Resolution 04534HASCLUTIM M WMi 0--' x d.i 3 DEAD PHOP j. H. BAKTIA A PUPERTY1 ?02 SEIZE NAPOSAS9 n1l) VACANT= WERWAS, R 2.t. ,° Deed Wed the 12th do of -nri!5 12511 nd Y rate by ar hebwnen 0. ffi K. Baxter & Ga., a Callfoisla corporation, which norploratic-o is sona. Urys known ac j. E. 5axtor and ,,k corporation, arantor, was, C) r or about Wa date, nyooutnd ane &n1!vnrq0 hy nalc ArStor to the MY oP Alameda; an(-,[ WE MS, by said deed, thn 7vantor thcroin nnmed7rar ted to the City, of"" Alamads a n2r-annnt PaEnmnnt and Nqht K way Per nkarm and san"tary Lewsrs in, I-` - uL--nlar z�d aioi7 that certain niece, nnrcel or Ptrip of land situated 11, thn City of -lameda, 5cunty of Alameda, State of Callfor-ia, and moon psvticularl-,,�,' describe! in suld deed; and 11==, Me slug Of hyanoja did, cn the Wh di,--iy o--,," acnent said conveyance and acqplrni nossassinn rf sn-10 navannnt in the snid inal- proparty. �V] 17 hQMZ2 �Y !HT SCUNCIL Q M 5ITY OY AIAMDA, that the EPOrementicnad Wad hn,snn sqoby, annepted bair of the ahh City of Alaneda, and said City Council, actinn for and in behalf of said City, hereby consents to Me ronordntinr of nald doRd 2nd ordnrs Vis rosolatior to be attached Khointo, : rojul7e6 by Section 2728! of W;Lc Gode of the State, of California. 19 nho undmrsigned, hoisby co_ tifythAt the foregoirg .3solu,ion was dul, y and requinrly introduced &nd adclntaC by t -',o rN the City of KiamMa in ,'qa.. acotinq assembled on the 3th day of Ynbruary, 1952, bT Me folloving voic, to nit WAS: Councilmen Anderson,Branschold, jonas, Suceney and Frosidont Whorn, (5). ?OAS: 7one. ASOMT: Tore. 1TSSA n EC25 1 havo hereurto set my "-Lard ,-tss::.,,' afTixed- the official seal of said My this Gth day of YobruaiT, 1252. (SML) SHIALKY A. VENNIW"4 City Ginrk of fte City K Alymn0a 1 he rely co rt t, the f ore qo W7 i.... a Vu 11, true ana c orrc ct c opy of "nesojution 11J,'y Uo. 4534, "M?=a NOW 3u ? i':W j. H. 1"AM A CO., i'lll, THOTAIN WIL ?RUM"Yo POO 300 PORICSTS, LED cumvinG To nn Racunnim vanyoA introducod and adopted by tne on the 5th day of Yebruary, 1952.