Resolution 040181= RISOWTIOP NO - 4018 ADOPTIEG SPACIFIKT!OhS)i,�11D 1 W3 FOR UIE COKSTRUCTIOK 02 STANDARD CULVIaTs FOR TEE 2ISC,.t,L jl.v!. TUWVVT1JA day if bay, 1,,7N'DTKG TUNE 301 1950, CALLING FOR BIDS AW) CITY CLIRK S.il-E WKnE.31 the City Engineer t. ,S prepared Specificutions, Special Privisions and 1'.a .in for the construction-of-rcinforcud concrete culvcrts ana other work appurnenunt th�reto fcr the fiscal yaur endin4 junc 30, 19501 which Epcoificutionsl Special PraiisioLs and Pinns a-I�-e 1`d 5-49-8 and ucre filed uith the City Clerk of the City of Alameda on May 17, 1949; 11i'O'll W W WOLVsh BY ,",.TJJ1',CIL ()7 JITY i,,)--? th,,�,;,t the aforosaid Specificutions, Spcoial Provisions and Plans, numborad and filed as aforesaiA bet aEd the same are hereby, approved und est doptomoi. . iWOLK01 PURTE.yj thut the performance and comoletion of Lhu wurk spouified in 3aid Specifications ana Provisions he, and the same is hcrobj, authorizud. 0113OLIECD !q0T1!01 tllqt the Council of the City of hiameas, will re- ocive =lod jids un tO tho nour of 8:05 o'clock 7j1.1 on Tuajday, juno 7, 1949, for the turnishing to the City of all inbor, Natorial and equipment neceisary fur the construction of reinforced concreto culverts and other work unpurtenant Lhorabo for the zional year ending June 301 19501 in accordance with suid 3pecificutions and Provisions, Bids must be u2sionted to the City Clerk, in tho City hall, in Alameda, Galifainia, under soiled cover and plainly marked On the Outside "PrWsal fOr the COnstruction of Culverts", or sinilar des - i mntion. juntrnut, if awardea, will 00 awarded, subjucL to the provisions of ths Churter of said City, to thu rusponsible biuder who submity the Went nnd besL bid, Tan riaht is roosivsd to rejact uny or all jjEq. Laid McifiWtimas and Provisions may be hud by any prosoactive, Didaer on a-plicition to the City Anjineur, OL his office in the Oity Hall, nlamcaa, California. The City Ulurk is hcreby directed to auveinise, in the Alamoaa Times- Stur U notice Wliin3 °_ OP SUal0d W3 in a2coraonce with the provisions of Ws rusulution and aZ said Specifications ana Provisions. A W undersilnud, heeby curtify � rorc�ojnq Rusolution was uuly 9.'urejulurly introducou and adopted by the Council of the City of ninmedu in rcnulur macting assemblad an the 17thday of Lay, 1049, OY the followinw vote, LO wit: �'cuncilnen Ander&on, jonos, Osborn, �weency ULU Frosident — launsub.1d, Qj - 1023: Late. nQW: Lune. it ViThl,hS KQ;hG1j T hnvc hereunto set my hard ana azfi.cu the alficial soul of said Quy We Ath duy of Hay, 1,49. J. .d tT cat ieua 1 hureby certify Lhat t4o "Iesulutiun La. 4013, ADk!T1nj ZnQVIAATV�31 VIZ. 0,Ahj?.AQT1CAj u!" OT,Ejj,jD j5LjnhT9 furu,lnj Yuj = is u full, trus WnGIAL 0aV!QGf?7 ��QAL T�W KD113 ann correct At!) Ynxi WFA 301 copy of !%, 19501 'no.n1j.; n�! 00 A�� adoptad by one juunoii on 07� the 17th jl.v!. TUWVVT1JA day if bay, WA" 1949. introduced and,