Resolution 04013ow uESOLUTION NO. 4013 ADOPTING SPECUIC"TIONS TO THE CIY,()_' POE THE FISCAL ,Li�,:,7_,,',,)A YEAR 1949- 19501 CALLINO FOR AIDS AND DIUCTING TAE CITY I�Llo J,,�'LE 36 LV, "D ,Bir raW C01RICIL UF WA CITY 02 ALWDA that the Specifi- cations and Provisions for furnishirg: Item 1: !on Premium Gasoline; Item 2: Zthyl Gasoline, to the City of Alameda, for the fiscal yuar beginning July 1, 1949, and. ending June 30, 1950, ho. MS 5-49-5, be, and the same arc hareby, approved und adopted. ULV�',�D , that the Council of the City of Alameda will., receive sealed bids up to the hour of 8:05 o'clock P.M., on Tua2duy, Hilo 7th day of June, 1949, for the furnishing tc the City of: Item 1: Non Premium Gasoline; itcm 2: Ethyl G.coca line, in accordance with said 3pecifications and Provisions. Wds must ba prusented to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, Alameda, Calirornia, unaer oealed cover and Plainly marked on the outside, "Proposal for GasoliLa", or similur des- iEnation. Contract, if awarded, will be awarden sun ject to the ynovisions of the Chartur of the City of Alumudu, to the responsiblu bidder who submits the lovest and best bid. The right is resarvad to reject any or all bids. The City Wierk is hereby directed to advurtise, in the Alameda Times - Star, u naLica callinq for sealed bids in accordance with the urovisions of this resulution and of said Spucifications ana Provisions. IV the unuarsigned, heneby cercify thut the foregoing Usolution, was duly and regulorly introduced and adopted by tho Council of the City of Alameda in rogulaaetin, anoombled on the 17th day of Eny, 1949, by the following vote, to wit: WAS: Councilmen Anuerson, jones, Osborn, Sweeney and PresiGent, Aranocheid, (5). NOLA: None. ABSUT: hone. iE 0015133 WANECL I have hureunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 18th day of May, 1949. WEAL) Q. P. _CLA21�' City Glerk of the City of Alame'a I hereby certify that the foregoing is to full, true and correct copy of Wesolution No, 4013, ADOPTING SPACQUnTION& 2OR TWIAHI NG GASOLIEZ TO THE CITY 09 "LlEsil FOR THE 2I4 Y,AR 1949-1950, ClLtING ZOR BIDS AND DIRECTIEC TUE UTY CL.nK TO ADV.=w� j&Q," introduced and adopted by the Council on the 17th day of lay, 1949.