Resolution 04535IM i SEStom' MION NO. d535 WINSMUM 0011071.98 11,' 'AlIVIVASY cylan �,or-ey,,,-, hain benn Gnposited in him in Mu 5M jund, purwaant to the provam_uns of _en olution Ko. 2887, adopted by this Council on July sp 2943; and WHEMAS, the sum of M11071.08 has bpen expended fro7 the General ?und of tho'01ty for the purposes authorizod in the Act referred to in said resolution, namel7, for M" nnPuruomant and tne requistion and corbrol and fire Protection of highoal traflic in Wna, �ity of 1:02 'Y7.y71:WI 91 17 -117117 "77 MIAMI CTI 121c; 311775 LIP AMM"DA Vot the sum of a9lT071.0S be, 's"m-'Ie is heye"'�Y' ill Lieu Tax Pund to the General 7und of Me City of Aiarnda, We Auditor and nha Treasurer are heinby authorized end directed to make said transCer on. their recoective books. AY is: Counclinen Andoisar, Branschnid, jonns, Money and PrPsIdent Osborn, (5). MIS: None. UWV72: None. 17 ZTYMS 113-=79 1 have heyounto set ry hand and alfixed tho Micial coal U said City We dth day of lebruary, 1052. (SEAL) Cf ty Clerk of the My of Alameda 1 heroby vertify that the foPeno!nj is a full, Lime and correct copy of' "issol-tiun To. W35, TMISPEAKEG Q815071.00 VEW MA Th M! TA. TIED TC M ' SMIUL &OUD", AnLnuducod and n, as by LAn jouncli an the Nth day Of hebnLnry, W52. City MY: of t M Alty of Alamoda, 245 19 the undersi7ned, heoshy con, t!Py that the forn7olng lesclution was duly nnd repularly introduced and Wonted by the Council or the City of Rlameda in ropular meeting assembled on the Wh day of Webrua,-, 1952, by the following vote, to sit: AY is: Counclinen Andoisar, Branschnid, jonns, Money and PrPsIdent Osborn, (5). MIS: None. UWV72: None. 17 ZTYMS 113-=79 1 have heyounto set ry hand and alfixed tho Micial coal U said City We dth day of lebruary, 1052. (SEAL) Cf ty Clerk of the My of Alameda 1 heroby vertify that the foPeno!nj is a full, Lime and correct copy of' "issol-tiun To. W35, TMISPEAKEG Q815071.00 VEW MA Th M! TA. TIED TC M ' SMIUL &OUD", AnLnuducod and n, as by LAn jouncli an the Nth day Of hebnLnry, W52. City MY: of t M Alty of Alamoda, 245