Resolution 04649RESCLU71K NO. 6649 ADOPTINA SPECT."ICATICUS, SPECIAL PROVISI&S khD PIAN'], C"". i OF SADVARY AND STORE WES 17 ORnWi it CONNECT SYSTEV TO W EWn BAY =107AT 011,1`111"11177f 3WTdNA rCH 5102 = 01W=G CIT7 CITAT TO AVV742= `,7HEREA39 the City Engfneer has prepared 2pecifications, Special. Provisions and Plans for the construction of sanitary and ctorm sewers in arder to connect Alamedats sewer system to the East Bay Municipal UV11ty District Sanitary interceptor— Unit !V, which are numbered 9-52-13 and were filed in the-, office of the City Clerk on August 5, 1252; NcYl 700110WA EPA W '�"37!,' 0,-,� THE CITY OF AIAVEDA, Uhat the afoinsaid Specifications, SpecA l Provisirns and Plans, nutbnrnd and Piled and filod as afozossaidy be, and the samn a -e heyeby approvad and adw7tod. H""I"C'T I—) 1101110EK that the perfornance nnd completion of the work speci fled in said Specifications and Provisions bo, and the same is heisby nuthorized. that the Council of the City of Alameda will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 8:05 o'cloch P. V. on Tuesday, August M. 1052, for the furnishing to tha City of Alameda of all inatarials, mothods and procccses tools and oquipment necessary for the work herainabove referred to in accordanco with sold Zpnnifinationn and Provisions. Bids must be pr9sonted V the City Clerk, in thR WAS 7-M-1-2 in Alamadn, California, under sealed ccver and plainly marked or the ourside 'lroposs! for Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers in order te connect Ajamednic sower systom to thn East Nay L%nicipa-1 Utility is Sanitary intorceptor—Wit !V", or similar dasignation. contranto if awandool w!11 be awarded subjort to tho prnvisions of the Chartnr of thQ City of Alameda, tothe rnspons!b1c hidder who submits the lowest and best bid. The right is rnserved to reject any or all bids. Said SpeclCinn0nns and Provisions may be had by any prospective bidder on anplication to the City Engineer, at his office ir the Cily Hall, Alameda, California. The fity Clerk is Wreby directed to ndvertise, in the Alameda Tlmas-Sta'r a notice calling for scaled bids, in accoriance with the provisions of this reso- luticn and of said Sponifications and Provisions. 1j the, u.id ersignod, hereby cert!Cy that the foregolng Easolution was, du3y and raquiard. T introduced and adopted A the Councll o17 the C11,tY o17 in rorWar msot%7 aoserbled on the 5th daydof August, 1952, b: the following vote, P, Anderson, jones, Sweeney nT President Osborn, (5). "'I"T", I " ". 'I " 'S" on"o im k ill 7119PTESS 7=11us(ups 1 have hereunto sit my hard and affixed the offinia-1, sea! of said City this Gth day of August, 1952. (SEA Q SUIRKY H. TWNT711R, Ciam ty Clerk of the 31ty of Alass e&a i hereby certify hhaL the foinEolng is a full, true and cotj8Trrect copy of "nesolution No. W10, kvts9CPTTW SPECIPIChTICTS, SPECIAL pnovisIONS AKE PTAIS POB t. !(,I C7 SWIT," c Cl i ' U'll, r, Sa&RS jT CWH TC �7 V, E T " - "I . I . SYSTEV VC vy D T Z T R! 0 T S A TT TO 1 L i T" WIT TEO 1013 12IDS An) TO ADVEWITE introduccd and adopted by the Council on thn 5th day of AnnusL, 1052. E 3 7 3