Resolution 04724WOLUTION NO. 4724 ST.731"ITTING Allr 0*RD!N,,AT,',rC1,,' 1,740. 1079 MW SERIES, EUTITLED, "AN ORDIUNCE EST.A13L1SITING A RELIEF, SYST� ": F01, OF THE POLICT:P, AMD FIRE a'Ep Tn"-'T:_] CT'ter OF 0-RDI1-7U0NC_h' T,,TO. 276 WEd 'ESIERIES, AS WAYDEDI" TO BE VOTED UP01,11 "�T TEI'li] WAITERAL KUTTICITIAL 1`,L"��CTI OTT TO 13"IT, i LD ITT 71E CITY OF ON7 TITESD17- IT,�PCH 10 1 `3� T the Council of the City of Alameda on its own motion, desires to lEIIAS9 1 submit to the voters of said City an ordinance amending Ordinance yo. 1079 New Series, entitled, RAn Ordinance Astablishing a Relief, Pension and Tnsuavnce System, for yambers of the Police and 7ire Departments of the City of Alameda, and Repealing Ordinance ro. 276 New Series, as Amended," to be voted upon at the Ceneral municipal. election to be hold in thea City of Alameda on Tuesday, March 10, 1953; NOW TEPEE 10 lie 1'U'] ) BE IT !�, SCLUD BY CC"TUNCIL 017,'P 11TY] C"I"ZY OF that an ordinance amending Ondinance Uo. 1079 New Series, be submitted to 'eke voters of said City at said election, in vords and figures as follows, to -wit: New Series '17 1,,�O. 1079 1,TE71 SERIES, ES1KDL1S1T10,X'C', L�,�.LIEF, IVEIR31:011 .01711) IT","S?',­.?-<__C'E' R 1�1]1 OF TEE POLIC-,,,,,' 2,�NiD ATT OF 1",`3 Ell III -17 TT' CTTY O] =11DA, nYD UTEALING 276 BE IT CLEA 11W) 131' 00] 1311'','OPLJ, 0"IT TIE CITY CF AUTTEa as follaws: Section 1. Subdivision 9 of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 1079 New Series, relating to Duties and. Pavers of Pension Board, is hereby amended to read as follcws: 9. To issue marrants, drawn against thePension Fund, which warrants shall slaow upon their face, the amount of payment and the purpose for which it is made. Section 2. Section 11 of Ordinance No. 1079 New Serics, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 11. Pension to Death. of Service Retired Pensioner. 71-7177--_ -11 any person 060077 Upon the death 71'TV70A of Section 10 of this ordinance, the jonsion theretofore payable to the deceased pensioner shall be paid to the widow of said pensioner during K2 lifetime, or until her remarriage, except as otherwise hereinafter provided. If there be no widow, then each un- married child of the deceased pensioner under the age of eiFhteen (18) years shall receive twenty percent (204,,) of the salary of the rank held by the pensioner at the time of his retirement until attaining the age of eighteen (1 8) years, provided, that the aggregate amount paid such child or children shall in no event exceed the amount of said pension; If there be no such child or children of the deceased pensioner, one-third (113) of the salary of the rank of said pensioner held at the time of his 2etirementshall be paid to his dependent father and mother, or, if only one of them is dependent, to such de- pendent person, said payments to continue Ju in{ the lifetime of such dependent person or persons. Upon the death of a service retired pensioner, the widow, if any, shall be entitled to no part of his pension unless she was married to the pensioner three (3) years prior to the date of his retirement. Any child or children born of such marriage shall be entitled to bene- fits in the amount and subject to tke conditions provided for children by this ordinance. Section 3. section 13 of Ordinance mita® 1079 Now serien is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 13. Pension to 2222Q2n2.QTon Death of Disability Retired Pensioner. Upon the dcath of any parson rece"Iwfn_'-_� a pension aasaclea� the 77TVAITA of Section 12 of this ordinance, the pension theretofore payable to the de ccased ponsioner shall be paid to the widow of said pensioner during her lifetime or until her remarriage, except as otherwise hereinafter provided. If there be no widow, each usjma2ried child of the deceased pensioner under the a0e of eighteen (1 8) years, receive M twenty percent (20$) of the salary of the rank held by the pensioner at the time of his retirement until attaining the aSe of eighteen (18) yea=2 provided, that theaggret_,a, ire a,r,,ioi_'Lnt paid to, said child or children shall in no event exceed the amount of the pension. If there be no such child or children of the deceased pensioner, then one-third (113) of the salary of the rank of said nensioner held at the time of his retirement shall., be paid to his dependent father and mother, or, if only one of them is dependent, to such dependent person, said paynerts to continue during the lifetime of such dependent person or persons. Qon the death of any disability retired pensioner who shall marry after being so retired, the vidow unt any child of such marriage shall not be entitled to any of the benefits provided by this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect ten (10) days from and after tho date of its adoption. The City Clerk shall cause copies of said proposed ordinance to be printed in convenient pamphlet form and shall mail a copy thereof, enclosed with the sample ballot, to each vpter at least ten (10) days prior to said election. She shall also, until the day fixed for the election, advertise in the Alameda Times -Star, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in said City, a notice that such copies may be had at her office in the City Hall, upon application therefor. If the aforesaid proposed ordinance amendine Ordinance No. 1079 New Series, entitled, "An Cr dinance Establishing a Relief, Pension and Insurance System for Yembers of the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Alameda, and Repealing Ordinance No. 276 New Series, as Amended," so submitted, receives a majority of the votes cast thereon at said election, said ordinance shall be enacted accordingly and go into effect ten (10) days after the declaration by the canvassing board of the result of said election. 12 the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in special meeting assembled an the 27th day of January, 1953, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, :urban scheid, Jones, Sweeney and President Osbbrn, (5). WOE"s : Non.e. ABSENT: None. Ili Vj rp1:E3j; I T0'T, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 28th day of Tanuary, 1953. SHIRLEY H. TEAVER City Clerk of the City of Alameda * * * * * 0 * * * * * * I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 4724, SUMITTING 0]`,'D1_T1ANC1] AITKUDIT(T ORDITIM701 YO. 1079 YZW SERIES, E1,17ITLED, "YdIr ORDIM1011 ESTABLISHING A RELIEF, PENSION MD INSUPAYCE SYSTEY FOR 111:71i'.11,7131]_.'s 01P THE POLICE AND FIEZ DEPARTMENTS OF TFE C11.7Y OF IMAJODAI AID TEMALING ORIMINITCE IAC. 276 NEW SERMS1 AS AIEWD111 TO 7`31a VO'2,-,',D UPON, j,,T U11] GETMJIVL MTJNICI111i'��L ELECT1Ca' TO ?E EEL D IN 7ME1 Cl�:PY OF ON !"!%T-',1,CH 102 1953". introduced and adopted by the Muncil on the 27th day of Tanuary, 1953. ity Clerk Q ths City of Alameda M 4 G 3