Resolution 04341WSOT77707 To. ANY, 11771TATIT71 OTTAFF & 717777S 07) T'i, ! TP 11__,_!7_,_��`,! -77 - 7 T A � T 7 e^P77 77 1.70 7 P F VA 0-7 F777 TA T -7 Tq Woo 0777TC7. , 17" C7 M" 13. 1751. 72174111 Won Tounell of the City of Alanedo, by Aesolutior 70. 4320, npcsr� P -d adc-t,O nr t4e 2CO day cf inbr4ary, 1951, Opsignated t1v 7-rocircts ardl YOUTrE Onnen aN arpWrted the 7procrS a" r- to nrWrcthonrop for the gerarn], NonVor w be 4old 'A s0d City of AlaWn c- !nrc13, M51, as rpWrM Ky law, frr "he obVont a-& nurposn rf olectIrS t4n =101 -al cffln-rs of Pair' M: of Alavedq . 77o (P; 7=nIPP, -or no 11 ton- P" Tnur W) 7,arp nac�; n&,, C-0 (I ) Ans' tar for a two (2) ynQr tnor; 713707, wovivant fo 001rnnro V. W17 vaonfrl hy PnV 107701 or WO 01 V -Phr-arj, 1051, _-OW, Q7-01 nalInC a -e n-Oercd Wd jr Wd My W,' Arroda on WO �qrvh 151 7051, n S-ecoal "rMY"11 bond nlovt4o- fop 440 nv--Oso of PYWINI-S tn V�n und'"ind vov-PF a -A Pleeths 0' Wd 71ty the 40-0 venwnr 40-Nra""Or p7nW74P&I ­wYch SVP SneCTS1 ­'Onal bone Oncy!"n was by P21(11, ',, !Q -with t", nrrnrai y-n7vinn! c1pytirr �err"rabrv­�3 VT oc.J 72HPAGY cold nnng-n! n-nWral OpeMr- n-0 Proplav "W - Won! 4W Pinctin- won "old or "v-&-y'l 07rn DRY 10E19 ir nevor6anow VO Anwl rrV Fo Won tnnront ryaolvvP nrf no-vosrMl n -d tn rrturps th-roof Opcertnined, d-tv-01roo R -d OnclarN 1- oil rnsnvc.s nn ravir-" b- Mw- vr- no 1. -4nt Ve 7T*7 We -V n" thn My & alameda be, nrj is hereby, in- n - for cteo 7C Ontor qMF ""SoIrtior c- ne 714tps F 7r,rc '! as a atnt"n--t oo t�n -am', t Or 70i 4 ->004 ry . 2. r, t. ""n tots! nunbar of voi-S cast 4r snip city at Wd rJec"Irn -, 7nn 7J576. 7hat no ballots were synTIPA 2-0 r! zv"rt-Q. T. -W at FAI 0 I-PhAnr 1�0 follow! �7 -Yasyr- for 1 -nur-I -S boMod 1 P- jnhO-drors uns wOn'Pod to tis nlnc"orp of WO Oty and !"nt "�v -rMor rP vnt-,-� -lv-- 17 Wr -it; "Cr a-& n7n`yt pail 7POSIM, was ac OUPSUS. Tntal 7"tal 7rt 70i hirmad" Trarr �', (A-lVol "Pvn7p ho-dW 1r?nbtP4PcP,­, Systan WrOMS-rh) 4y Oc Prr t�p rcuTP1110" 1-d C-07040- 07 ",- yv-'V7nI '-"rnVP7--t, 40"t,' 7"nouva-0-t of v4e --rW701 S -On -0 7VCV7, Or- 01-Vr3rltln- V WhIr iN San" VT­� P-Wpr -YFO-V, enr7nCtir- r" =14qry Fownr Systa- "ay 7yrTVO&I 1 411,ty ?1OW-t QpMnM� act rp- s"crr not- nO s%-V-ry Feypr lgtornl n7c nnin ?"rea, w1cor-ectinr or 0-10"In-, nov-0 1070P, Y-v7v, "Pcc, "an"O's-, cnork hlsl7r� -W"MP-K, In -4-1 If�enert7s V7�4- or way and pt -r vnr�v, g-ronrly vp Ar-ct-ro�l _n?7FQAry o- ccrra&ort Pcr KhP �r-rovoqnnt W' 017rcav To ? 1, Kw- h- PnH vosointiP7 to no'd yon --71 =`V-ai -lactic- Ako -4t- 0, 07rn6n Wo KVIROP 'rt" one �U-avoo 0-0 (125YAWA-P yr -- "-OA 70. 1 to A. wt" 125, �CIWVP as in 07mr �Cr" Ont �-VP,P,qyr Nol-"n one& M -t n7Kshl"Sned b- n, - ?a"V� an qP ""q qllqj4n 00 Nt- V, A!?QQ "ar -0 Court- -MVI-7s, c f c r n O F S Poll 0� 0 72 76 IMI m � 17, 7 52 c n P 5i y n Y7 70 r, n 7 7AL A, r7 '1 4 MME HIMIJ 271=7- 77. mWnT VC77 "n& S. "MOSI-Y Armrmon Oorwn,,6 Zrrm, A ) 4 0 0 5, -4at S, Mmiqy Arorrsor ard She-uooO jores recolvod thn N"Zhest run - he r o " vot n s 7! rn r f or sal d o "f 1mol ir n - Rn j 9 , An ; -� rl",- d jones wer- therely viected Councilser for the full tery -f fry; (1) yoms, ard t4e Tt- 27arY is lemby pay. thcnizea to s!Sn and dmilvpr tc WO S. Chesley Anderson an,11 shaywond jores a 79rKPIcato P? Plactior ard to adninistor to ench of said persons tin Oft of Office proscrAbod in tQo-Mt7tlon of the State Pf WIPOrria. 7. 7nat tte hint -f varTdatvF -071�atFd Tnr t�n rMco PP WK -r to K) MW aL svY gerem! nrYcInal Plentlon ard t�o rrmw of t�n can"!WOS which Vero sat frrtt in Cie 7etltiars WriONO are 010 w0n t"e C!"! Mr�, ny raqvIrM by InW9 ara t�n -wTor M votes cast 1- fnvor of ench oP 0P carYQ-tosp ynrr a,-- PnIlown. �17 5 A A 4 A R 7 17 2 104 10 (07 0 I 112 151 113 A t o 2 113 1 t 0 Z 31-3 124 7 to 115 A t o 115 F t o 11 117 113 A to Y 1 E", M 7 _^0 210 1 to 7 (D 121, i "31 2 101, 12 5 WE" .Y?="77 70749. 0 7QTM? 5. Mat Oe Pst of candvaatnu -o"Inate! for ohn nPrIen of cnvrollrar to b- Ville& at Sala jernm! -Wrlcl-al oJenvin- arc 00 -a-es n" thn Wsh Tnro set forth 1- hie 7etit'bs asserbled and 0110 wM the Cltj Clort, ms, by Mn, ar& t", nurbgr W unter cast f Z nach of t�a carYlater� rsq-'rnd worn as 701100q: S. "MOSI-Y Armrmon Oorwn,,6 Zrrm, A ) 4 0 0 5, -4at S, Mmiqy Arorrsor ard She-uooO jores recolvod thn N"Zhest run - he r o " vot n s 7! rn r f or sal d o "f 1mol ir n - Rn j 9 , An ; -� rl",- d jones wer- therely viected Councilser for the full tery -f fry; (1) yoms, ard t4e Tt- 27arY is lemby pay. thcnizea to s!Sn and dmilvpr tc WO S. Chesley Anderson an,11 shaywond jores a 79rKPIcato P? Plactior ard to adninistor to ench of said persons tin Oft of Office proscrAbod in tQo-Mt7tlon of the State Pf WIPOrria. 7. 7nat tte hint -f varTdatvF -071�atFd Tnr t�n rMco PP WK -r to K) MW aL svY gerem! nrYcInal Plentlon ard t�o rrmw of t�n can"!WOS which Vero sat frrtt in Cie 7etltiars WriONO are 010 w0n t"e C!"! Mr�, ny raqvIrM by InW9 ara t�n -wTor M votes cast 1- fnvor of ench oP 0P carYQ-tosp ynrr a,-- PnIlown. TWO C7 077c", 3ernard E. jost 79 Q 0 ;�',�i irot mcnivni Ve "IShest TraWr of voten nNer -c-.,, rate of -ice Pf Aun"ton ara he nas thpreby rinctnd Auditor for tn full torn V Wo (2) ynars. arC the MOV Marn is Anroby avt�orlzed to Mr- nrd driNpr to W-',, RnrnarO 4, �wol a Cc-tificate nr 71ectI07 a-& to adminicher to Wd penson t"a QVI of Mice prescribed To the Constiti' utior of tho Mtn cf Callfn-7�a. 2. Vhnt r—o than two-thlrQs of pil of 0o votys caso at said coproll- dutod annVol zu-Ic"Pril tord eincticir o7 saV ba7d mras-re worn ir f`170r nf snid ionquvire o -e arth-400 the ircurri-Z nT a �n7aed indebtoKeps for the Durvom pqt- forth tverejyl n -j t"at Polo 71rsyro enrrind. Nssed ard W0;.e thAs 2W van, rip Tarr>, W51, by t4- fovlowlr� Vchr, I AY27: corriclir-r Ardn"Sm I 0-ar, rshnm Mom a -d NeSIMM; ",mrsQ-7d_, (2). Att-pt : 477V city C104, Thyor of .71 __ n ,- - ­ poncM lr7- Arocrnm Non-ar arc "POM400 W. Thnt va carnfulan ""marRA t>n 9"F WM tvp OrWnal v1pang ef 7 1 " of rworN !oppiep M -Q F"q t Yn 16 mW 7t 7 01 1 S P Ny 1 10007yMo- MOM& af Sq'd me -11-n n-& -ntrmn 7;--tms. n2t SZ72 rp;"Intinn hm n -t bank M70 -inn j 7rfff"M -7 tvr Qt- 0, `- ndc-tior on& K4, m7m is qrW Ar TOP fo7c- nrl '"i r' -021 if V- 7 +,- 07 17 arioaq 1 441 " Plot -Y r"? Y MY City Morn VT M "I Y, 1 "Ponhy nnrt7y thq, n�n Nomznl7n 0S q "all, 0-7- q-� "orn-ph to- 70. 4741, 77-' ; T V ' F -,171A '70 0ii n-� epnntod 5Y mm cn--Cll or tV loty MY 'hrch, !PVT. j, ? -Thi� City ?JprP C0 tin PT71 C7 A12770A, Q70QVV-�V do Verpb­ Cnrt""y t"It 0" fnrv7Wn7 rmoinvior 'a i -vill, trve -a a cormat copy of n mro­ I-V07 pair ldc7tno at a m-Ular nvo,�n- OP t4- so ­oil CC CrId MY P27 nrl rayu- larly >old at k"v regrinr 4o"Ing n1acn-t"rroof o- r 20th iny M lunph, ]ON, UMch r"OW-Z R71 nf 'In rvanhars Oprpo- my orprort! Vint at SWC -rct"S -"PoIrtlan mis 4rKr"Q-nPI by Camollpar Sweeney anO roa& 'r fn?l, npo my unrr rct4nr of Ccyr,37-a- Werry, b- A-domor by smcn-dnd aOontpV the WIMU, rl- vote - __ n ,- - ­ poncM lr7- Arocrnm Non-ar arc "POM400 W. Thnt va carnfulan ""marRA t>n 9"F WM tvp OrWnal v1pang ef 7 1 " of rworN !oppiep M -Q F"q t Yn 16 mW 7t 7 01 1 S P Ny 1 10007yMo- MOM& af Sq'd me -11-n n-& -ntrmn 7;--tms. n2t SZ72 rp;"Intinn hm n -t bank M70 -inn j 7rfff"M -7 tvr Qt- 0, `- ndc-tior on& K4, m7m is qrW Ar TOP fo7c- nrl '"i r' -021 if V- 7 +,- 07 17 arioaq 1 441 " Plot -Y r"? Y MY City Morn VT M "I Y, 1 "Ponhy nnrt7y thq, n�n Nomznl7n 0S q "all, 0-7- q-� "orn-ph to- 70. 4741, 77-' ; T V ' F -,171A '70 0ii n-� epnntod 5Y mm cn--Cll or tV loty MY 'hrch, !PVT.