Resolution 038473 95 3647 _01allY.0 T -13"T" Vly�. Z -i-05 u certain 0-AWY 0, purcLn3e of vonl -ranerQ unted We Ati-i 6a: of jentewber, 1w4a, nade by ana Qtyeen lobert q. wdrua und Aliznjut4 1. "hurusl his wife, as pa2tieo of the firoz part, and the Aity of n1w;edn, anani- c1pol ourporotiun, as pArty W the second pQrt, w.c, on or obout saiu Lute, enecazud ana delivered by snin ojert A. Andrus Pnd KlIzWeth A. Amrqs, his WHO$ tu the My W F wneun; und l , -1 ., 111_1 1. "_� P by snin optjo� sai. laber I i"1t a. Andrus and 311zabeth a. Andrus, his uUn �rnytud to thu City of "1010da 2q optior to punn"nse nil or thnt certain real py.perQ situate, iyinand hwiAg in the snid .,?_,_layof Ainneda, WW awre nurUculuwl" 00swrioed as followl, t,K: WAT161 of the parcel of land described in We deed by jose-h Zraderic ana injelian .1. 3redaric to AHM G. ansrus und Elizajeta G! Andrus dated Ta. nuary 1, 1945, r000rued �DruarT 6, QQ, in book 4222 of Micial Records of iwaedo Coanty at page 454, described as fullows: 'I at a point on the east, r� line Q said parcel of landl diotan� bhurcon n�rth 10 33' AT" sast 24-05 feet frua the northern Me Q VncoW mcnae; a n a ruyni.z Wcnco no2th J40 M 39" west 36.32 feet to a loint on tLenestern Mae of jaid Palos!, distunt thureon Louth 10 35' 45" east 99-39 zcet �rwa the northern line of hin nvenue - th�up".Cka alom said weotorn line of saiQ parcel 4•r t_; 10 D' 45" enst 0.76 feet to the nurtnsnVern 1�ne therGof; thence along the Wt nn, �cd line sounweastarlQtr 33.00 fact to tau UUSLern Me of sui- parcel; and thence thu last naoud ii.d south 10 35' 45" west 19-64 feet to tne point of 501LAning, On can uition Wat sain optio. bu ezercised by the anid City of Alameda in or bufa2u Uptumbar 19, 1�49; ani ii tho said Gity of Aloneda dia on at ahout said note accept said option; !_'i 50 1� t. _!T.j T T-11 XjKll 1 1, Kz CIT" tT toot tho ow2swantiohod "Otloh 00, and We sane is heraby, accented an behall' at the jity of "iwnedu, min auid City jouncil, actinZ for and A au%if of sald City, hereby cuRsunts tu the rccorautiun at saic &Dtioh and orders this resalu- t1ov to bo atKc.ed thereto, as Poqniyad by Dectlob 1156 of the Civil Code of tne Matc of California. A We undorsi'nud, ivreby certify Mt the fore,NS Res-lutio" was duly anu requinrly int2oduced nnd anovtod by t4a Council of the City of Alameda in re lab moeQnq usse�jiel on the 50 daZ of Uctober3 19102 Q the foliowin�.' votes zo Mt: Kyza: Caancihaen AndevsoL. lonos, Usborn, inceney and President WanscAaid, (5) - �on�: zone. a M 0111111, 1AL�Izcll, i love hereuntj set my hand and affi :Cd the offi- cial sea! of Saiu. City tais 6th day of uatobqy, 104E. (S. -A 1 Verejy certify thQt ths fureqoin7 is a fun, vie and corrcct copy of "Iesulution hu. an, aCUPTIVI GPM z P745- 17:1 1 � 01127111, _1.1. MQMUT 7in 27� D 1 Ul T11 Q Tv TZ" WV introauced and adopted W We 1", WDOMM" 0-11, Una dun day Of cctoucr, i,a. 3�t@•,�t�' = f'��" �) ,��^ W __ A " Olt- AMM W, U11a jity ay Lin-' -06