Resolution 03906m W7 771 P� YC. FRO"-", T777207 A - D - Ams= !KOTQ� 1; NQ FIT !,IT 7 7-QAV "- a 7, 7�F . .0 yCTIw-p? Ry ­�7 CC�TOT 1 (-' 1,-7 jT' "v 7� ALAY45A j Ord Sain Uprell �orpby firps OP& e"t-mi-es, 0nt 00 P-41 . c Tnt"rest R"d ""COSSIN -PINTIMS thn ncqulsi- by cp's 1 1 t y 07 Ain -,On for YSO "y epic MY for -VWC str­t 0-d 1,71TO-7 r--T� of that Vrtrjr let, pswo, wo parcii of Ta -d sjWto, lylrg nN bolnr-, Aq WS �Vu- of Alamos. Wnty P7 AVarvdq, Vat- rf 701"nrrla, an6 x -m p3rtlmm- as frilons. WnUT,77 or thp ramp! of in- & 69scrilrd in the deed Eaton, sated �100 155 19111 rocorNmI ArrTi pi, 1213 In hnn, TIN of Teods at nale 402, in Um uffice of W jop"ty Wcarjer of Alonnia Courhy, dpnorlbmc.". is follomr., AA7177771 nt a point 0P Pnqhorr Unn cf said paroW, t Vans, distnnt themon north 1* 351 15" Past 51.06 Not T -K_` 4�e rrrthcrn Unp of Krcolr Amnue; and.runnirg thence !g a WmV ling north 940 5RI W west 7P.16 Proto a rcirt t4e western 11-P of snij pnrcrl of lsnd, distant thnmcr nort,, j 0 XG , , 5 " t go , p5 f OC t frnr tt a n - _tn C rr I I Zo 07 T I rC 01_,-_ Npry'n tbarcea2o-z Wo youtnor 71ra -2 WA now ol ­rY- jo S3, &5" enst 1P,34 feet to Qu --rThonste-n Von themc-; �"V-nv 11m the ?apt rnnec Ym Dnotn 15a 151 W" eqat 7WO fe,, to sand onstplo 1770 -7 nold 7arnol: arO thencealon,-,, tDo Inst rare! ,P m... south 1* 337 It" wek 37'.44 foot to the 1vint of bpSinnTrE. -0717731, EW71Q7P that t4e CIO Aut­ny be, n-0 no 'r 1—y-hy,dir-clec, cn-nPrev co-Cayrntfur ymnoodingp Ar nN7n-t CnWn 7Pr VhP OCU'ritirm 00 Fsic` oinne no yprc-l nf innd, a-6 that the !AycAxa be, a' - ir "-n-by, rslwctld' n-tyrlmd nr& Wrnctad, frr nrd on WWI of Wd Q+j OnO its QV7 !On -071. to smbsorlbp to r. `t verify s cnn-InAnt in t�v r„ ,Y7o--t of sn'd Alamedn Nurty Vor tN conjumnatiun of said 7ot, njpcp oyjTr_Pj r? lv-o Orr -Wic street W, 4171way p"rpnscs. ij t4c andersiSned, hereby cert!fy that Qe Yoregc4rtit >ssplCC. tio- wv� duly anO relvinrly irtmducej arl adoptoj by Clio Carroll V W AQ cC Alsmed'� !n rnV1,-,1ir -rcK!rZ assenhind on thr 21st Hy of 72cpmhor, r-, "y ho 703o"iq,-, VQns ro WW A=» Cnam"Iren Andoro,e q n"hn _r Swecrej ard UrnsWert 1--ansche,59 (5). Scn, n �CW: ynnq. n7F7-7: yone 7T �TTIFISK '0713021 7 have vermn�o go! '!; !I!-,! jj'Q f1f7XV0 n"g UC71- V0 sea! of .,a ;r My thTF ROM Hy of Vacenv-i4 1949. (770) WV; Qlqr� of t"n ?iQ or Alanedn 1 hareby oertify thnt Lho foUrTI-t 1E a fu12, true a -A correct copy rf Qesol-ticr c. 3POSP PT�7jQT-? o 7'7�qT7- AMP �7Q�RSf7y r2AUTPA �7- AQQ7T_ STT77 W� C1277"nil' 1,1771 144 .7773T73 S770TO' M'7 VIWY FWCEKS, irtaydvend Hapt9d by Q07o,oc!" nn t4e list da, of Decerker, 1048. 2;1' o f 4"'Ae CIO eP Alauedn