Resolution 04594RISOUTTON 70. 4594 PRO- -UV AWOH010', 971F'101777 W77901 70 7974 7174RAL certain oonoys haup been dolluorce tn nnd received by the city or Alamsda fror thn State of Cal !Wmlp nrd dprositq4 in thn Alcoholic Anveragn Control Fund pursuant to the provisions of the Alcoholin Bevsra7e Control Act (Statutes of 1935, PW 1123, as nmsnded), hr .a the r-ovisiors of Pern!"Kinn Ne. 321% adopteta by this Co"rnll n December 7. 1250; nr(l 11017VAR, theis has heer axnended frn7 the Peneral Fund of the City, solely for the parposes specified ir said Act and in satd Pesolutinn, the sum of 2221017.50 in cornection with tho opointior and maintenance of the Police DePartmert DIV 0KW5WVU, TIE 77 RnSCIVED 7V- OF 72 G117 OP 1r10 `A that VU) sula, of Q221017.50 be, and the same is hereby, transferred from the Alcoholic 7ovaravin Cortrol Fund to the Qeneinl Fund. The Auditor and thn Troasyror aln horoby authorized and directoci to maka said trarsfor on thnir raspectivo books. 13 thn undersigned, heywhy certify that Fo foran 7cir; 4esolution was duly and requiarly introduced snd sdorted by the Council of the City of Alameda in tie 'p meeb!nj assombled or tho An dny of May, 1950, by the foilowln7 vote, to wit: AYES: Counclinnn Anderson, Sweeney and President Osborn, (3). NCES: 7one. ABS197: Councilmen Pranscheld and jones, (2). VT 00410S T1370071 1 have heraimto set my hand and aPfixctet the o7floini seal of said City this 01st day of Qy, 1952. (VAL) SHIRLEY H. MENNTQDïż½ City Clerk of the City of Alameda L City Cinry of tho City of Alameda M M' 1 ho,mby certify that the fore-oinF, Ls a full, trum and corroct copy of "ResolUM07 FS74 7 9 T No ?POP 7TR ALCOHOLIC WUHAq7 CONTROL No. "229Oj7.50 TTMD TC TFA GAHNIAL-AmS, introduced and adolpted by the. Council on the 20th day of Fay, 1952. L City Cinry of tho City of Alameda M M'