Resolution 04035HM RESKUT10 W. 4035 GRE "Khd a SPACI10 MAD 1'6 thK LIGMIG FUhD--HiGh STRIET and MW cupy WASMGTOT MM AI', TL OUTLAYS FULD TEERETO 25,000-00TO 1 I` ,HEIL' AS, tile street liStIng system on High Street, frGM Fornsids Kula- vard to das.in6ton Street, requires a substantial capital ouoiay foi,jor a ,r0 vc- nent tKareof; and it is necessary and proper that funus ne drawn from the Oapital Outias 2una for Lhe purpose of saia improvement; 1 au4 ThnnIFUMAJ j! !T KnSDEMD 137 TM GOTMIL 02 THE CITY 62 ALAMB.4� that a special fund so be known as "Street Lighting Fund --High Street from Fornside 3oulavard us WashinZton Street", is Acrebl crouted. .Jia IT RESOLVED that the su.0 of 25,00.00 be, und the sume is hereby, translerrcd fron the Capital Outlays 2und of We Uity of Alameda to said Wrout lighting Fund --High itract fru_Pernside 3ouievard to Wau.inStun Stroat. 1, telt: undursiAnedi Lareby certify that 1he fcregoinE ResoluWon Was dull and regul"rly introauced unj adupbed by t2e Council of one 0it; of Alameda in rejuidn mcetin� assenblad on the 21st day of June, 1941, by the following =6, to "it: M0 .�naorson, Osborn, Suceney and President Wa.schsidj (4) - tune. 111- eL:�nEw& I Lave hereunto set Lq hanu and afMW the offi- Kul jual W said jity this 22nd day Df june, 1.j4j. (.1nL) J. F. ch"Rh 7— 'IC,7'57,7 * * 4 * * 0 * * b 0 * Inereby certif! thK L, r: forosuiLz is a full, true and correct cupy of WsOiuzion to. 4035, MATIM A MECIAL F02) N K KAM20 "'3" .EE;T - M STU-nT 105L MMME AOULEVA:O TC Ahj ��,)25,JOO-UO �,`,a011 Tin W�YITA. MMYS MIL TILZI11101" introaucud and udupteu by the Council on the 21st aay of june, 1949.