Resolution 04646W MAI NESOLUTION NO. 4646 ATAITC511:70 = 1771,11 11"O_C1,17 !ZVI 7 TICK C,` -P SYST21 TA.22IT LINEZI ARMAY c'-',, mun CITY 0-7, SIM ACT177.,K NECERRAFY 12 CIP77 AMi-, DECISION NU. 47432 CF 712 M11C UTILITIES MYT.iiGIN' CT M WATE CF CALIMIATTIA 11Y TA AMIQUED 737' 9-1111111 MMAME CCIAT C? 71M SIAM CF CALINCHNIA cation TE P� 3 1d . with the Public on FabruaiT 0, Utilities 3952, Key System of the Transit State of Lines filed an appli- California for an. increana in fares, said apnAcation rapros�ntlng bel, No. 33113; and and the County of 1`11-.E"')", I -i july 0, 1252, said -Public 0711ties Mrvisslan in Tts 1i El, _�11,11'L� oi Decision No. 47432 granted the fare increases requested with the exception of a roquested inarcase in. school fares; and I WWREAS, the Executive Comnittee of the joint of' the, Systen 7ransit Tines, Railway Equipment and Realty Company, W., nnd related comranies, rapros�ntlng the Cities of the East On, and the County of Alareda, opposed such increaoes in farns; and for rehearing ulth the PAQUI Oties, or 11,n s�n1l,d and I said Conmittee believes that the fare increases authorized by said Public Utilitics Connission are unwarranted, unjust unreasonnbla and unlawry, has filed for rehearing ulth the PAQUI Oties, or 11,n s�n1l,d and a petition proceeding; and, potition for reheazOrg is denind, it is the dostra of this Council that the said Deccr No. 47432 be reviewed bT the Suprcme Court of the State of California; N059 TMEWRE, BE 1T 12SCIRED By THE CCUNCIL C7 757 CTTY OF AIAMIA that the Mecuitive C0',1,',,-,,ittee of the joint inve4 ti7at1on of Ecy System Tionsit idnes, Railway Equipment and Realty Company, W., an ReAted Companies, be authorized for and on behalf of the City of Mameda totake such action as shall be necessary in order that said Decision No, 47432 of Wd Public Utilities, Cormissior may be reviewed by the Supreme Court of the State of Cal3fornin. it the undersign,ed, hereby certify that the foregoing Msolution was My nnd regularly introducad and adopted by the Council of the My of Alameda in rcCular neoWng a2-emblcd on the Ah day Of August, 1952, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheld, janost Sueeney and President Osborn, (5). NOES: long. ABERNT: Nune. ,T7, official _1 i have hezounto snt rW lond and affIxed ths sea! A said My this ..:tr, day of Au7ust, 1052. (SEA MUNLRY H. TENNIFJ� My Clerh of the CAT of Alameda 1 heysby a(-,' ,tlfy t,'­L:!t the forsgo?ng is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No, 46469 AUTITAIS.eh CIE EMCUTIVE COMMITTEE 02 J CliT1111 1111 i'11111'V'T`�, 1.1-1 i - 1. tr 01' SYKTEM TRANSIT 10XIMM A"N'D 1,',:I%J,Ty ON Bylolp op 211a CITy OF MOM., To AID TIES I 'S ORAM WAT MCMIC7 &U. 47432 Op COMMISSION 01P T"J"] S'11_1'1J_'1'11'_'1,1 CHAY 52 57 ME THE intrAuced and adopted by the Council on the 5th day of Aucust, 1952. My CMA of the City of Alameda