Resolution 04017M RESOLUTION PO. L01, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS 702 r,"uS-V hAnTil FILL will) TOP MIL TO THS CITY OF ALMADA 20--,1 THE SIM! MIR 1949-19502 CAILIKA FOR 3M At!) DIRECTING THE CITY allLE COMICIL OF THM CITY 02 1LALEDA that the Specifica- tiona ana Provisions for furnishing: item (a) nuarry WasLe; Itum (b) Earth Fill at Cty iDump; item (Q Top Boil) to the City of Alameda, fOr the fiscal yuar beginning Tuly 1, 1949, and x'!'1(7 -- i ng June 30, 1950, K0. LS 5-49-9, be, and the same are hereby, approved and adopted. Mum (a) Suarry Wa6te; item at Citv, ,,uan; Item (c) Top Soil� in accordance with said SpecificuLions and Provisions. 3ids must be present - aa to Me City Clurk, in the City Hall, Alamena, California, under sealed cover and plainly mErkud an the outside 3 "PTOposal for juurry Motu, Earth Fill and Top boil"s of similar designation. contra,M if uwaraewl will ba awaraed subjoct to the provisions of the Ghartdr of juld 01ty, to tho res2ansible Madey who submits the lovest anj bost, bid. Me rignt is resBrvod to r6jact aLy or ail bids. The Oity CWT is hby oirected to adv2rtisc, in tho Alameda Times - Mr, u notice calling for scaled bids in accoodance with the Vrovisions of this resolution ana or suid Spocificutions and Provisions. 4 & * * * * & * 0 * * 1, the undersigned, hereby cortify that the furegainq Resolution w= duly und roaularly introduced and adonted by the Council of Ke City of' Alameda in reular meeting assamiled on He 17th day of May, 1949, bj the foliowinA vote, to nit: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, !'U1WnQRy that the Council of thu City uf Alameda will re- cuive seuled biGn up to the hour of 8:05 o'c3ock PM., on Tuesday, the ?th, duy of june, 1949, fur the furnishing OF to the City uf: IIN .5'ITT-ESS Mum (a) Suarry Wa6te; item at Citv, ,,uan; Item (c) Top Soil� in accordance with said SpecificuLions and Provisions. 3ids must be present - aa to Me City Clurk, in the City Hall, Alamena, California, under sealed cover and plainly mErkud an the outside 3 "PTOposal for juurry Motu, Earth Fill and Top boil"s of similar designation. contra,M if uwaraewl will ba awaraed subjoct to the provisions of the Ghartdr of juld 01ty, to tho res2ansible Madey who submits the lovest anj bost, bid. Me rignt is resBrvod to r6jact aLy or ail bids. The Oity CWT is hby oirected to adv2rtisc, in tho Alameda Times - Mr, u notice calling for scaled bids in accoodance with the Vrovisions of this resolution ana or suid Spocificutions and Provisions. 4 & * * * * & * 0 * * 1, the undersigned, hereby cortify that the furegainq Resolution w= duly und roaularly introduced and adonted by the Council of Ke City of' Alameda in reular meeting assamiled on He 17th day of May, 1949, bj the foliowinA vote, to nit: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Joncs, Osborn Swuene7 and President Ar2nschaidl (5) - true ana correct copy of "AssOlution to. 4017, MAC: tone. FOn 11)RITIM1111"r ,MWT: Rone. TO THE CITY OF ALAIMA F(V Till IIN .5'ITT-ESS MQUY, I have h6reUMD set my hand anu affixed the 00icial n.al of said City this 18th day of Lay, 1949. Wnh) J. i". the My Of ALOMada * + " M - " M W - - - i hureby curtify thut thn forogoing is n full, true ana correct copy of "AssOlution to. 4017, SDOPTIM SIACIFICATIO15 FOn 11)RITIM1111"r PILL W TUP SOIL TO THE CITY OF ALAIMA F(V Till KSCAL Y�AR 1949-1950, CALLIM Aid Ma KnU -d1&ECT1Q-,' THE CITY CL12K TO ADV�"TIM SALE," introduced and adopted by the Council on the 17th day of Euy, 1949.