Resolution 04810-"-N No. np mo on ATTWOFITTWO ACQUISIT :ON OP SWER AASEYENT WTPMAN) FROM PUa& H07SING AWRISTHATTON AND APPRIPRIATIMC3, TnE SUM -F -j 00.00 7WREFOF APERFAS, n"blic interest and necessity recuire acquisition of an eRsement for storm and sanitary sewers in the real pronerty hereinaCter Kscribed; nnd WIERHAS, the United States of Anorlash Pqbilc Housing Admintstratinn2 is the owner of said real property nnd is will%F to vrnnt tc the C07 of Alarnin an onsennnt therein for the above mentioned purposes unon nny7ent of the som of 0150-00; BE TT EF9017ED W 77E 39UYVIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA Lhat the City of Woods, nurchase from the Unitod StRoes of America, khrourh the Public hcusing Adrinistrntion, for the con of 1150.00, qn easement for s0rm and sanitory sewers in, tbrourh, under and alonq the followinF despribed rroverty situnte in th(,, City of Alnnedn, Uo4nty of A19nodn, Stnte of Onil?arnla: a --T-- MAG a strin or narcel of 0nd, 17 fcot in width, along tve cast side of Fifth Street, StatesConst, nnd Geodetic Survey hannnent "Fifth Pad, having thn coordinates y = KA9,678.10 feet and x = 1095303-53 feet based an the Cplifornia Coordinate System, Zone TTI, as s p e ull bearinos. distances, nnd conriTnates in 4his descpinUion; North 10* 531 72" East 157-26 feet to n point having the coordinates of y - h69,832-93 feet nnd x = 1095,03-54 feet, nrd be%F the intersection of Qe center line of Fifth Street and the nouth !!no of that cerWin narcel aescribed in nation in eminent domai:n entitled. "Vnited St9tes of Amerka, PIRIntiff, vs. Cortnin Weels, of Lnnd in Lhe City of Alameda, County of Ainmedal State of CaliVarnia, Alaneda Belt Line, et Q, Defendants". Civil Suit No. 22007 -Hp "District Court of the United States in ,.find for the Torthern District of California, SoWhern Division, the judorent for which is recarded in loot 4335 of Official aecords at Page 97 in the Alameda Count,,y Recorder's Office, said point, center line, and south line areshown, on Drawing 38% Case 51, City EnAneev's Plies, Ainneda, California; s0d Point is Qso the TRUE POIAT OF 5Q1PN1W3; TWCE alonn the center line of Fifth Street Ncrth 2* 531 27" Easb 14904 feet to hhe south line of Wens Vista Avenue, so font WKS as dP*rr1bn,1 in. the Civil Sq1t No, 72407-0 TIEW alon7 the said soath line So"th F7* 41 7P" Eyst 10 -OC feet; 7T01W v Wns a line which is naralle! to the center line of Fifth Itreel Snut'l-, 2* 53' W West 149.8P feet to the soath line of thst certain paroel deserlhed in the Civil S"it so, 0097-0 TWICE olom said line North 87* 11' 07" West 10.00 Pnet to the TRUE POTNT C ".:I�t !7 j7R0KT FESCLVED, thntof 2150.00 be, and the snoe is 07eby nnernprinted from the 1951 Seper 3ond 0nd for the purcAsse and neqo1sition of 3t sforcmentioned easement. A the �n&rsiqned, hyreby vertify thnt the Qreroirn hnsolution was duly nnd requin-ly introdoW nnd ndonted hy the Coonvil of the Cly of Alameda 11-1 re7pInr veel%7 assembled on the list day of july, 1053, by the Polloyin vote, to wit: AY43: Cnannilmen Anderson, jones, Wsll, Karcsi and Pra&dent,, SwOn-.- NORS: None. A52EIT: 7ans. W 7T710S "'Th4CF, T tRuc hereuntc set W hW ,,..Y.PVQxed the HVIcial son! of snid City this ,' a of july, 1953. WTI= A. TENNTER "Ity Clerk of 0e City of Alameda M 1 Wreby cerM7 thqt the forevoing is a full, trme and correch cony of'�' "Res3lution No. 4810, PATuffoomMia AHVIVITTEON OF SWR MASMIT (CHIPYAM) PUBLIC ",1 AND APPROPKATIM! TPE SUr OF 1150,00 mump"If 7... (.3 ond MonteS bn the Council on the 21st day of inly, 1953. m