Resolution 04593MIJULUMid UN NO. 4593 �;24 THE PhRKTN,,-,, 02731 101,77� slrm of 24 000.00 has been exponded frcr the Senera], Fund of the City of Alanada for the purposer of traffic control and repulation, and the purchaso, installanTor, supervision, orctoction, Arsnection, raintenanco, arl operaticn of parking noters; 'IT - -- 1�1� '- �" I , 11 -Ir�'�' "!�-`,���'% BT 1" MOTWD W THE WITUI 07 W CTTY OP ATAT70' that the stir of OP41000.00 he, and the same is hereby, -ata ans'prrod from the Perking MeWr Fund to the Seneral Fund. !%a Auditor and 5h 7reaswer are he-obT nutKorl7ed and d1wetnd to nakn sa 1 A t-nnsf nr cr thni r rosnent" 7e books City Clerk of the City of Alanoda T hernhy cerMy i3 the undew!Sred, heroby certify that ["Z'" "Resolution rostQmt!nr wac 71fj: '"Fl] "A7jyTWG 7�?P 777D TO -7cj-P 071VAM VOW% introdrced 9 and ado,Qod by the joyncil or thn 20th dny of 7ay, MR. duly nnd reErlorly Introdycod nnd adrated by thn Council of the City of Kaneda In mactirg asserhied on the 2bt! day a Vay, 1952, by the follow;nq vote, re7ular City of the -'!-iy'cf AlaTeda to wit! AYES: Councilmen Anderson Tweenny end PresMent Opborn, (3). UP49: Tore. A59C"O! Councilren Rranschold and jones, (P). it JITITFS 01TWOW9 T have hereunto set ny hand and W"fixod the ofFIVU sea] of sn!d City this 2"i-st, of' T!-'cay, 1�',�-52. cry HTALEY City Clerk of the City of Alanoda T hernhy cerMy that the fore7olrg is a full, true and correct copy ml' "Resolution No. 45931 MATAWAT"! �24 000,00 71fj: '"Fl] "A7jyTWG 7�?P 777D TO -7cj-P 071VAM VOW% introdrced 9 and ado,Qod by the joyncil or thn 20th dny of 7ay, MR. City of the -'!-iy'cf AlaTeda