Resolution 0385200, m aE3CLUT1W n. 052 "ICEPTIA! 00TIV CY Z7L!<.W V 15TAB1,11: 31111i, 01112172 cn. WIVW, AND VIAWT! 0 aoertain option of purchnse of roal groperty dntcd the 20th day of Geptsnbep, 1943, nods It ona bat�een Artvuds Chrintansen, wE OaKY OY Vca, vl2wt oart, ayd the City o? Wn�eda, a mnicipal compawation, wu ;wty of Ke second cart, wns, on or about saia date, onecuted and delivered by smi? AarLwude Chyistalsen to tLo City of �In,,edc; wMI Q onLd aptiou said aw, truda Wistmwen arortQ to tLe alQ'i of "ImmW an optioa to luruhaac all of thnt cnrWin 2cal pwoDartj Wtuate, pint 8nC bnnp� i� thm u6id City oy nia"eda, PV e,.,, .» mitionlawly describod no f 011002; to -mit: G the joutlynotmn owner of acre lot 0, wid point beina u1su jo the �owtem line of 30UAUE40 Ditch, an said lot ond ditch are Shona on "Dulicate aq of :1. J. Chlp�wls acre Lots, hacordiv� to the 3urvey ai',' jawLiallop "ooauard, Deputy jurveyor of ulmnada Uounty"� filed in book 19 of _'_ajos� at '�cEs 61 in We office W., the County RecorUer of alameds County; and runniq_', thence alm. the sot tlarn lire of suiC hot G 142.2b fast; thence southeasterly an a cur7e to the r t nith u rodius of 917.11 test, a Elotance of 115.22 feet to c 2oint on said wasterz live of Aiman's Ditch; disWnt tLereon oacth 10 25' "eat 20.33 feet Zrm the paint of bw:lm��a; and thunce Loot& 10 251 east SO feet to the Point 02 mimninA, 0a cunnition Wt mid o;ticm Ke enorcised by the said Wity of innedu on o,,"a befowe 400�2cy 20, 1949; od Lha said 6ity of .1vzoda did, mi Cr nbout snLd date, accept acid wtion; !K: ALI ZZAKL!0) ?y �zy that thS UrDICLOntUnK L0iM he, Wd thC MnC Q F=eb�, SUM00d 00 bQVW,' K the City of sinnedy, Ad nai& jitr Council, sutlo" _ ar wK on nyhLlf of said Gity, hereby cuascn2s to V.a reconGntion ok said Uytion aun owdows rasolution to W uttucVed Lheroto, an 10.0ined cY motion 1150 of Va OWL cude of the Wots at jalifoyniu. 1, the undersianed, hereby certify that t L e fo2eipV; Ae3olutian ws WAy cv� ronuiorly introducea and adopted by Aw Council of the WiQ of Wowda, in wqWILr �metin, ansenb!W on thy 5tL M ol Qatobayi 1910, by the failawin�, VOLS, 1C wit Af1s: Counollmn mdawaon, jonou, Mown, jowomc2 ond Vreoident 3: On "Ji on 111513 =13Wz I have Lareunto ost h, hond and EMxed the offi- cial jeal W oQA 6ity this 6th doy oz Letuber, ly"S. -Ay w.mm aA the WQ�,,' I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 3852, ACCEPTING OPTION 01P PURCHASE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FROM GERTRUDE C11RISTENSEN, AND CONSENTIIG TO TI�L4 RECORDATION TILEHREOF,11 intro- duced and adopted by the Council on the 5th day of October, 1,48. y/uipm or we uity or Aiameaa