Resolution 039493949 AUTHORTZTNG CTTV MANACIAIRM TO tateKEAPPITCATTON TO STAM',,' DIBECUM UP" ()N '_7 TIE, CT"PY" 01,", ;".,J_AT111E]1_)A FOR STATE ASSISTAVC4 1N DEFRAUNn COST QF PIANS V01,? KRUSI PARK TMIMMENT (MUCT )q� VC. 47-20. the Stato of Callfoxmia, under Chapter 47, Statutes cf 1944, 1xth Extra Session) hiia. s appropriated funds for allotment by the Director of Finance to provide financial assistance to Inca! Agencies defined therein as counties, cities or cities and counties for thm puypose of defraying nnt to exceed one-half the cost of preparinE engineering field survoNs, engineering or architectural de- Ans " and woihing and detailed drawings and specifications (hereinaftor called Man; ) required for pcst-war pullic works projects described as "specific pro- jects" in said AN; and. VVIDAMEAS1 Liao City of Alameda desires to apply to the Director of Finance and/or the Post War Public horks Review Board, as the case ray be, for an allotment of the Staba's sharo of the astimnted cost of preparing tho completad plans horein- after montioned, and tare has been prepared and presented to this ingislative Body for connideration an npplicam tion for such purpose; and EREAS, said City has providod, or will makc avallabla upon approval of the aforementioned application, sufficient funds to propare thn carTicted pnn's heroM mentioned; howl THERNFORBI BE TT RESCINED, that said City nubmit tho aforesaid appli- cation to the Director c Finance and/or the Post War public forks Review Board, as the case may be, requesting allatmBnt of 15,000.00, boing not more than one-half the cost of preparing saY completed plans, or for such amount as may be approved by the Director of Finals, and/or the Post War Public Torks Review Board, (snid allotment to be used for the purpose of defraying the cost of preparing ssid completed plans required) for a specific project to be unda. takon by said City and dascribed as Project No. 47-23 -- Vrusl Park 1m.provement. BE IT PURTHER RESCINED, that the estimated cost of preparing such plans is JOS000.001 and that said City has made provision for pay`rg one-half or more of the cost of preparing such plans. HE !T FVETHER RESHWED9 that for the purposes of this application, Carl Froarer, City Manager of the City of Alameda, be, and he hereby is, deslEnated as the authorized agent of said City and is horaby authorized and directed to sign the above mentioned anulleation on behalf of said CiLy and submit the same h_o the Di- rector of Tinance'and/or the Poct War Public Works Review Board together with a cortifiad statement of the esUlmaxed cost of proparInS such plans and such oLhor information as may be required; and said authorized agent is further authcrizad, and directed, as the rapinsaMaLive of sM City, to conduct all ryZaLlations and conclude all arrangements, including subnIssion to tho Director of Yinance of appil.- cations for relobarsonent, which nay be necessary to oacure roinlursenmnt for the Stato's share of M expenditure rnds in preparing said comploted plans. A the undeinignod, imseby cerLify Mat the Coragoing HcuolutTur was duly and regularly introduced and adonted by the Council of the City e Alamoda in regular rcoUrg assembled on Vi,e 15U -11h, da-,�� of February, 3042, by the folluMn,7, Votef to Vit: AYES: Councilmon Andorson, iones, Osborn and Prnsident Brnnsch&J, NOES: Nore. ABSEAP: Councilman Money, (1). it WITTESS MABECY, I have hereunto set my is and affixed the official se] of said CUT this 16th day of Fobruary, 1949. J. Ti. CLUB,", (SEAQ 11 w M that the foregoing is a full , true mid correct copy ol' "Resolutioll A 8114111 if EON! ZINC CITY MAORI TO ?KE AFMCATION TU SwATE DT- MWIR 0? WMANCE 01 MMY OW WM CTTV GP ATATADA FOR STATE ASSISTANCE Th DEWRAY- 101 COST UF FIAES FCB KRUSI PW),.!,�, (PROjECT EQ. 47-03)," introduced and, adopted by the Council on the 15th day of February, 104P. C'1,6'r1k o:�.' tho City of Alameda