Resolution 04547RESOEITTON 10. 4547 URM(TIAMUNG TT THE STATE BOAM OF E)1IAT,-TZATT0I--, -171'r -l', copy of this resolutior be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Govcrnor of 7'l i 0 M117 advised 0, CC THE C-0', nI, -�NC`3 --�MAL SAIGS TAX EXATITE TO STAT'-!] A,JM TYIDTIMS9 in the adiministration of local Sales and Use ?Ax Ordinances in numerous ccr��,.r-'Iu.nitles throu7hout the State, great oxpense is incurred -'n checking and auditjn7 the sa2es and use tax raturns ^ lrrlocal retailers to the, local cormunity; and THEREAS, said local retailers are required to and do rake pe -1 -odic sales and use tax retunns tc the State of California, which returns are not presently available to local adrinistrators for examination and complariscr with returns made to the local comrunity; and - Rf I�MI-E�Z�Is� Vne making available of state returns for examination and com- parlson by local administrators will elind-nate the needless labor and expense of local auditing and investiqation; NOW THE REP OR`,` -]I 1-11-311-111 ill"11 11IL--l�'I'SIOLVEI"', -"I'-,,,IY- T]HE, COUNCIT, OF CTri, e -`Ii AlA711,11j,111 that the State 5oard of Equalization. be, and it is hereby, respectfully requested and urged to reconmend to tho Cavornor of the State of Califorka that he, Q. pursuance of the provIsMns of Section 7056 of the 2evenue and Taxation Code, nake an order authorizing oxaminatior of state returns by the adrdristrators of the sales and use tax ordinances of the local communitics of the stnte. BE TT 71MZF"-�, that a certified copy of this resolutior be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Govcrnor of the Stato of California in ozder that h,e maT be M117 advised in the prenises. T9 the 1.7ndersl7red, hereby certify that the forc7oln,g Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adorted by the Council of the City of Alameda in re7ular mqetirg o -n t1ae Ott day of' 'nbrualyr, 1950, by the fol2ow"n7, V005 to wit: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, `an nscheld, Jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). MRS: Konn. ABRENT: Norc. 11 WTnESS have he reu?,,-tc set -!-,iT ',,-.,end and affixed the offlcial sea! of said City this 20th da,.,7- 1952. (SEA Q 90 My H. 77=01'i City Clerk of the City of Alameda i hereby cert!fy that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution Re. 4547, YMOM All", '211-[!',S517F 5CARD OF' EQUADI.ATTOD TY THE IMTER OF RECONYTYPTNG TC THE IMPNOR THAT MAL CAMS TAX OF7TCIAIZ BE PERVITTED TO EXAMNE SM"t 4i i- AND USE 101- 7,1 introduced and adopted by the Council or the l9th day of February, 1R52. fl City Clerk tie City of Alameda M IN