= bareanto set kT hand and aitixed tHe offi- cial sea! of said My this 21th day Q oeptombez, 1,1L. W_ ,.W city 'F i he i)" certify that We furujoinq is a 2ull, rue and correct copy K Taysolution to. 3835, A!TZDh4j1hQ AMOV.0 SU11�2Z.10.11, ZP�IKTTY TC ME] 32313TA131 It 3E- MA=5 W._. .n, 02 MI 21i ZWf C'1�1' PAWNT ZO. 47-9),n introduced and adopted by the Council an the 23th day of Santo our 1948. I m