Resolution 03849AMPTUI U21= OT MUL.Z uy 02ATAIT "M-11' a cerzuR option of purchase or weui prcnervy Ante" the 17th My ot Zw7tcnbwrh !S4)1 node jtand uatnen AtLorine athnon, a widow, as party of the wirst oart, and the jity of slamedu, a municipal corporation, as pw7ty of the secanu. purt, wns, on or a5aut said Me, enecuted cra Ualiverad by said "thzrino Eudsun, a Maw, to the MY of nla"C-U; and, KAIIIII) by said, option said natherM nudson, a nidu�, antod to tLa Abo of MinnHda on Urtion to pu-ahnne nil of Qat certain real situutouv lylaA and bein� in Ue s2id Gity of "Wieda, =6 zore pwrhcuinrQ,, CZE norlb"c as YuKown to-wit YUH21on W Me -arcel of land dayaribed in the Leed by Lae C. Frcn. sna Aujuit 5. 7rc n to Mlian 1. Hudson dated �urch 16, 1906, r curdel "arc� 10, 1y09 in book 1587 of Deeds, at 7ije 41, Alvueaa Wunty Recaraa, dasarKed as follows: .h.QM.IVC at the amKkaastarn corner of said purcel of land, and rWhninj thcncu along the norzhorn line of said parcel of land norA d3o 241 15" we2t 2.96 foet; ther,ce south 640 52' 39" east 3.22 reet to the western line of said parcal of Mad; and thcnec alonS the last naned line nortIL 10 35' 45" east 1.28 feet to toe noint of aeginning, on cundition that said option be exercised by the said city of Anseds on or before Aptonbor 19, 1049; and �:AA�"33 the said Uit� of nimneda did) on or ubout suid date, accept SaW option; 0 701 t 7 =.; AT— (T .0.13A thot the uforenantioind Uption 00, anu Me sane is hefeby, accepted an buhalf of the jity of Alameda, und said Olt; Cooncil, acting fop and on beholf of suld M , Aureby conoanis tj tha recardution of said Option nnd orders tAis rejolutiun la ti attached thereto, ns roc'Aifed by Vectfo... 11j; of the Civ j0de 02 Uke ituto 0V California. 1, tne unaersignuu, toreoy certifV vhvt Ve fove;ainA hesolation was duly m,d r�Sxlwrij inurcduc d ans, adartud by nho C'til qncil oz the Citj of Alaneda in renilar mestial assc�jied an the A" My of October, 19L , 0: the foijouin,' VOW, tu wit: .T..; Councilmen nnierson, jonus, Gsiorn, weena, unu President 11, ..IT Q3 M�A�421 1 hove nereunto set Lj hand and Mized the alfi- Mai sea! of daid city this 4t aa.t dno of October, lo4j. ( jAW E 897 i Ze2aby certi2y tAt the raya,in� is a full, trae and corrccz copy of "Pusulution ho. 309, "W.7=1 WZ. FTIT. ,Zj C.1 1.20M, Th.l. R:, T.20,.' ikt-ou ucok ond aw-,�gted jy tho juincil on the W My of jotuler, !�Lh, E 897