Resolution 04472=111W& 01 �4 RESOLUTTOT NO. 4472 FIXIMG SATA_`)_Y 't"C',"11"), OF MAL SECRETARY-Ul,": C? E!iia i n1 E-,,' CITY APTORNEY'S OFFICE. RESOLVED BY THE COUNCII, 01P 'l'TIT', CMY OF AIAKDA that the salary for the, ponition of Lagal SecretayT-Iaw Clerk in the City Attorney's offico be, and the same is hereby, fixed as Pollows- 7or t h n Mrst year - - - 0290.00 n month; For the sonond year - - - 300.00 par rnntb; F%r the third year 310.00 per month. DE _"�[T ,;'TU7T1:ER RESOLVED that the provisions of this resolution shall super- sode those portions of Resolution Ko. 4104 and of any other resolution in conflict herewith, and all such confilcl,,InS provisions are, to the extent of such conflict only, hereby rescinded and annulled. RTSOLVED, FURTHM, that this reso3ution shall be in full force and effect on October 15, 1251. i, the undersiCned, hereby certify that the foregoin7 Resolution was du17 and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in a special meeting on the Tth day of October, loll, by the following votes to -wit: AYES: Counchinen Anderson, Jones, Sweeney and Pros ident Osborn, (4). NOES: 7one. ABSENT: Coimcilnmn Branscbeid, (1). [!TT_ -,,SS 1.'J`1MRT0T1 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offi- M3 seal of said City tKis !Oth. day of Mober, 1951. (SEA C I e, - rl r 0 -11-t-T 771, i hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution Ho. 44721 SALARY FOR POSITION OF LIEGP�L SECTICLE'TARMAW CLERK W THE CITY Anor; RTEY'S OFFICE," introduced and adopted by thn Council on the Oth day of October, 1951.