Resolution 04057RM 4057 11&,UIVKAK Vill. G TiL,: :,3''j_ cWhi=L W IM Slot GLhIHEW A 1=6ZA!, it VIA 21WHASh. nOTICE GV TIAT J., LV12. V. -L 1,­_'__.3LjiLD 13',,1..1 AhInEAS; zKro hus buen intruuuCau ih the Unitud itatus lonste uf the dist Junjoess a .,.,iii numbered S. 1390, ontitiud "A 3M to "athorize tue Ounvevance tu Wo Mot- at Wn.i2WILY of husemonts for Me jonstruction) Woration and 5� «ain-_ tunance of v To�i highway jr0osina uLd Approuchas Thereto Uver Lnd Zeroes hunas Of Lu G"Awd Status il 4+A6 Viciniof jun Trancisco My una 2jr GtheT Furnusus", "I n dd t4e Murnalive t� Us coustin" uctiaL ot the parallul crusjin; ; cuntc;.apiut�;d uy said All S-1390 is Lne c-nstructioL of U croising 100.11Y to- farrud to us tLu juutharn Gronsih,, nith it, uusnoiV turainuo ut nu sjuuh oLu Of Mtn 3tract in LLu M3 of sismudd and •its "esoeily turninus at zr�y Street, in juL 2ruLciac., &Ad it in tLu O-LcuL6ao W Lae juuncil of Me Oity of "Iumeda thut the oost iLterests of the Miru Can 22ancisso nuy Aug6n niii be bust served thu i—euiato caRstructiun Of Lou Puruilel Grossih, for thu falloinj re&suns: 1. it Los !on; bu= rocognizon that a second bay crussin', is Vitall; Leusj. ary ta of w'ic,; jruuiy iLorwased and ever iL02ULS71 S Venicular truffic in one or tLe fustust grunina sucti.nj of Lae antire counQ�. Z. Tau jalifurnia Muuo Aepartment of Pualic jorks, Uruuln its jivision of SaA FraLcIsco joy Toll Crossin, unaartuok unu nas ccmpieted an extaustive study ane, repirt on Lne locations of Proposud second bay crussiLAS in vaich stuu; un. .'or is both tne puralial crossina an(,t tnu suuthorn cruasingi were curefailo at impurtially, considirady one of tho oojuctiveo of suid studV bein.., the detUrLAUSHUn Of PriUritj Of OUSStrUCtjo, US ootoeejy thu two crossin,s, it beinA cantenulutud Met juth struc- tures will ultiwntel� is built. 3. T"e aaulisds muue by uaia rewrt skjas t.". "it the cost uf nstfucti coon it We U-ULAM orouSQ7 us pl=nad ih the ruoirt aculd exceed by woso 5. r. million dullurs tQ constractiuL cusu it the YU2&liel upoisiii s, Und Ke Puzillul crussina cauiu be CoLstractad ih two und one- nulf yours Ass time than ouild be requirad to build tLe southorD crossinS. 4. T�e southdwL crossing, as 1lann6d, wuala not serve t�e Purmse for WACO it Oulu we urected, una its cuhstrac- tion WuUla cuase irreparahle aamigo tu AS city of niumum, as fuliuwo: (a) Tau Tift� Wrout alignment o" Lniu arownin,,.; WuUlu rejuiru QH ranovai UZU destructiun Of 327 residential units "La 4751a public sonoul. T.0 plan.ne_ depruised KruawaW cutting acruss toa city would ;'ft. dep2uciutu Me value, of Pnoparzies udjace nt Lhereto oeciusa of tke MiNCi. uccaus ufMrduu zu ine suctiuns of the oit� Un either aine of tie adpression. (c) The aii,n"ent of tAe juutLern Crossing does not conform to the Iujor Stracto and Vreeways Plan afficia.11 naupt6a b; Lae Cities of, alanedu and Uukland. (a) Without auuquatu u0stsiore approaches, We ijuthern crosAns Noula be s, stuaKazin'', liabilitj rLtis aUl than an aiset to Me Uity uj.' siaQuda. 'one 0-uthshore Kuoway in . ivaodu was uusijn0L ural plannod as an inural purt of the suuzleru crossing, und "ithout it A wuuid be impossible to handle thu jria�u genrated traffic i eE an orderly und expcdi- tious fusniun. nlwnKu Woulu 50OU00 U Uottle- nochl unU Wuulu bo forced tu fu�nei tae briaKi�,, traffic throuAn iLj uiruady cunZustad irk tree, rothar than offurina ib U Widel HO l.+ freeway ovur sLich t- nufu. Ms fruewa� is Lot in than, SLUKern crussin� us plannud in the report. I= 5. 2ae Mancial 3tuuius Cunducted by the stute of' California) jepartment of Public Vorks innicate that witaration of their plea of the Suuthcrin, Crossind t; ::i eliminate the Drosunt uUjactianabj,-�,; Hatures wuula be ecunumichill impratoial and, 1 i. 2 tho financial wtandpuint, impussiule time. 6. T2e diq of lianeda pruoe2tan but . single uVrOach to tho UxIstinE San 2rnnc1sco AuV Wid,el this UuM throu, the rosey Tube CuALecting the Cities uY Alameda ud uakiand. Yur many juars the Cit; has suffcoad uhd is Hill suMvj. eat ecunomic loss and intolorawle inconvenience by .1. i. of the cunaestiun u traMc ooijinS thruugh ina Posey Tuba. it is unduubtuuly tLe nosu Leuvily travelled piece of Lighway in the nutiun, its Lwo zrafZic lanes heina called upo-n. to handle an averuSe of 30,000 vehicles per aay. Appruuca Plans; Uf wo ;ropused purailol bridbe include an uuaitional tu-je butween Alameda and Oakland, W.ion Will 10 fn_ toward tno ulloviution of a situution which can no lan,2 oe Merited. -,GUh W 1T REMMA uhut tne dub-COLMit0ee Of Lhe Arned Purcus UU-Oittwe Of &C 61SL Ounlrsss be unu it iu hereby respectfully requested a,a Mau LU jVu its mtoo z Corelal ounsideraLiun to said Mi S. 030, and that it rea-z"unu to Lae nned 2orcos Gummitt6u Mau saidAill be favorable reportad uUt of Coamittue una. enacted iRtu Ms. -TZ I, tnu Unuoriija0a, Luyujy Curlif; Unt We foruswinq Resolution was auly na rcjuiarly introauced :,Ld ad uy Lhu Counc.1 uf the Ut; of nlumcua in rujular wouLlu assewulud un tLu An daj cr july, 1,49, Q i, _u vote) to wit: �Yns: souncilmen ondarson, Tones, Osborn, nsucney and i. 2esid=t 'u, MnWIM None. 21, M1,2013 p1lCVe Lareuntu set my nand and affixed iuu offi- cia, jej! ur iuid MS tais b L A duy it MY, 049. WAA j. P. ULM-, UU ia JE Goo my or 001,16Uu * T n - I harwy ourtif; SLUt the fhrusuinA is a raill LVUC Unu oWrOCL CUPY of "Ausulutioh ho. 407. T.L, KUQU Lill! n011ho nn--� VAjW WW�=T0, a.. �i&20 VOhjl� 2AUSLUM AQTIL,,, LntroduuuU "no auoptnd sy the Cuuncil the 50n an of jut, 00.