Resolution 04619AESCLUTW W. 4109 APPOITTIN3 '21` i2WCLQ3 W = CUTEWL (10 CID] CITY OP AIAMEDA that pursiant to the provisions of Article X of the Charter of tho City of Alamada, and sponnoWnation of the Mayor, LOUIS A. OCKDON, W. is hereby appointed to the office of member of the Wbinry Board of the Ci,y of Alaneda, for a te'rni connoncing on july 2, 1050, and expirliq on June 30, 1957, and until his saccersor is appointed and is qualif ied. TV the imdersigned, horebW certify that the foreroina Resolution uns arly nnd rcquinr3y introducnd and adoptne by thn Counoll of the At; of Alameda in reEnlar mont!ng -"-,he 27th day of Knv, 1052, by the 00owinE vote, to Olt: AY4E: Cnunclimen Anderson, 7rnrschpid9 jones nrd Wn7cy, (4). ARZ777: Prooldort Ocborn, (1). TN �10= �706071 1 havo herernto snh 7y hnnd nod affSxed tho of-Icial wo] t w0d City this Hth Onyof irna, 1952. pnq 24:21TY T. 7=011111" City Clerk of Go City of Alameda i her2by wrtify that the fore7olrg is a full, trun &nd correct cory of "Rosoluticr To. 45109 APPOINTE! Y,.._.,. B_, Cr 0M =W5 DCAW, irtroducod and n2aptcd bj t4e Council on the 170 day of jrnn, 1052. city Cl -r! or the City of Alameda