Resolution 04611lil- ,'LTL 17TO',"I NO PRAIEVIIIIHIOG 0019375,35 FRCi.' 31,91C)i RESCUED D'Y" �I':11] "I,-" 01'1-�' i'-11-1' 11-.'Iyy C? tha-lu th,,e of e2l9375.35 be, and the same is hereby, tranrfer-ed from the 1951 Sewer Bon(3 Yund to the General 7und. Me Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized and directnd to make said transfer on their respective books nnd records. A the undorsigned, hereby certHy that the fo7rEalng Resolution was, duly and rnqulnrly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular nceting un t�hs 17th. day of june, 1952, by ths folIcHng vote, to Vit. ACounclimen Andorson, Branschnid, jcne7, and Suponey, (4). NCES: None. ABTEYT: ire: idant Osborn, (1). VZOVEC09 1 have hawunto set my hand nnd nffTxnd tho official sea] of said City this 13th day of June, 2952. (SEAL) 3HIRLEY H. TENNIN',' City Clork of tho City of Alemada i heroby certify that the fo-egaing is a full, true and corrnct copy of "Resolution Nc. 451L 111MG 1219375.35 FROM THE 1951 SEWER BOND FUENIT d 0 71EA 1210101, FUND". introduced and adopted by the Council an the 17th day of June, 1952. 3 i4 City 0ork of the City of Alaneda M