Resolution 04648RESDII710K NO. 4640 AWCV!rG FIUAL MAP 07 A,"-',Yt NO. 10859 SUEa, ITTED BY CENTRAL La,11',11) QIU10;AS9 th�(—,n,c, has +c.. 'noretofore boon fliod with and apnroved by this Council a Tentative Map of that certain proposed subc.111-sision known as Tract No. 1085; and AHETEAS9 the Subdividnr of said Tract No. 1095, Centrnl Avenue Lana' Devo.lop.rscnt So.3 a copartnnYs'ip, has entered into a ccmtract ulth the City of Alameda, agrocing to construct certain improvements upon said Tract, and Wz Posted with the City Clerk of the City of Alameda its certified check in thf-, amount of Q201000.00 to pun rantee the performance of said contract; and. 10EKWASP said Subdivider has filad Do Pinal Qp of said Tract No. 1085 with this Council for approval; I:- B7 K RRSWIT71 RY 0EI W27TI, CP THE CIVY OF AIAVEQ"� that thB Final Eap of Tract No. 1095 be, and the sane is hereby approved. is the 'he-sby ncrtify that the foregoing Resolution wa,,,,, duly and regularly introduced and adoptod by the Council rf the City of Alameda, in rcgulor rpotinq ansomblod on the 5th day of Auguct, 1052, by the following votc, to ult. AYW: Councilmen Wderson, Dimnscheid, jonew, sweenoy and Prnridont Coborn, (5). rc=: None. A : . iT 1"NECS 03=040P 1 navo horeunto set my hand and affixod the official, rcal of snid City this 3th day of AuCust, 1952. (SEA W 3EIRIEy 2. TTTNIDI't City Clnrk of thp City of Alanoda i hereby certify that the foregairg is a full, truo and correct copy of "Hosclutinn No. 46481 T, 7,Y CENTRAL AVENUE EAND DEVELCV7ANT introduced and 1d pt..... the Council on the 5th day of August, 1252.