Resolution 04032UM MUMMY 70. 4032 UPPEORIZIM THE AXES 0,P Al"' C i ':::r C FN C . q% 3111'_1r'_i "IA 7, 1_'," T) S HT R! W A 7c", AND HIMAY ?77POSKS'l CITY A OUNCE To MTSR PFICII'� FIAI,71." _11C'& PW 07 CCESTPU070" F, City is ncw engaged in corstructing a 7ubllc street ard high- wny, a part of wh'ch shall pass onor land owned by Ohn C. 1rar.than and Shirley A. 1rantham, Us wife; MEREAR5 U is necessary that the City acquire said real pvoprrty in order to construct snid str­et, a - d and THEREASO johr C. Sranthan and Shirley A. Grantham, hTs wifo, ary willtnz to sell said real property to the City aU to grant to the City a license and ease- nent for the purposH of entering u?on any part of said real property for the pose of construcUrS sail public street and Ughway over and upor said land; arc� is in the public interest that sold agrsarrik shcu!6 be en- tered into; ardl ONEREASP a forn of agreement containing the covenants ard agreennnts be- tacen the City and W6 johP C. 1rantham and Shirley A. lrnnthar, his wife, covnrin,,-_�, said purchase nnj 11censo and eanemort, has bccn prepared and subnTOW to this Crn-CIT. ard said Co"ncll is familiar Mth the cortonts thereof; � ! 77 CT THY "'T that =9 7MATOCRET 7E TT 3. r the form of aZrccmcrt raforrod to in tho prcambic hereof, and the terms, covenonts, aSreerents and orovisirns tborocf bc, and the same are hereby, approveO; RES1VED9 .q.I.that said Fry yr'wen nrt be entered into and that the hayor of the City of Alamnda bol, and he 1 a hereby, aut4nrlzed and diractud to execute said agreeTe-t an behalf of the City of Alame0a, and Vic City Clerk is authoaqzed hb at- test the saro. 13 the PWers!S?ed , toreby certlfj that the 7ornZning Asolvolori was W, and re,gularij introducod and adopted by t'ie 3arnell of the Wtj o7 Alamadn, in reEplar recting assenbled on t4n 7th day of june, 104P, by tte FollowME vote, tC wit: AYES: Coy�&?ran Anierson, jr-ns, Worn, Monel end Fronlarnt 47,0�ynheldy (q. 7CM: Ann. in 77VOS ''1717'S�'_"'�""��% 1 ho -O �arnlMo set rw Annd aM afoln-d t�n cffl- cial sea! of said My this "th day of june, 104P. rx (SEA! My 179M tkn City r? AlamsWa i �Prnby certify PRI WOR forpSoIng IS n fy1j, jrWe U:�& correch copy "Resolutinr 7c, 4032, AMMUTNA = TROUTIC- 7� RK WEEK77 V-"7 K77 C. WAYTUV, AND SPMM 1. OhAYVQQY[2 MYS, Ma FOWHAM Cy MAIRR- AIU:27 WE STREUT 470 K7MMY PVTPOT7, 47D 3RANUM STON A TT 37TSE 70 KF77� TZMSE n7 SP W=MV ��7 " int rnduced nrd ZAL7C 57270 o0ophrl by the ConnoR on tho 744 day of ions, 1049. My CYerk of theMy of Alamedn