Resolution 04662RE"0LTJ1J?T0j_�j �'j _L 'j,'j C) . 1,662 PORTIOINS 02 jE, CTIUh 8 (a) A141) S:ICTION 12 OF RESOLUTI014 140. 4596, i LATDAIG TO SCH"'IDULE x"M OF POSIT1011"S, C11,',E,111IIi.,G'C'ERTAI1,j POSITIONS OF ililLOYI,4EhT Ali!) EST10LISHII'liG THEIR SALARYRAII�GE AND STEP) A11D ADDING SALARY RAEG h'UJ1!_3E_1"ZS" 44a, 47a, 71a, 74 AND 75 12. Schedule of Positions and Code 11 o . of INO. Class Title Positions 13E IT RE-'ULV D BY ' iE C'CUECIL 011? THE, CITY OF AL.A!.I`EDI%, that portions of Section 8(a) and Section 12 of Resolution he. 1,596 be amended, as follows: 8(a) Salary Schedule. 170 Actainistrative Assistant 169 Assistant Purchasing Agent .562 Step Step Step Step Step �a i �iq, e Too 1 2 3 4 5- 4/+a 410 - - - - 1+7a 435 - - - FIIiE 02 050 680 710 - - 71a - - - 1.25 1.35 per hr. 74 PARK 592 h1aintenance Plumber 1.50 1.65 per hr. 75 PULIOE 620 Police Sergeant - 1.91 per hr. 12. Schedule of Positions and Code 11 o . of INO. Class Title Positions M I I IN I I I I I 45 Step 2 63 Step 2 18 Step 5 1+5 0" t e, P 3 40 Step 5 26 '",top 2 20 Step 4 9 Step 2 M I 62 Step 3 47a 44a 28 SteP 3 26 Step 2 26 Step 2 25 4)+a 47a 62 Step 3 2,91 CITY 173 City Clerk CITY IVYTORI-TEY 174 City Attorney 115 Legal Secretary CITY '1111d"AGER 170 Actainistrative Assistant 169 Assistant Purchasing Agent .562 Automotive Mechanic 120 Secretary to City Idanager 109 lnterinediate Typist -Clerk C IT HALL 113 Sr. Stenographer -Clerk CIVIL DEFE14SE 910 Chief -iDarden 920 Public Welfare Coordinator 930 Medical & Health Services Coordinator 940 Auxiliary Police Coordiiiator 950 Auxiliary Fire Coordinator FIIiE 665 Fire Chief 655 Fire Captain 645 Fire Lieutenant GOLF 544 Greenskeeper 562 Automotive Mechanic PARK 592 h1aintenance Plumber 553 Tree Hi��h Climber (new) PULIOE 620 Police Sergeant 625 Police Inspector 636 Police Chief M I I IN I I I I I 45 Step 2 63 Step 2 18 Step 5 1+5 0" t e, P 3 40 Step 5 26 '",top 2 20 Step 4 9 Step 2 M I 62 Step 3 47a 44a 28 SteP 3 26 Step 2 26 Step 2 25 4)+a 47a 62 Step 3 2,91 M M Oode No. of Range, No. Class Title Positions 11a RECREATIOGIT, 722 Recreation Leader (Part -Time) (new) 21 74 732 Supervisor of Athletics (male) (now) 1 22 734 Supervisor of Special Activities (female) (new) 1 22 736 Recreation Specialist (Part -Time) (new) 4 75 710 Recreation Aide (Part -Time) 5 71a STREET !M WGIMERMG 420 Jr. Civil Engineer 7 32 415 Street Inspector 1 30 Step 2 505 Sewer Foreman 1 26 Step 2 562 Automotive Eechanic 1 26 Step 2 558 Lotor Equipment Serviceman 1 14 Step 3 TREM.URER AND TAX COLLECTOR 167 Deputy Treasurer 2 32 Step 5 BE IT ZURTHER RESOLTED that the salaries and rates of compensation as fixed by this resolution shall be effective as of and after September 16, 1952. MSOLMD, FURTHEA, that for the purpose of advancement to succeeding salary steps, it shall be considered that these salaries and rates of compensa- tion were effective with those established by Resolution he. 4596. * * 4 * * * 4 W * V * 1, the undersi6ned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introauced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in re6uiar meeting assembled on the 16th day of September, 1952, by the following vote, to wit: (4). AM: Councilmen Anderson, Branscheid, Sweeney and President Osborn, hOES: hone. Councilman Jones, (1) . 111 4IMES3 'YWREQ, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 17th day of September, 1952. WiW SHIRLEY H. TEENIER City Clerk of the City of Alameda * * * V * * * * * * * I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution ho. 4632, AIMM P012IOLS 02 SECTIM 8(a) AW SOCTIOl 12 OF WOW- TICE NO. 45969 R2LATING TO SALARY SCHEDULE MD SCHEDULE OF POSITIOIS, CREATIM d0001111 1W POSITIOM Of' EILPLOY'Ll, hT AND ESTABLIMING THEIR SALARY RANGE ALD STEP) 'j)� ',`ff R ih 44a -0 !, -) I I G' S.", � L -4, 1 '� C , 47ag 7lat 74 OND 75", introduced knd adonted by the Council on the 16th day of September, 1952. City Clerk of the City of Alameda