Resolution 04595M IM R1,�SODUTTON NO. 459,5 `,_'�AST BAY FMCIPAL UTIFITY ITSTHM-P TF TTM TWAM74P no T?Apr ,q &yyj foryyj) PUP07TCO 71 77n PTMV WIMMAS9 the rqtcs crrrortly charFed by the 7ast Pa7 runicipal [Wity MlstrTct for water service W the W7 of Alameda renrosent a sharp and sub- stantial increase ovor the rates which have nrevallea for the past two 7ea1s; and, WHEREASI it is the fooling of the Council of the City ,of Alameda that by reason of the dissatisfaction of r,,@_n7,7 of t'residents of said City with said rates, the East Day Mnicipal Ttil District should offnr an exnianahlrr and justification of sare; "_'1E 1 -FT 717, !CUE COUNCI,1 C" C,177,,` that ths Mast !�`,,ay, Utility District be, and Q is hereby, imcnectfully requested to: 1. Wer an exularation of the zmasons for the sharply increased rates, for water ser -ice, as well as for the doubllr7 of tin rater cher7e. 2. Outline the manner in which. capital outlays in connection with plant expansion and inprovernnt are preoertly financed, and if financed out o7 crrrent ravorues, offer some justification for this method of flrancK7 as posed to financlr7 by bond i opssues. 3. Expia!n why most water consumers in the City of Alamo& are chayed a fee for sewage disposal servico when only approvinatn7y fifty nor cent (50"), 0" such ccrsumers are ontually connected with the scwa-e disposal system nnd, furthery ohy other nonsumr,s, such as the tenocrary wnr honsing units, Todd Ship- yards, Bethlehem Chipyards, and others wlich, also are not connected with the sawa, Wsposal system, are not char7ed for aswave dls7osal s9rvice. B7 TT PURTHT? R7SOWD that a cartMed c( 4y of this resolutirr be ssrt tc, Pach of the of"Icers and elrectors of the 7ast Pay Punicipal DWITtY District. Ty the undersigned, hereby certify tAat the foregoing ResoluMon wa,,,, MIT and ro7plarly irtrodnc-d and adopted by the Copncll of the City of Manada ir „v, ,lto montInF assonbled on the 20th day of ,ay, 1952, by the followM7 vote, to it A"TS : CourcAlnen Andenson, Sweeney and President Osborn, (3). F07F: 7one. A75TOT: Councilmen Branscheid and Jones, (2). TAATT1177111"I'S'�", 1 hove he-eurto seta my hard and affixed the official seal 07 said My this pts' day of My, 195P. (SEAL) ==Y F. T7700"" City Clnrk or the City or llnmeda i herchy certify thaL tho forogoing is a full, WTe Frd correct copy of "Resolution No. 45959 TAMT&LIMNG THE EAST BAY MIMCIPAL 7TITiTY DISORMT 711 PAT?! S7NVICA TY TFF CKY M? AWIM, M RUTATEP 0AMERS", C7 ?AVIS 70P ln�roduaed ard aaupteO by the Coqnoll on "he 20th any or My, 2950.