Resolution 04606AWHORIZ10-, :'Ayl= CF TIC SUM CP Q200.00 TC VOIZI2, 1ANIT WTORS, ACCQUET EIMUR Th SIECIFICAT30NS DK=TBINC� AU!'07CRILE BE TIERED it BY CT7,TY C"1171" TC ATTOMCBILESs -,,-'�101R !,n connection with tpurchase by thR City of seven (7) new autor-obiles for the Police Department, the Specifications therefor numbered ZS 2-52-2 erroneously described a certain automobile (Car #14), to be turned in as part of the purchase price of said new autonoblies, as a 1051 Ford, wherean said nuton6biie was in fact a 1250 Ford; and :J` H""111 ,?'I;111, Yorris Tandy Notors in submitting the successVul bid an said Specifinations offornd an allowance for said used automobile based on the assumption thRt it was properly described in the Spceifications as a 1951 Ford and accopted same as part of the purchamn prico of tho autnnobilas furnished the City under said bSd at tho 3951 Ford valuatior; and WDRATASP it is clained and has boon ascertained that the difference In value betwoon the 1050 Fcrdand the 1051 Ford is the sum of 0200.00; NIT: VD01117WIP F41 W ATSCIXED 13Y T!',1:,1 CCT1"`N11Ci1'1 11 T11"'HE", C1,111y 01M that sa!d Morris Landy Wtors is entitled tc receive in payment for the seven ( 7 ) new automobiles furnished the City under Specifications numbared MS 2-52-P the sum of a=.00 over and above the contract price agreed upon. BE !T WRT313 27TVINEn that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and d1rectod to diew the City's warrant upon tho City Treasurer for said anourt. T1 tho Inn-aby certify that tho foingoing Resolution duly and regularly introduced and adopted by tho Councli of the City of Alameda in regular resting asswr.,�hle(11 on the 17th day of june, 1252, by the alb ollow l,,r, Votev to wit: A" C.ouncilmen Andeison, Branscheld, Jones and Sweenay, (4). XQAS: None. ABSENT: Pre,21dent Osborn, (1). T'11 i have hereunto set my hand and affixed the afficia"I soal of said City this 18th day of june, 1052. SHIP= H. MAL) City Clerk of the City of Alaneda i hereby certify that the foregoing is a fLu"I"'. true and correct copy of "Resolution Ni, 4500, AUTYGRIZING PAYIENT UP TIM SUN! CAP 11100,00 TC KCARIT RANDY YOTORSY zCCCLET EWE? !:I SPECIFICA71ONS DESCW91EG AUTGOODIIE TG BE THKED TV VW cIT7 ON FUHCFASE OF EEO AUTOITBILES FOR POLICE DWARTBENT" introduced and adopted by tho Council on the 17th day of junc, 1952. r of tho City of Alarteda E 329