Resolution 15947CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 15947 AMENDING MASTER FEE RESOLUTION NO. 12191 TO REVISE FEES WHEREAS, the Alameda Municipal Code and the California Government Code provide that the City Council shall set fees reasonable to recover the cost of providing various services by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council, at the August 27, 1991 Special City Council meeting directed City staff to amend the Alameda Municipal Code to reflect that City fees shall be set by City Council Resolution; and WHEREAS, State law authorizes local governments to charge fees for services based on the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged; and WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized to increase fees annually by the percentage increase in consumer and/or construction price indices for the San Francisco Bay Area. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that fees for various City services and permits have been adjusted accordingly and are set forth in the Master Fee Schedule, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. EXHIBIT A CIN OF ALAMEDA MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Effective July 2022 CITY OF ALAMEDA MASTER FEES Effective July 2.022 Tableof Contents Pages Tillie Of t‘onterts and STn1y City Attorney 2 Crcy3: rnance 2 Library 3 ro ire 4-7 Retro n,ori asci P.r.rtrc 8 15 At -Rabb -10v 1 -four' t Stabil zat"oi Program 17 Planelng & PbildIng - 13 29 Planning & 8cilding Pia trilng Chrbi,on 30 - 33 F:re 34 38 r.on-ric.ry Deveiopmert Dep: -trent 39 Pt 1 c Works 40 45 Development Impact Fee 40 Cannabis 47 Summary Per D.Hinarce 1973, as 'referenced by:Peso 12191 and Reso 14027, City fc".7 $09Int tr administrative adjostirents not greater than 5% a mu My 11 irobray is I; ,Hovirever, except where rotted, all fees adretrisrrative!y nerd:sad fa-- a, CP rate- rptrease al 5% ajicharue! by ordinance. Corrit --Jei or Cost index Mt:cease rate Ft April 2022 seas .14.83. Recrelti on ar:d Park ees were adoptad by the City Co -inset cr Doccrnbar 1, 207.1. ft4tto7ti3talf !HO..5!Ivi.,... Fees for L 1re3 were. irtncesed by CLtct o C'br irlirox -it': Aped 2022, The P tnt Stab 1',:sation Nora fces wete lacremedy Are] 20220P': ?i 51. Flre litn-parrrnern - A t:Pchno r ,3+,13 or:5% Mr lee ba5 leer! rcrrpt1 to offset niecvoob:,:gy, cos! ie.crensc.-a. AmbJlenci. a.:riablOried y Ins,. Alameda aLirty RVISArgnr ry, and trip the. Cry nf Nein:Kra follows e CD-0:eYt foe kk 1.4;y ail-. not seakang any :n: tfrrtftlatthtfgrP. Trp rater, viir..re effecrivIrti: y 1,2321. The:: ChrotlOprrert impactF sNt; were e1l;kicr. by bre r,7,5tru,li rciNt Aly 202-1, of 6,3% Alameda Staff Hourly Rat Assistan? City Attorney 11 C tyAttorney ...__-.__.... Paralegal Staff Your Assistant City C City Clerk ...._ ...................... Deputy City Clerk ions :& Se ices Passport Processing Passport Photos Copying Fee Marriages ......._........... . Site Rental Event Manager/Photographer Processing Fee Insur r-ative i~ ed Check C udset Repor' [Audit Report (ACFR) At€acnme t of Wages; Setup Fre i rartsactian Fee CITY ADMI 6ISTRA ION CITY A11ORNIEY With Quer 5335 $428 5154 CITY CLERK With Overhead N/A N/A N/A ht Overlie 579 $116 .. $56 FINANCE Each Fach Each a $34 Buslnes Llcaense & Spedal Assessrr Assignment or Trans`er Fee Last License App lcationiRenewal Processing Fee Online Renewal Processing Fee Business License Listing Business license Listing - -Update Speclai Assessment Listing Attachment to Property Tax Re: for Delinquents Penalties F. Each EachYear/IDistric .. Each pier rnrtnth up to 8099. Alcmeca FterAacement Fe lostillarnage,g. Mtitritiols Losift.tiittiaqer WeLeril ProLessing Fee Rep!acre-lent (os': for rilotle, Horspot R Lun 'o 1 for `tiutsnot Case. LIBRARY Unit Fee/Wiait Fine 7acr' rteptiact%tricnt Cost bacb Farb f;?•;100 Ebot- $15,30 iteptacernerlt Ci t,t for Itiotspitt Che -ging Cord Fact00 Library Cards & Materials Reserves Unit Fee Replace Lost Library Card 1 acr $2..0C PVID'..erilil Rete'vesEachiCale-d-ar Yr N,...1Cherge Alameda Free Library Family Study Room. Unit Fee ".-"-.)thee Gvernrearit Agnes (after lit Uwl P0Her S -20.".1C Non-Profil Wrnit One lit,e Per Month) Per Fieoir S20.00 A'dl'nela Pub hc 0:Qups (Limited one Use Per tvloritll Per Ficctr S20:00 Non R eside.eT Non Prof'.1.CiroLps Serv,Ig A,larnec:Nys' Per He„ir $50:00 1/2 of the Stafford ROOM flit Fee Dthes Gcverr .ee:il Ai:tens:es (te-' 1st. Lie) Per F1c xr S31100 Non Profit (Limit erie Usr, Per Month) Per He ir S'i0.00 ALu leda Pail, 64314)5 (1 ruled ai e Usu Per Morith) Per Ho ...i- $...3000 Non ResirIN.tt Non P roPt Croups Serving Alame1;.:n7* Per kic„..i- c.7500 . - . Stafford Room Unit Fee Other Goveirne;i1Aent.'es (aft€r 1.sr Usel Per Puj- Non -Profit (Limit C3 -,e Use Per Mc :ith) Per Hex. 575.00 Aiarieita Publit &tido i't :rni,..e.d Ore Use Per Month) Per Fair Non -Res dent Non Profit Croups Serving Aiarre..-ipnc' Perir $100.00 . . .. ... . Al library Meeting Rooms Unit c Friends V the ALrnetti Prec Library ;...i'ill [Led Usk,' No Charge City of Atatnetta '—it!irtiiteci Use No Ch re Library Staff Support Unit Fee Li bra -ii At rir.' a nt On Dur,,,, !icor S25.00 eleonirc 8= Sectir,tyri.;.)ost (grwps over 103) Ed!: -.1 Dpt-'..tt .,:›303 00 ° Greitits rtiost have ope: rnernbi.-hip and rie-uting most be omen to the public without chargt: this rate also applies to ter -profit -boisinesses or other grotirs 001 covered by previous categories. (One per Month) Aa meda Taxi Cab permitting Annual Franchise f=ee Permit T False Alarm ReWonse. First Two Resporses 3rd ate and Sth Responses 6 or more Respo^ses Permits & Licenses Carry Concealed Weapon P:ermi Carry Concealed Wrapor Pvrmi Dance Permit Flrea-rn Dealer License Police Reports and Local Re Loral Criminal Histo y - Arrest Su Clearance Letter Crime Report CoIlislon Report (Traffic Crime Status Repoi Adtninistratfve Services. Fingerprint 1st Card Fart Aar:Friona I Carr! Fingerprirt - Non -Certified Son LiVesran • Resident Livescarr - No-t-Reaide:lt Notary Service .................................................. Photographs on CD Towed Vehicle Property Release Ao-riinistr.ative Tow Fee Subpoena Duces Taoism It Processing ;FPe. Subpoenaec C v .. Witres Subnoenaec Sworn or Civilian Pn3dutt on Report Microfilm ......... _.. Oveersired or Sf ec Procesiin POLICE DEPARTMENT unit Each .............................................. _ _. Each Um each Each Each Each no charge $189 fee $142 S71 $1Do S410 ___.... urtt Each Each Uri it ash ch tch Each Each Each ash ash Gh S13 Sao Per Subpoena T me 8+. 9 asteria[ Per Subpoena Time ne & Material Per Pav S0,1© Alameda Hourly Rite $ for SperialEvent& Poke .Leutenint 5",geant. Polke Officer Parking Volation City H-,:-=.11 Parking lot POLICE DEPARTMENT OVPF5i7P. Crty Lot Ncl W1dAed Spare City LOt OLit fif Marke3 Se Meter La .Fred Meter Backed to Sta City Lot Meter Violative City Err °yet-, Parkina .ot Gulf Course No Fr ng C-ty Lct. vrr it LOt mproper kin? Lane Pd.f-ked Whhtersectial, arke.d Cros cwaIt ‘vked r Safety ZOIr,.; r Fire, St -;':ion ")-ivrway HIctkirig Driveway ParkinF on Sid:walk Nee,/ Cvns.huLtion/Muckirg TraffiL Parkr. g ot,s ZDne in obe or funnz' On a 3; fr.12.e Wheelchair CL,rb 1S IN Ff c.n) teb Cornmert al V e cle Wrnr,iJe (IF S-Iree- Abandoned Vehic e sabled -25FT 0; Fire Hti .-alit Sot grake Opel DoJr in 'I raf'ic Wittnn 7 1/2 ET or RR Trarxs Parkeo Near i4and`cap...pel Acce Ahamlnned t e on Highway AL.ian.)ned Vehk; e on Pr v.,.;te Property With Overhead Without Overhead N./A 52.01 N/A S159 N/A Code Section Fine 12-.11.5 AMC .:550,00 114.1r., r C $50.00 . , . .12-1.211 AN1C $45,00 ;2-1.1..3a AMC $80.00 8-8,7 AMC $35.30 12-13..7 AMC 5.45.00 12-13.9 AMC 545.90 12-16.4 AMC $45.00 12-2.4. AMC S5-0.00 12-3.3 AMC S.35.00 12-1,10 AMC 12-4.7 AMC 22500( CVL ST C2C ;1330 225C)CI:dICVC, 22 °nib) CUL f,;110D 22500(c) CNC Cf:11 2250C(e)(jVC 22500(;; CNC 0 01 22.5004,0 (VC 150.00 22C0(h)CVC Sb0, 03 225C34.1) 6100.00 IZSCall) CVC $003 . 22500ki.CVC $60,00 2250D-11) at 6225..06 275.07(a)CL2S50, GG -i250-2(b) b0 03 22505 CVC S180 00 22514 CNC 575,00 CVC 22517 CVC 511.03 22521 000. 22522 CNC S3:70.00 222S2.3(a) '5271 CX 22521(b) CVC 6160.00 Lit\larreda POUCE DEPARTMENT Parking %flotations Code Section Fine Unlawful Parking cm Bract) 73-1.4 AMC $45.00 Current Registrat 4000(a} CVC $60.00 ,• Front or Side Yards 4 25.2 AMC $50.00 Missing License Plate 5200 (.V( $3:a 03 Position of Plate 520: (e; CVC $35.00 Cu rrent License Plate labs 5204(aj CVC $35 00 Major Repairs on Street 6-52.1 AMC $60.00 Yellow/White Zone 841.1 AMC $75.00 Abandonment of Vehicle/Private Property 8-22.16 AMC $180 00 Failure to Remove Vehicle/Private Property 8 22.17 AMC $180.00 Parking Prohibited All Times 8-/.1 AMC $65.00 Overnight Parking Commercial Zone 8.7.10 AMC $75.00 Recreational Vehicle/Boat/Trailer Prohibited 8-/ 11 AMC $75 00 Ndo Park ng Specific Hours ?arking Time Limit 8 7,2 AMC $55.00 8-7.3 AMC 5;0.00 Posted Temporary No Parking 8-7.4 AMC $50.00 Private Property 8-7.7 AMC $45.00 72 HR limit 87.B AMC $75.00 Oversized Vehicle 8-7.9 AMC $103.00 Out of Ward Space -Non Meter 8-8,14 AMC $50.03 Of4icial Vehic e Space 84.4 AMC $45.0C Causing Vision Obscured 8-8.5 AMC $35,00 Pet Licensing Alameda Animal Sh&ter Standard License Fees Un-Alte'ed Animal Unit Fee 1 Year Each $58 2 Year Tach $70 3 Year Each $81 Altered Animal 1 Year Each $12 2 Year Each A Year Each $21 Senior Citizen (62+) License fees 1 Year Each 56 2 Year Each $12 3 Year Fach $17 Late Fees $23 Replacement Tag 56 Micro Chip $23 Pet ng-Aierned Art maiShelter Adoptions {Adult} ............._......._ ......_._ . . Du; Cast Rabbit Otho, Adopt aoras funder rnonthsj Pu1rr,, Kittery Redemption. With Current 1. Cot '1st Indent Dog - 1st ineide^t Aug 2nd If f.diirt Log - 3rd'- cicent Redemption No Current Rice Cat - ".st trickier Clog - 1st incident ©7g • 2.nu ,r.;Rie'1t [iii,.; - 3rd Ec,cerit Quarantine Fee Per 10 ()ay.) POLICE DEPARTMENT $52 $204 547 $105 $1,-46 la. RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMEN.T 2022 Llr Fieo Schedule [[[[:u..t[[[[•-)u,l' u['[. [-Dui l[uu Cr [lu [ [`[u,su,[t.• [-[[[ s [[tu[o* 5r r ' t rui T - AIL,irc-;(0,A Ptm•," GM‘i Ycu:tiri SOor.V5 _c_ingrk Res Non N(In Pr;lfdts Gym Rinmc A and Gym Roo rn C 1:7C0 square ieet} BOCCF. BALL COURTS 3 Hciu!.Mniij.Extept couFtr ciirr.Tt,711s,P eb Outdocr BasAz..tboli Per Ccurt Pcontzil City Cocfclinatti,d 2C22 Fecs [-„ud Ur,[uu us meda POOL RENTAL - 3 -Hour Minimum &Dyett 'viat klst; ki ider,t $7`F ,f lrcur ppt7: Nor rtcs delt ti1O5 / hnt r p oI Nor Alarrreda Nor-Prn>it S9(3 / hour i'puo 1merciaI Lsa Aior Ldri £ r ;ia r, S1fC / hor,r / pool -ninerr°ral i. e tvon ,,Ian-eda ;1usire,s $3 ''e; / hour / pool Resioort y'a.ttir T€.ams ,7` C;i AIEsraied i Par,acTants) Emma i oud R..-cat'or t Aduti. Teams l "y': A'arreda Participants) Erairia Hood iib /lir arr ; p cert 4'o tl Tcaari5 ,75 Alamdrr P,.;r,€t q aai s} Eac-rla $25/ hour l` Poo' RocI# Er art (f'a'r A`arrieda Participants) Encinal $y.`,/ hour / ptx Lifeguard Fee - Resicel t $187 hour l" poo:. Lifeguard Fee Non-Ros,df' 1P $2; o` hour / vac, City Swirn Championships Fee Deer -riled 33Sed srn Peccvering Costs RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2022 User Fee Schedule h PARK & PICNIC RENTAL tlPl ur o.oBraphy Photo Shoot Liv F rr St7rt lir Addition to 1. tier !:'L e reesti - EduLation: Live F r Shoot (in Addition to C)the Use Fees; - C.omrt e .Jutsi,da. 'Viz -Mors )4n:; irsila; tsl juntuero, Leeeos, Lanes, Pa,L Ope. Spare Use Fee i a L Outdoor S..ge/Ciazaho Outsrde UTootraator .'ark Use Electricity Use for inflat; files School Picrtic Clean Up and Sched Large Group (3fi0+) Event Cleaning Fe is Areas RL ldCnt & Alameda Non -Par fit I3 -hour ruin.} SmJil Arta yl 2 tab'rr5 /hour Medium m A'•ea (3 - + tables]' $ S ' li0uo _arge Area 15 tatiO,c) S85 ,F hour Picnic Area Non -Resident dr Non -.Ai ag eda t un-?resri# [3.1 r rr in) Sn-a:Mea 4? ? tab es s10drriral AP a - tat ti Large Area :5, tallies) FACILITY RENTAL - 3 -Hou inlrrrum cxsve 19ilitaryr Personnel Eucu unt Public Boat Launch Facility Event Permit Nun-Profkt. Organizations 52601 day p'us hourly facility real $ fC/day pus hourly fa,_riitybrental dna€cv,7i'r1,25Ekrill day�pu $3,C p,,,r day ,+c7doo ::40 1 hour 53t€1 hour $ 5O Year(`r 1. Ers I ii it 1y r S25/day ura ace k orJr $55,r hour T,l.rs htoir;y tac..l"ety ren -al $75 $ hiour ill i htau.r "at Iity reo al S55 / hour 123'1 /' iicir.ra $ 35 `four dish ur: Alameda RE VON AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2022 User Fee Schedule '•• Additional Fees for Recreatton Centers and Veteran's Building Refundable Cleaning and Security Deposit $100 Refundabe Cleanirg and Security Deposit With Alcor' ol/Out side Venduts/Com mercia I Alcohol Permit • rioliday Rental Fir Commercial I-und-Rais:ng Alameda Business HOA Meeting Rate Nun -Alameda Business / HOA Meeting Rate Veteran's Bonding: ResIdent - Room 493 ReS tient - Main Room Res:dent Room 120 Non-:ResIden: - RC07! 390 Nan -Resident Male Room Non -Resident - MOM 120 Bayport, teyclecker, Kms1 and Washhigton Park Canters Alameda Nori-Profit $/1/hour Resident :$95 / hour Non Resident $1W / hour Uncolin Park iHarron) Recreation Center !Alameda Non -Profit esident Non -R esident concession Stand Use Nor -Profit 'US / hour Resident '$20 / hour Non-R:eYdent $30 / hour crcum RENTAt, $,ocur31,,y Doposit - Refundable - Without Alcohol Permit ,..SecurAy Deposit Ftefundable, With Alcohol Perrriit Acohol Permit Government Use Kirchen Jsc Fee Crab Ned Acidtonal Cleaning fee 1..rolidav Event Renta Saturday Event Renta c; !Regular rate pits 15% .Garden Set Op including reble/ata Rerta I :$250 / event Event Set t/p '.orluding 7able/Chatt Rental :St / event Monied. Non -Profit organizations and Schootii IVI:an Room :$500 At Cost Per Ovtside insurance Provider Regular rate plus 1514 $13C I hocr $45 / hnur :SE9 / hour hour $95 /bput :$95 / hour $100 / hour $120- /now. .$120:thour $94 / hour $325 I hour $16/hour $7S0 without alcohol permit Si 000 with alcohol permit At Cost Per Ctuttiel9 Insurance Provider $25 / hour 5155 / evert $275 / event Regular rate plus15% $145f hour A ameda RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2022 User Fee Schedule 1r,dPt RoDni S125 / lerracc.: RDon-, $:1001 hour Squadron KOOril $b5 /10d - Alameda Resident Mzin- Room Sig') / n our Irde5t. Rod7p $155 notr Terrace Rorrni / r SquociroriRcori $75 / hour Non -Resident and Non -Alameda Non -Profits Mail) 1-5'000-1 5240 / noir Tr:dent Rool, ;,;23,5 h LA, Teriacejorn5170 / Squadron ROOM "`„;13F., / hour AQUATICS Group Swim Lessons all ages, 30 minutes Resident SID/ lson Nidn / lessor, Semi -Private Swim Lessons 3-1S year olds, 30 minutes / lesson n -Re silent ;.`C) /ieon Private Swim lessons 3-1S year olds, 30 minutes ResIdent $3O1 lessor Non-ResIdent $35/ lesson Adult Swim Lessons, 115 a nct up, 45 rmn lesson Resident .310?. tnn 45 min r ,,sons Nan-Fcesident $1:8 I te*i ICS5.0115 DrOp-i41 PUNIC SW;M Yr,Oth "{e5iden! S' t `i'cuthi Residcrt 51 / vift AluIr R'ir�nt (18 - / vrs t A:Jolt Nor-Res:de .4 (18- 491 Sb Senior Re;,dcot Senior !.1_:14-: 54 Aqua Fitness (Lap Swim, Water Walking, Aqua Aerobics) RvsicIPot 55 Non -Res cleric 57 Senioz't 5011 4es-clen1 Senior N-on---Resden'. Ricint 10 ti,..‘is.n Card 554 "teruor Resident 1G Swim Card 545 Red Cross Certification Classes Ferl On Red rO's3I-eds YOUTH SPORTS Sports Leagues, Camps, and Special Programs Ei:sed00 Mstructo and/or contract fee, Alameca RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2022 User Fee Schedule ADULT SPORTS Resident Tea re Non -Resident Team :$78 /game Leagues with 2 Offidals Redden!, lean, ,S;f6 /game Non -Resident Team $87 / game Resident 10 Game SP341))1 N/A Res.klent 12 Game Season N/A Non ,Resident 10 Game Seasoe N/A NoreResklent 12 Garne Season !NIA Coed/Women's Softball Resident 13 Game Season 'N/A Resident 17 Game Season N/A Non -Resident 10 Game Seasoe N/A Non Resident 17 Game Season N/A Synthetic Field Leagues Resident Team Ninn-Residert learn - Resident 10 Game Seaion Resident 17 Write Season Non-Residert 10 Game Season Non l'ioisident 17 Game Season Adult Sports Tournaments Open Gym ,Druo In Fee N/A P,esIdent $8/ session Resident n vis -t pass 572 'Non Resident $9 / sessioo Non -Resident 10 visit pass $81 TENNIS LESSONS :Adult Group Lessons Resident $21 / r our :Non -Resident 524 / our Youth Group Lesson Resident $21 / hoer • Non Resident $74 / hour Private Lessons Resklent $46 / hour Non -Resident $53 / hour Semi Private Lessons (2 pecpIe Resident 52/ huur Non -Resident 571 hoLr $741 game $89 / game N/A • N/A N/A N/A Actual cests olus 20% Alameda Adult and Youth t.lass0 Adtr fl tretive ee Gula:• Adrri nistrtia+c cee Leisure Cub ti K Skf�l Pro3r, Bingo (Arne Pr Srsd.�gl;tr C a5& s Drop -11 CI,ys ger. Terry) Classes Facility Rental - SttittaI Hall 2 -Hour tVlir irnum sident Ncrr Resident Noll -Prof 3t. Ccrrtnte rci:al Kitt:arr rt t!sv nerr-ia{ Pitcher Use Nur Rcsidcrtt Da )o kind -4.51e AthJttivaal fees Vent:nt Tab' ;r• RR, 'J Nan- fit T=ridr r l jble ti:tal - Private Tl rift Shop Treve. Special Eve rq.. Art Program Sales e ria r e ' `.i.? tr's.. Lu T Outer Lab 'r1itrr , YOUTH PROGRANIS Tiny Tots 4`r rael Fees (5:hisol i`?a SU rimer) Wee Play RAP - Recteatilo Atte rschocaI Program Acid t=urrml DP:ci RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2022 User Fee Schedule Fts ilk. `err or Ccirter j Da'y 2 Crays r ir':de`girtwr) r Day NIA t �t ar;er3 - :3 Days' klorW anter - 2 Days klA 45 53 per c„las class cot P: ,A€tivit-x Cots 50,25 57 Fee De;:err1- F cc'vering Costs 1-2O1.5.3!-2CM etTutal Irstroct.ir F.Le t7 / hour Tour $75 / hour WO IVJUF $5C0 'arias t r l) Fee f)eterm r!ed E 15<< { rf s= Varte3 Wy herr $.k5 $.e5/'pawl n Recovering Costs. $8,2S/hour' P1 '9 0 k 5h / day or 5.60 ft' c -in C?rd for 12 'Visits S4.54lhsour R: ! $:t.22/hour °rP 2C/day S25 3155 N/A Alameda RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2022 User Fee Schedule WOW - World of Wender Summer Camp 'SDays 4 Days 3 bays WOW Extended Care Day Camp Hidden Cove Pe% %Nevi Hidden Cove -4 Day Week Ira Is End & Trailblazers Per Week Break Camps _ Resident Noe -Resident TeeneTween Adventure Camp Resident Non-Restdent Teen Programs cub Underground Traneportation Operation Green sweep Leader n Trairing Alameda Youth Comm ttee Additional Programs/fees Per Hour Charge for Other Youth Prograrrs Non-Refurdable RAP and Tiny Tot Registration Depot Non -School rxtended Care Split Payment Fee Field Trio & Program Activities Special Events ParCes, Movies, Theme Oeys etc. Santa's Visit - Virtual and In -Person Breakfast with Santa Parks & Playground Supply Fees Late Pick -Up Chrges Transportation Program Transponation Fee Scholarships (NoriCoritrak t Pfcigins Program Marketing oursl'fisr $246 it / $283 Nk N/A <N/A '$71 - $161 k $92 - $187 NR .$216 R /$4a NR $175 R $201 NR $294 R./ $338 NR $160 - $108 / week $184 • $278 / week $229 - / week $263 - $443 / week $2 / youth / one-way trip $50 / :session $30 / week R $35 / week NR $50/ year / $58/ sveekNft RJ$S.75NR '5?5 $15 / R;; $25 / day - $30 per tra n section ['Wield on Acevity Costs .$25 - $41 /vi5t $19 AdOts / $10 Children $1 / minute for all youth classes per chel $10 - $30 based on location/stops Fee determined based on cost from Vendor Fees fedi-red by 25% 51% based on need Larly turd tux off of activity east Bring a Friend $15- voucher issued, depending upen total program fee School -year programs marked with an asterisk (1 and are effective at the new school year in August R Alameda Resident e firm Alameda Resident Alameda AOMINISTRA) li„iN - S Reoflot 1°tint �.E I o'telir6'nsfer/Cor.:cel lr e+" T rt Char f» You3iPErt rasa, ACter n Fee for rtevisiog rat city, Pew :s P "thio( P-ee= RECREATION AND PARK DEPART 1ENT 202.2 User Fee Schedule At cost fitern %fen RrntaE 4t Four Activity Guide Advertiserr�erft FLA Page tall Pdg aua'ter T,ag 1/8 Far G: Tt..,,,not,s Card) Coteanivrslty Events Booto Fee Food Booth Fen Event At9re is,inn r plus A$.n n fee A1arrec Use T Retail Off;�e Warr+houte Mertutacturing Hotel/Mote' a Affordable #lousing Unit Fee Application tor Fee Adjustment Appeal of fee Decis on AFFORDABLE HOUSING FEES ttof Housing Units 9 20 4 4 5 re Feet' sit ;qr CO s/f.... ............................. 1.00 room/suite Fee Per Square Feet 52..91 55,73 511)9 lnciusioitary isous€ng Fees Affordable Housong Arreernent Fee Ci:ywidl Inrrusionarj Frr. (Fee in -lieu of .construction fcs nine 07 Subordination fee 57,99 3 (roomfst.td Time & ........................ Time & Material Fee Unit 523,357 Aameda Prog Fully egtlated nit,..; .................... ... Fartiallye Regl Units Late Fee RENT STAWUZATION PROGRAM Fee Pe- Renta k:r t $1135 Per Ferta i :{ $155 1O5 per rnonr' u 1 filly Regulated Units: ufa: as°?t prop ,tmvu ur itiunits orr legal tot ct;'ccardy 1� tealt�cfi a fr r3:l taif' of F rtr.,., r=.r:y was isue:l prior to Frhrurlry l qa , these .[nits are sub;e '. to a`, 0,0Vi$10r1S to Ordetarce 325C. t Partially Regulated Units: S g 'amity fti,ires, c:Jn,lon Burr , tcwnhc-ne , pewit .d ecce sery i wf lliryg Nn+itr- on tly sane tet as ;= single ` mrty horse, •€°t, srih i Tied units ;such as tit with t€rtal tS a t tipdgmg r a the StLtl3n 8 p-ov.arrt arta rot owned y the He using- Authority cr by r_e-ta 1 nen prcft orgarti7elor:s n x. tits at mitt, -..,nit p opert es for whicl a certificate of Ocwupartcy was stied after Fe',ruary 1v4 . 'hr ,,, runit's are subject LCr Ott provisions to Ordinance 32501,, rxrr pt for the r °r€, *'cioro' proeatzt s that is t annual rent ioicreases to an Annual Ge+ eral Asdjjustrr enL :1.AIaTeca MSM. .. .. PLANNING & BUILDING - Permit Processing and Inspection Fees Building Division - Schedule of Fees Fee Tables for New Construction, Addlt ons and Major Remodels • Pian Check °mewl( [Wt 'weSSA nr2 RettetWile A,! aeW' tent der Cf. aN�i►9a Neva wseskie,nw arecee c u Ira 5 ' 949-091,Cry8d11%10,11 R9 RATING :eV_1 Jr MEW T 4T . ...,.... ............... ., ........ . 05 .. 9lftl au Nsfik lb e8aimdn:iA10 s- Ilitrel muretara.In um lruc:ed xaddetl Great for nurr.e480rr'af opt OF.V.01V.M. 150u11504 90 C9C 6moo 0,54.6,4.44,51111, 8. 6, or Mem cummer5s5 oCrupmetesnat spect:Wy addressed elsewhere 2010465o Se5edu:awhere ffs 05418, is rod comoketaf sromap4 terst re 1oot4re .9,1 349 S 0661'S' 2365 S 064 4 1813 5 0.36 5.571 50.30 $ -.......4, 1 $ ....,_... 022 5 .........2755. ?............. 0,1T.. 7.9798 5 0.24 $ 4,/52 5 0a6-$ 3755.5 0.117 £0,647 5 .....01514 ...... 74394 $ ..............010-$ ........5,675 5 ....._.. 008_ 9.29 51 M64, 3...._,........_0.19.'_3._........_?N7; ..F...,.........,. t£11 Commerdal Tumid Improvement ...Structural,. tStuseturarly remodeled spear for non-M1:sidentiat 1 aecsgnneles congaed es Cor 0rowl, 6, E, 9, I1.t, ht, ver 900901,00,0141 acrop'acelto out specifically addrassad elsewhere in chit Fre S heu?ela Icarus! rho 0,1,lteure 14 909 410rM5 Some fuoingr•' 5e10,_! 197-• ...1,4011 rrr 835 ecmmerstat Tonal lmproyensent • Moo Structural . (eloa-strucwo4y remodeled SWACO tor so, residenttelmoodatn'k4clessi 9014sCar Grouts A. Is, 7, F. .I, 14, or et hrr mammal 00Upan05. not speclf.ally addressed esmellrs In this Fee SchSsh where the Oructure',> not alte"edf . .'quem Faotnw;y la recta OcusiderweerT/2 used Cass 040 5.540 5 ........... 034. 4.734 $ 016 1.098 $ 0.10 9.k61 5 019 .. : ,....,......w.. --.- 5 7,K79 5:.....,.....027 9...........12,.2 $ 2,366 5 0.36 $ 1,581'.}.5 0.15 $ .......735. ?.. ......... 081: } 2,524 $.. G.419 5 ..... 8.300 5 G.13 5 .... 5,(A ............................1.44154 ..................,_0.18 ,4,........,,......1..0+7. .. 01f> 1.9( $ Olt R __...3 67 $ 209 0'4 5, ....., 5/55 1 .............009 S....,,..,..,7,89?, S. ........_ 0,013 Q07 $ ...3,681 51 ......0.03 $ ........24135 5 015 5 4,732 $ 010 S 754, $ 008 30'3 15,000,. 3349 5,325 1,978 PLANNING & BUILDING - Permit Processing and inspection Fees Building Division - Schedule of Fees Fee Tables for New Construction, Additions and Major Remodels - Plan Cheek sea Unit We Mew TOOL 01 ' McRatios 'TM SA. :ED, wa,.....,19'rA 871.1 511; 11104; VI Cc* Gsoa r. Csaesur)I. Om1401 - ye�Ga. Calaae Wen teartiw nor rATtee opitin 5.5 15 6otnniorefat UNC- St01W n11147 neway COnstculed or added spa re for no sarestc erne! 04089 4Ces dawned e3 CDC Group A, 8, E, G, 3l, I, M, 0rgiher cnnsm-rtOat occupancies not 10.10703667MAgr, andOs.V4wn?911,4rea.srnpatdal. ,,59oore ro«,ge: ., 2.:.004 Pro. 50,060 oar prn;t'[. rena r ,9413 flesklanllaf cad Mu 6lfaralty Presidential Uses -(An new', constructed orrdded;pace or reStdec129 0XuponCle5 desrifled.0 LSC Group 8 tomeset 8.31, or other restdentiat oc 40lrrOlps r comModatterldWOred olr,where in tnias-cc Set -sedum) 554005495960)5581 _.3l 10,!100 23,5170 •: r 50,741 C:' dr.0 5,521 7,897 15,847 16.167 01,243 3481 5,258 7,099 10,778 11,195 Lew and Modarete Hazard Stowe • OW newly 19a.!ru1094 cradled rotas for storage occe833385.960lalt3f3e6 as CIC Groep S, ar ntlur 12031551 M40401! 5 70 sp aclIoo gy ac'd:asses 415(minro Int?us Sue $964$ 04_.. _ ...... .. _ 355979489499 ................. ............ ......... _._.. _. __ 1 ....50.647 54,150 024 $ 4,732 $ 015 S 74146 ..$ 0.53 037 5.25 1.14 070 4 $._. 5446 1,...$_ .... .01.93 S._. 42)61,5 430 5 5.679 5 U.29 3 8633 $ 0,11 $_ 13 1,57 4. 3.03 047 ' _......__1.85:5 2 845 Mt,: S 3,791 0.68 $ 5.679 73121 0,27 ` S ............ 0.+6s .5 1 o1,=5. 5 0..0077 , ....$ 0 0137.5 L052 5 ...... 1,578 s . .. . 2,103 $ 3 ,1135 88 5 3 $ 4.5135....5 018 0,11 908 1709 5 e 1,6835 0 ._... ..._. .... ..... 004 2574 5 0.04 3,15M,1 a W1101111. ANNING & BUUOING Permit Procecsing and Inspection Fees Building Division - Schedule of Fees Fee Tables, for New Conto, Additinns and Major Retnedefi s fft4.n Check. PUNA, COO PRI Ce2414,5.5 IPYgit: Emma', Lai PLANNING & BUILDING Permit Processing and Inspection Fees Building Division - Schedule of Fees Fee Tabirs for NE'W Construction, Additions a rtt.1 Major If ernoriels -Inspection • •••• • j.. liatopAniy ripe And Omss fikathat Alto Mang 7-vp. 4, It nee roan row I* tVA • • • • Cut Pr SI. Cast 141 CAA's/ • Boo &tit Woe. tau Calt Deltletumm Thr410*E1 • TAAtittAtit$ , P,,T,NG it ; rrdttt 64=st-se / 5 Un' tt - ' 's t tt stf • Alameda PLANNING & BUILDING - Permit Processing and Inspection Fees Building Division - Schedule of Fees Fee Tables for New Construction, Additions and Major Remodels • Inspection 1.01800 "type eml Cfias Nn 1983E a►a Rvgr;(7yoie C II OA "VW. Arnt Cod 8.1.31.= 7aMYYW rite tacky lyre aa el PM %lftina 9aptill, C01 SMar. c*110511 Yat=r .1..008.31 184.38838 lairs m nessimees 1313[ on'10,00 v'VIE U1 F. o. 0.1::531:13133 541 4.245w far 23131 t-0mmert`Dr 839 trtwlx Co31urutt.d ix ad for eon.renwnne ottiapast.79nowt u.3C1CC +330.,8, 9,F, II, :, M, trollx!rt':-mmerraal oecupmxhs not specilkah3 addressed esewhnrn at dex F. 591.1111 1e whew tie In erior isnot _...S19.1,$499599 :..__ ... 1,23 Cammerslel Tenant Improvement-5trostwel-lasso-tomer remodeled sone for Duupencle, cl.s=0ed es COC 00031438, 0. e, F, Il, I, bt, w oche: 00021.03341 nrwnn: 34,, rue svot0i0 lya,k01442,004cw 11043182 Schad Wwh¢121St e:urea nut 118:001 '44337313114314... . 5 "' Y.l$;.1;5 1 r r1 ::1...... $ 3131E 2.3631 $ 2,629 5 0. 0,3331 5 .3,413 $ 109 Ok815 5,257 $ £7.05 o,30 5 5,572 5 316 2,43.1..`x_ .. $ ;103 $ 0,23 3,154 $ ,.,.197 4.2;16 $ ........._O�y 5,x57 5 5311 h S 5,444 5 II.tr6 E 5 1,699 B 0.44 S F 1,9!31.1.5 3%:24 a 8301 3/143 5 0.11 t $ 9,P 0 $ ..,,2{7 5 3.462 3 23 9 ....7,,998 $ G 08 e . o l e ..,97 01 ... - 3 5i Commercial Tenant Improvement -.an 51r4r0ural . (1500ytrue8 148.' 00:020.,I. tl.s ate f0.• neo rel Bendel onsoomeies 0.:'Y tftue m Cof Group 4, 9,E, :, it I, 44, or 00Ler wmmerttal 00.31 3.3141. RDI1$34.6raYly8ddres,ed,i10WI;Mrin this vee Schedule Where the etn 403011Imt 811er0d) 59ufw. Snider, 5 9 i 7,096 1612.24 23 0.08 0,.05 0.17 $,5233 2,1.01, 3.154 3.20 ¢7x 3113. 75 •t 5 . 1313 JOY $ 3,154 $ $14 .,, 003 $ 3,785 $ .,, 0,63. 5 ilii 5 4,416 $ U'3 PLANNING & BUILDING -Permit Processing and Inspection Fees Building Division - Schedule of Fees Fee Tables for New Construction, Additions and Major Remodels = Inspection Oaep.nde Firm 814CMF I. lea nwPrim Toe iI Inns eat NA' 92,*W0. - $xsttamtjryl111,tegrt Na 1. Coater S.F. Cost f.r.f,F: :Case Pot S.F. Roo Con i.rr.4. ease C., 8.83,0..0 1...04,1 :.wtstee -115m518141. 56P10,1344 1590100141:;1. :'t4iRti00,10t i+fii dKdFF'brtr tatNm: . ,31414ForellY0wditngx 3411 nevAynunslrodmi Tare los reWent-IA nendpeocies cle$ol1ed t8C Grs0p 01.3, or other sender reodentiel occupancies not xpeoM0'.Iy addressed elsewhere N this FteS(Ixduk, This category1nctude5 the made home or o =tom home. prince() $ftUarp FOOYdRt:_ S 9ruetura19asidentlel Remodels end Additions •.1A6 newly cooter cracl add1."5ns 10. os Rrotlurally remodeled areas Of, resid ntlal oscupann,os 9801111.0 as 03C Group R.3, or oth.r SEmikf retad+rnraI u-u.onn0en nos spendiadry adsens3cvt alanottete m Vet Fee 5r r4de) .. $9pRr9.Fs7p]961ji.. 3(.n-Streat0ra1 Redderldal Remedok and Additlees- iRt. newly com311011 a eddltiar . 10, or et.n. 033040*D180y remptk:led mem, nF, r:3334entlal nano, tit ^s. c'AS.;Fed 31336C fiedun F. "„ of ocher Ymit=reOdent:al c:.a;:00lesnots301013313 31 010,3,406 elsewhere Ir; thh. Fes Stwin&k Squa,e Fo01a6e: 263 38.310 1313 1500 5,91$ 19' ........... 5936....$........... 7.5,361 5 059 9......... 83,.357. C 01111s 15 1 f 031; "5 5 f •re.•.:c 5.. 1,9/2.1 5 196 5 11:43 S ....... 1375 3,1831 $ 1,58 5 4,31511 4 297 5 5,9`_5 I5 ..... 3.96, 5. 2,30 S .529 5 :3e. $ 94$3.5 ,77 $ 93 S 1.682 3 310. 3 L15. 1,105 3 $ oro 1524 1 S 3.76 97 3 154315. d c8 5 1,189 ? 5 1.47 14I 5 169 37 10 A $ 7,59 3,943 5 1.s01 4:m.,: S 2.,39 83 1914 5 S 5 5 564 ; 3 1.$74 S PLANNING & BUILVING - Perniit Processing and InspectawlF Duilding Division - Schedule of Fees iteinizuzi Feo for MPShrii, 1,;•Lmatling, and nectrical Permits rot part of a li-irger hjiIdirw perm,t) ees ttrr, li'oct,li-4 ,t,tt 1t11111'. rtt': 41:ttft Irtlitt1,111,-1,01 lit 'till ttlittt- ttit.,1,1 1,1 01 ti)ti•tt,' 11,1, t -sr tty.tt:,,,,,,ttc„; 4trtcrmrt:tttrl Ptettr, rett, • r ti -rtl: to it, tt Atli, stritrs tt tt ,st rs.ttrt, rqt tttitrt% • i: (.1", 1tai7,J 7.14-.11 ? ,r1 t=ti tt krjtMr tttr''t'S I -‘.r Its 7111 7 Olin -4: tIftrt; Ath111, 11 Cr; ttr rtti I tt3lir 1p1arrr r.; rut, atLs ttpt t' ,t-tt'littt: -t tart. 'tvtts,t• ttst 's tt. , li tt'ff tt 1 t.t." si tot, 1..1" Ss, alit ct. ttsvt ttt :s yttr,tri rts' rtC"Sti.r.r.C-tt - c“) rr'n.r•t. 14 -rr kr—r. crri Ph:M.4141V t.trIC Gas ft.11.` t't ttti- ttlt/t. :t,t r Lrt: .2, j • 1112.1 4;: M,T., 2: tt:t. !ts 're -r s-211 PLANNING & BUILDING - Permit Processing and inspection Fees Building Division - Schedule of Fees Itemized fee Tables for medianical, Plumbing, and Electrical Permits (not part of a larger building permit) re* Detaintldn PC Proustilog Inspection Tutl air,or siterauor lege or Ewe lawn sprinkler 1195terr 22 n. n ;uy one 'meter, ririudirg Oar Om Synr niectdevieti kflde;Ices rot inclutlei 41 other fee serOces leg,. LEWIN 3tVor..t) 23 hurt . _ 24 ties 5011 iono07 _ 25 Sewer kateral test 1 Markel' Perela Fees 27 I saieirovaN,Pools Pr 4ate„ A-sro6asudnrilileig pons - .1duo as '4 ram.lal.te WiT,41 10Msniwy tir,rirh r4rao,ts,;rini, bvtono, grourdiett vnOervotr.,3g111:1s. watrr nurndins and sthwr Orr eieceicol eoLorment d ea* re? steel to the ex,;;t3on. aim 1":1, --S*PinMILDWE - „ — oiler types el s-wieroP;rig .tfroNpovt- h: whirlpools. spAs, .3iru;lc arid alterAlogis exIstkig sednuning puo'N Tenegantary Power Service Torms,ary service power poie or pedestal, Ir.duarg1 oeit or riWele*tal-Jnaants11 Etre pracle ost ;et mantes TeriNavery dab...IL:diva system silt mporary lighting err' reropi;04 *Oct; fOr ersostox"hOrril;e$,,darvative hie/tin g Id 2.4 I2rwh First scr,ler portim riereorl Irsr.;.! ed Wansi)10:104: 4re,-tlar moll _IIpUIP.ohc.f.; led 1-110;tieg deltas§ fteceprec, sesitch are ostlets at -which currtM 'ks used or ,conteollell,.oveept terynnt. farrde,s and meters First 10 (Gr rtlor I-telex:41 t-o'r ttlon &wit, r 00 nidal opil aqui s veliCinata,Pa 0 All., kr!' WINt. 11.? -J =Met rta,,,,fit chi titekd eit0A-4: tminter rrtc.rtwk,rt tops, pia wi ptaidrouri L011444 vt tivaugh.voikh ajr coot, toners, space heaters, f000 waste riders, dashers, machirry, water IlestarS,r. eile3 dryers, or otber motor. opriesrod 4poliertos ro*, esreetiog Onn tnIrs0Onsve, OIP nadir tsork.tesisaentlel Appllootat Resider,toleps.Crod and &ell-i.00tolheo faettry r471 residential onr3t13noes.invudire medical aid tern! e mice* food, bevee,r, arvd orea--n.t arcs; wri,natvd show rams erew.mg -road/ill, Vending rt,Ct*ret, launtl machiors., sn, tn. arny imricec PlrOntt APP•014.11 MUS," frnr.attn, traueormrs, rfr rktrOr )%3 tapiLit0.1, ildusdria inelra, ;4"iced fiq 4,0 I' 1111.15, NakIns orr laakins egull.14ent,, Gts,e* pFsrdte.a, follows: Nate.: these fres ir t 9 5*.tChei, Wag tr4Settf. M,ANNING & BUILDING - Permit Processing and Inspection Fees Building Division -Schedule of Fees itemized Fee Tables for Mechanicat, Plumbino, and Flectrical Permits (not part of a larger building porrnit) Busways. fl ;Ix [ typt. Laallmt. %Viarrite,cei. 1. Servce, r P3nei: •;:r 21, " imisrp:',Ar E",praraw;, :58 IlinyeV:4Grtivt Pt.ANNNG & BUILDING - Permit Processing and inspection Fees Building Division - Schedule of Fees Itemized Fee Tables for Minor Commercial and Residential Im,proement re•th 2 e - sl 1 'Mr,toi1 C2titke.M1Lai,6-11(17t• 22 6. P.t.r704 lliftIrdft41111SuitdirVigsilil F005 341b71501117/ Minimurri BuldirgRerriF4q1,...ri!Ktrtift ext Pr41.5,421 al1 t: 5.10,10 9,2iN a8 51 001 - 5 Prt1j015 vaNtett,41 - 1$5 . enste14..411 Mertt re:eIc.sethe- untV) 4,4..Xyatutd el 4 $2,3iti FAecil; :,tkeoed at 52031 2,50: Preiet14 ve: Jed ait $2 501 - $4,1$4 5 :tat saute e4et Atetenno ypeerepet tiele44, t' -i10. teilularNet 7 71,,esnyv.dron4N 9 .ntrtiticsmit outtipanty PAO:tett get 0stxteettelef ; .25E t Opertirsts. „11 'r(atit: 12 neer ;Kett' Stitet..4:xi.4b..,we, 13 JeetteA4tX 34 10,Ip1170tr‘.0.141rerlrrti If:J."74rd , IS Ire -we or roma:0,40%1440 P11)(1.44 kit fol.Avory8t1;:310-z11 100 Usen• eV Pmt:legit letpettime 25xli 1C1, ear; e4r,: ...i.q. it.It. it: P•;.0.0)t ' . Eat h t? 111 tielse:.f. 16 Fietteleet t4444tity. F,o.f Aer doe fika,,t. 17_ . r144 11 . G474001411sedest 111'1 '44:Pgit 'ap tt:1,C0C...„,, 5 5 f...25.211fipr 01 tele t -t Le ..001., ; $31 641 5 .`,./C9461 '. $$ 1,572 1„545, Z:25$" it etf V.tre2 .1 , $ 53 $ 51 $ 106 1 . 00 4 -ectett; .4..-'ne,t-teittner,..:3 i r,..111L,41:11 • , . 4. , 5 £61 $ 3151 S 9.,:ki 21 :rut Apt:4x ett: 4 tale, 44ey tee: 5 n $ a 7$ 5 64 - 3 5 •105 125 $ 105 105 5 105 $ 210 15g 5 263 $ 1L $ 115 5 210 $ $ 315 5 $ 421 $ 520 2 632 5 — - 1,202 i —5- $ 1,2u .1 315 5 1,577 5 9.11 5 945 5 1j87 5 471 1 $ 155 5 sT9 5 531 $ 473 $ 1101 tsa $ 1355 2$s 3 - s ,121 5 315 5 730 515 5 .115 5 796 5 2.Z.; $ 4n .3 65.3 5 $ 1$$ $ LI$ ;5 5 - $ $ ., 511 5 473. $ 1,1Y: 5 - 5 Xi $ 121 5 ea- 5 !i• 4215 412 3. 204 5 121 $ 315 •$ 735 .34tt, NO* lAq 8w/4M ..c1 Atititticrwi 1.25 1 352 14 !Pati,:, Cvve, .31 PLANNING & BUILDING - Permit Processing and Inspection Fees Building Division Schedule of Fees itemized Fee Tables for Wlmbr Curnrierci4ldnd Residential l rnorovernen 5 5 5151 1t51 455 5151 (41 9,13, 15 351, ; r e IA3 Fot33-,3t1.-33,- $ tt 1(1 .73!. 1,3tsI2, I Frit -331' ,F3D", ,irtj tttittllifttu It:fa:tier fixtut 'antr. Rr331,-Irs:rtv 5".1' 341 433 51 151• 1 51.1'31 ;fSHt.td.rt Ritt331 rit-to ttan1,terr313t (Ike:floe:It - = 105 t Itt3 $ -St 315 S t 3333 3355r4 33.1 331 Sc 55r15151514 f-1,133 1,3C113 4431 3f. 3ig3,3• ralt"31 3t 13' !.1-3ni 3E. 3,4 55.4 tt.:;itt . td -tit IP 35 t`s 11; 4.13 31 51F .clal 33533t33Pc rtn'IS iF eq.q" 33453344 537, '431555t35)5131I7 61.335c:45 333,3r,t34 tt333.t3 - t3.1 FI 333 tt-trr "3,1 tt. 4:r1. 33 1.451 .53 PLANNING & BUILDING - Permit Processing and Inspection Fees Building Invision - Scitedule of Fees Itemized ;oeTables For Minor Commercial and RtesIderttiai Improvements rgA e f ach.Rai rural Oat I; AvtirmenIng Fradei) pre-fibniatad Ctmta'n Lao Cruara,,rtlaf l'tiral �.,.... t,€4 to 'e1�1%P%S kPi:.lk fktal Gan ? ii.Kr rtw K i?.tt �IrkF.e S.walrme-ctal Impar an f1.10,T Sattoi�arrr�ai I an Aaia x aer i IRGuror t?` pirnc ..7. hn,i ............. . +,ostfrt !ii€ eoff rt za 'S 232.. claw Raicla+±aks dleiaf'xfansfvsrmi farnf tie jpprCrGYanta;nxianuired .. a ,ttal**.4t4ano 4,01F6164?4£31R1k" 16 a shame fa, vaple6 balm? Ratneajl of pl arta iron trffsitr .ecotitgr far sr ley+ attar City obtaiz=.n reittireais4ratiat3 prGi?ety- .15et`#( aithitr n/aai fai . :I?6 ssE pxsrnti IonomovemeatLax(only anant rxrtswit. Iu Ion out=�y ,fXitt a, niec ANNING DrViStO PLANNING & BUILDING DEPARTMENT - Panning Planning Division Schedule of Fees Fee UnitType ! Fee/Depolt ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS (Change to State Law, t o longer required as of FY 2OZ7/22) h r} 31mitirF Un . (ADL CIA)r' x :_ SASS Aapeai to P'arn rtt Ora d 'City Cut roil Si Residenria, Mt-[? -'fd n'ha R'eskleotia less Naar :irn. 11 Ice Plug f.'.uwtss.1 rarait C50 app gal t Mar n rig c a d or City Cour cif Multi -Ca -laity ffcasidcr°iaiL5Units or More/ t:arorrlt;.rti.71,adLstria! Nirrtirro-tt f ............................ Plus. i',ivof ZONING CHANCE GENERAL PLM ANTE tstQ TENT ra„_rrtJrruxt s 10 t^irt GenErdi :tit Tu xt C r L ia;;r. rr ?anir c t Ang, tid'axt o�nr-r lmrnP 'DESIGN REVIL? Fa.HS•€,n Rev Orthr5>?::i`,.`1i t XEMPTION - Fxarpi. dnd F:ear:es Revs ewr 9 t:e.'ll 'rlireLess Ela tl l Eacilit ei 454 ESIGN REVIEW [ii dudes one public r atiee -100 mittit, :rtt t.hang1 1. i _iadding _rttorfloor are a ea t ,vs d;ti.,s+c rg, le l Yr Design r1e.,cew -ACbe5Cr9r bui:`di P.,b New Lo- rJLtiari>rtddiLonsialt ,_,_t a iz Design rv.i. and a, °r; raticzr*. haltdlr., t3 :t2ri rst'or floor air a Lte?ai rl>5'vtw Itir r r L+ Lic: r5r1 D ach Sur?I PLANNING & BUILDING DEPARTMENT - Planning Planning Division - Schedule of Fees Design Review - New Construction MufarnI btaldings 3 units or morerNorirresitential or Mixed Use built:14-1gs. Mining; ri ru Depth't HISTORIC PRESERVATION C;felificiete of Approval by Staff • Accessory &ad irTis Certlf 9'W ot Appywal by Staff free Rerolayi7., „ „ flat deposit flat flat Certif cate of Approval by Staff -Cr a dialsvased Tree Removal flat si,s..11 227 '5 Tee Reolaceir ent n Lieu Fee or 1121.7 Certlf r.a te of Approval by Historica A d vlscry,er! rd Changesir Hi storlrat Oulinings Study 17st Classification Changes tosti4ei Nivnea Ust USE PERMIT & VARIANCE Use Permit or Variance MON PERMIT Permene-iit S Sign Prograll/Amendineit TIME EXTENSION fextertsiert of approved entitlerner t rut yet vested PltEUNIINAlre REVIEW APPLICATION Planning Rev,ow pc.r. trce flat flat flat interciepartmentai Review Cevelu Pmeot ReVIew Team (DR11 Review Pitj.Deposit MASTER PLAN/ PLANNED DEVEtOPMINT AREAS 24 TvlaLter Plan / Planned Development / AlrOrldn1Prit 25 Final Deve'opment Plan/ Arrendtrert rry BONUS 25 Ocns ty flonu$ App flat 110 flat t flat 41 flat $ 114 flat flat flat deposit J ;I deposit deposit deposit dEPLANNING & BUILDING DEPARTMENT . Nanning Planning Division - Schedule of Fees Fee Urit Type ROWCT AGRFEMENTS ,.i- i .� jtrprrt I't ,ts ,�rrn "it r]r F.131�f A e lodit Rev of [ s a'r:€ '_.1(14 for mance ,,,�rr:r ;r -r t racd_, el pap., riaidtenar,c 29. 1 rnileb 'iron r r ,oi-;is oia Irnprr as '.r t , .cub c Art, I W OF S UE,DfVISION MAP ACT APPLUCATEO S Lei .f4,-JI:rct dad 2 evr_amr5; _.... L taf?;ouTt _. PI Map top to 4I ir'Arn_r u>r*n t.p,eSJba irdtt)t rr ENV IRONMFf'TALREVWW LEC r Ex,,m :.lrr, mlitai rnEla'.Sto€ s,..Tet hri'ral Report-, ,rrter,+giro ?j' tF cepry r[ fa'r t c a�ri c i a ar;. = t rntc JthWr cizri'rcr1rpa:nra1 rr PUBLIC HFARING (Additional) Rua L I I ra'I€a1Cd11 ;`ur Rr vi ve mrri RUSbNESS LICENSE zor iraG APP ROVALS Fkr>Occ,paton frit u 3•.nr€:., � #.<<r.-, Per, P AMC 3045 U LKAR9 ,il.lit,alx 4 Ii •t:: UILDING PEWIT PLAN CHECK/INSPECTION ',It' E Lar Kt P it R ie (Pv11^.r+r Pro,&,rt.x) trtr brg r- R urea (Fa1ajc fta arneda Fee No. 45 46 47 P NING & BUILDING DEPARTMENT - Planning Planning Division - Schedule of Fees Planning - First Inspection Re-lbsciert ion per •trip) MISCELLANEOUS EtPS 4nnirill conic Rance Determination - in zitiding property risor.arrir, i conformance review with approved par'. '1'3ritatifolrnIn3.de , t at certificates, and othet spoclf.edDi...re0.04 approvals per the 7ron,ng, Ordinance, 227 4.27 4E4 Add-on fee for prnjerts triggering al ad hon !Deed 9eS!riction clr fi41, 90V other recorded document percent of Techiltilogy 5ee uti,tr permit EY- h itlrt Community Flanr"ng Fee IOVI,Atinr 49 Plann no Services Houriy Rate !rickety 44 27,/ 50Certificate of Compliance-A(1mm - OTC flat ......... „ . 51 Certificate of Compliance - Regulated BUslness R4t $ SGa 52 Meeting with a Project Planner (available upon request) hourly :4:- 7 forrvices requested of City staff which have no fee listed in this fee schedule, the City Manager or the City Manager's designee shall detrrnine the appropriate fee based on the established hourly ' this department/oh/15ton. Additionally, the City will pass- through Lo the aPplicant any discrete costs Incurred from the use of external senrice.providets if required to process the specific ' atio Notes) (11 Additional Hearing:lee may' be required, see Public aring 131 Minor Single-family .Cyritie) Mutt -family l'e” than 5 uhitt Includes ADD, 141 M,o=4 Vultilarnfly development 5 'units -or more/ Commerriari 'industrial, and! ony WkI,C reylow 151 Projects siequiring trtird,party consultant re4iew or special studies wil be znatieti at actual cot A efied'N or vlo Fire Departrount FIFE DEPARTMENT FEES 3,153315 3,3."3.43-Lor:f.3 ihl4=43.1oloot Ma-toil:Ms= Irepection Perhortheoz k:!',Fioy =1 ,33:-.5" '2 New or AT Perfl it; 2k4 "r dtrJ 2:341 r S.3- 5= To‘ 11,4'• P=.33/3 lect C: '-o3,35.14 - V`3LIC 3:1:5=51 .5',313.34cre.5 Co'fosle,o Out nitle p4or gar:4 tr.:`-rtnir,tni 11r1e=nIlIK==.7.4r ' onlion F 3,14.317.1or, jfa,=.4o, or Thorp 5ro-344.1 c3,lr r11k, ,!-,33,3=e C 335, =5,4314 5o, 444 03,3, f 53„33,;543. C C5 p rfi,Z1, it 1 t Ur poirr4 -333/ourrs= 'or -ria=n3„:"3.-5r..3 531=.1",nor 3.5=o0ar ,35==3,331or !her, 'hoo 2r-13113`3 it - sic3.,, 314.5ro 2=2 C g.:3-33=3 41-4 L 5,Ltdr, 5,1 15ral 73- or 3.51 -pr, shore 1srin sISIs= 4=3:5 .4 4 513:olo, 441 dispe-2hd or =2.5eri 8,===„.= et it:Iola:555 15. 1:= f...3•33,5,, fr-m6 .7)1qIumin.:1 Spf.F.3=5,:=1,7 aep=rig 1'51si 5r.1s. 1,cs- 4-31331 .-4353.50.3"- 3- 12431 =_-.5=e•-113.51141‘45- S1i5 Arm:n.1,11 1-,a,tr5 Fr:5 e,(1thr I 1, E5.t11 AdV:4,7,-.1,D 1.2 ho2f liQoat: 55 144ur re==.3' Type= ,reclion More& fir fmeion aleree 01t5e121.311 thereof ==ei Thereof C.' tract 7h Thereof feactioa ti•_!"et-Jf 222 Fee 53"2.f S--311•11 5473 5174 5151 5453 5474 547.11 5473 5475 5473 5.- 53 5473 ,5-473 S=13"5.1 54 54 ri 51,1;15 55451 s$,115 StO 1,15$ S/0 $$1S Seg 5.312 STD 540./ stad 5315 $i"11 Fire Department USid 202223 FIRE D'PAF(xt :411GC.3 Emil Mei al t/2 troa Or fraction the- ds c u rye ri,e. con - ESOP Arid lfandl 10 tea :1.19 urt3c 11.211 Each Addltic.r 110 ur: Is EaChAddltrOW.111.2 Our Len, - Ede, Additianei 132 33_ r core Eac*, Adlaionel fit F^.' tiairrrat t- 100 Slip f014.113 Slips 301-tt1! Slips ro1.1@0CtSnipe e rrs41r-a,t1 Cara Faci!tgs Orme ark Gly, Uvense Modal nap,=tiarotonsuhat an t cansad Cara Facility t? -49) Le:ansed Cara Facility Or) Ore . and sdeseei`elti FIRE. FLAN CHECK Fire arse Review Ea::h Aaihtonal Hour RE IkSPEC'TIONS Tank luau Tar*. Instu= - Per g only Tani. filarnovaf ;ra krork rd d - P4r, Cock 41-qm* Ordrnrdinn *twee Per Fruit Per Pe -nit Per f'e nir Per Pe^nit $715 $215 Each 3473 �-er Inapedian 5236 li:ruriy 1 hour minimum $15* G PeLtion thereat Per PraeC. Per NcOrre. Per ProtsC hc.•y,.1 hour m,r*rmum Cr 12cta Memo? f 5131 Fire department setlwto- PooLSiW Type R DEPARTMENT FEES 207243 Pt.lt E c ivt 1 Pr • s3,ornm. • • .• • •-•,' • Pro5e.1. Lnct!-.....ke.F1 serial •i Fi.xo Pfoje,:d. S AAA • A.,.jere..t, ; "El'," I 'FOiCiA: FIRE .LIFE $ArETY 11EV5W Zff CONSTRUCTIOhPERMIS: i14rl1 CA Han Rev4•3,3, Our irrv:t.4,43.,„1: Scale Ci1.2,Upd :Cy k'spc..1.11ion perto4PK14:1 tv 1 hpi RI? rw.m. £.2 P i" E., St11.1,1,4...W . .; Bir': y .k3.43--,44prapp Bu43:: up 14F41.4n3 q11444,!Png 13.°P.P.P.3 1:1137!!.0(1i15 B-PP4,1,4r,v4,,,F.,43,4•14s.pq F-.-3PuroDs EE4c3P 43J.L.V i11l1lw 1111 5•peci4 P5Fn1lr3 Non p -p. C17,2. -010,11 M FCAtli! F ard • FaiL4,3 Fas 7 7 CA. t Trt Po--m.tt.5 • . • .401 to 15c,11 - .4.514,e4; 3.41I11111,s-quari.,.. tee: r 000 square F334r P-pjucl Per P.---34jcz1 Pef 55 51:5 SThf.' 51511 11 51 5159 5413 SC -34:1 515:15 5630 S41 123 S315 5315 535,4 303 1611 S,44:3!3 Alameda Fire Department Pere Witt 2. EIRE DEPARTMENT FE Are Spfink$er Systems: 5„00 $': Pas ProJe l 3772 5,Q0'•'3;09C s,f. PtK PsuJecl $928' 15,53.-33,000sf Pratjac.1 Fit 074 30,06` &.r teaml atltiNt gl 1Plk ^w.P.i Por Pr c:P 5945 To I irn7rravereent MO 0 5,0339 a,F 5,00f -5,O00sf. 15,005-30,000 el. 30,00f el teach additooai 10k s.t.j oys Pref. P jrsri 3772 Per P ea'1 5470 Par P-cake.t. 31 11714 Per Pnjec7. SptlnIi a System trecteOien • It e+ldeinru9 r” 5(ECI i . 7 , regtrirctl r x a SUIt of any above ce-nItt FIG r'y - 1 hour rninirrun $f5$ FIFA Mom Sy hornet New a;aststri:,tton - Permit 1 Inepedlor iNei $ysterns 0 - 5,000 5,0+t • 15,000 31. 15,031 33000 s f. 0M1 0 N neklitcrrat 1OK af,;1 Releei gnl . Fernit ns to mestog G,re Kenn SytsPs 0 • 15,000 sf. 15,O0t 3Q.000 P t: 3+0,0001 s f (each eons' 1011 a.f. Fire kart System instreetrrr•tfadailco Ins33tc01,110i uha ?racrterdase:raw tetarty ;Werepermrt rnus mallcieus residen0al take elarrrte eatGinp f{smm sN Aft: t lhtralU3 i t FSitlritiRS; 4rs1 Allem 2nd Skint 3rd Mann 4 h EarAl xJdAionai Exceesree Ge' analk,oter Con^meruiai relstr alarm q::eirpl response o` lira apparatus it;p:- s,x menthst t etre Mem 2nd stain 3rd ern Each additicr "Ater aw d sc nnwrcrat. i se kern a Id f 4c -y ct117 I v:s quPhl lase a 47n. there oi..L1 be a rr neatc"y fire ff 3atiCr ^ to de :Online potential causes 3f 1'e 12.6$0 dl5rnia.. Tit* fee :r! sacisdat with t1i 6 1.110*.a.,t^^ OI11Se bei uau occupancy: #mid feel R Fire lespselie ls, i s .inspeoticr Pre ie aepenVe o1, and n Ce".z t tn. the faElle slam fest. Per yTl/0 Per i+'mezt Per Per Prciel 3322 31:13' 31..E 36145 3473 %831 $7618 57345 Fire Department Type Fa -7E. Jn>3€it`t1 1)34Ae f.Vrt r`* Cot/ 4"za'itat par Ira Ir'Ri'rlr rd S Fi o inti 3r°45 O fir,Itisa oc,..=nenks Arr La- e F. 119 Par 'SO la %1 453"z ITrt'tre3nG rat€ Ar~ st<+hlis-e:it,r•c.arl:;t:t as S tk tUlr Pt 3 :$t t t n 1 a 3 Equipment -taxitr1 Equip -lc': Witt ra•:11 ,lg,rti: withc J. s43£I tan— raiz: u :' Fare Boat without F•i lff 41ppoti1, taw i, i aT k 17 se;l: a, hrU" rci :urn Fritw I F;lrtt!tw�m(..a' th,frj, r r' et 1—,... at 1' x71 RI:.xrt i3 p �iz;3e`, rc x-„i'syt I11y..l ie 11,1111 E $4.13 $114 S23 523 5315 $156 $11£S k IOW ^Tit ar cli�n a.3 _a Alameda COMMUNITY DE'VELOPME'i' 3EPiRT ET FEE East Bay Municipal Utilty DlstrEct (EilMUED) hiy The City will pass-through to tenants of City owned property all monthly service charges incurred from the use of [BM UD service specific to the te'aant s leased premises... The pass-through arnoca is Fl3MtiA°s current rate, as established 4y SchduIn A Rate Schedule for Fee Service, effective :24.:y 1,. 2o3,, cr the most current adopted EBMUD rate schedule, ac's Public Work Department p Schedule of Fees FeeUnit t Tyrie CPt rt Ettt1EN r t.hflcWr>-^'t:; nt FINAL AP REVIEW iPtacel 6 IMPRO\'EMEN1 PLAN! REVIEl1' (Ot SITE/ OFFSITE/ GRADING/ DEMOLITION) la to 6",46€1 ..... ri t1 1,51,R00 OO Jp 'kr 3..1 °-S,0/110 r61.14.8,a;1 IMPROVEMENT INSPE DEMOLITION Op to $71, PH Jp to 621-.8(. ,1p to $1,143,C;^u Up to S 1 :.3t;,C7t} t),H r 111 e1 kt1. DDr! N [ONSITE FFSIT MAPS, PRINTS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS S€ O S..a a AI- rn asla (cu or so ' S€J{ Sca:e - Alameda ( ark and, write, loco gr; -Aln-ncrtti (rd or -_3'<44" CCC AI .'nt,,ca {hack ane- w it -3F Ci; h. air ' -??'x1t7 ARING/ T•=rrk resit drka T,74‘1 r'vo stiPPn. radar ;Ps'Pd data 37c.2t..3 r .s p,arrr lrtrr3nps - 1perti<nr page; '1118 k 22"Y. San -m. Drain. P.a. fl\ { 18 Other Pt kits (2 x 3.01 -11' nrrs t" Specs dFo €it dttrr :--it dt-unlit deposit deposit PJCI- Para <•�acl° tcl e_ tit Limit tin each vai:I' each edith each Public Works Department - Schedule of Fees Iv IC, Public Works Department - Schedule of Fees SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING PERMITS HAULING FUS I:C8(11) 70 Lor poriniled ortt dcbcs felartrq,, purm 22 0 MOIliiiserTlent P1if-1 :07M P riii Szp 17:1 rewm on Wink^ v1iJ12r1mnt Pli11 WMParA Aff rlif:ty for et CALGreffn rr ir1rnum Rdn Ftif tv! . . An no zfl ha0ling pPren Rwf r Fr r lAnnALAII rov w ofnoi-frfa cO-iffiilr tei r ratv R'iFoE, ft:171,AI a'tf,rliR fir q F' r:) f ee Er,pat:LMI Prforre,Ano. Sk.C.tirity 110ml 22 SQ -Special Evoot De—rit 2 24 SEWER LATERAL PERMIT lower I. Fftern1Pn." cy.f.tr,r I r:Prs I r pro -1,prtVi Snit ofy S,f.riff -owe( Lotof.4lrL Upp-Ifr f..fbfr-ff, PCA PrlOte SENer I atp-- Fpair/Rep el- STORM WATER - POST CONSTRUCTION REGULATION / ANNUAL INSPKTiON Rw of Apr poll ofr criviftLdy frofif rff ppst-constrLctle t rept n,ent deV,ccs inso,2ctoo of of ivi-fIff-,? ola;c1t,f,rfeci pcH. Loftstfuction tr0.1Hrf:311 Stovmwater InspccticniLr4I-Jrconeot Pemitty ffni lojuI d4o:f t flPt 1,11 Pcr t‘fff fi • edi Public. Works Department Schedule of Fees Fee Fee Nan* No, Fee Unf Type Ci of Skxe Cost o4 Tree 26 4" Soxrd trees Cost D` Tree 8 Suer t Tree in to Idtao t . No Catrcrete Removal rtequlred Concrete Remc+rali Requred I: MISCIFi BAtdrrOtlS / 011lER FEES Appeal of PSV D rector`s Decislor Minimum wee Deposit fiat ....................... deposit A pkir iziprl tc+ PW DIreaor for i3cwo/op:ncnt Impact Fee Adjustment deposit titer C erational Re€Icesls . Ion safety related transportatior Comrn.ssion Request for Appeal of Actions Cion Appfleati!rr deacsit 1.011 ed1 Public Depar Schedule Fees m Plain A Y err «»REivitiw R: g ; P1 « !, u iLcction #.Pcreilit C+ m e r aI Gi of tia5 2 41 r E. o Fee Sy, ; A' ±d � G= on ar:ems m Rlm:m t r2 PieL'ent Paiffr it f r< Rr zee 0 « n 000) ; re. LI a l th A RATES zm« Lc :&&a e Street :LA:022222322 49 lCIVIC mK##,44RA7 G#a de Public Works Department - Schedule of Fees MONTHI.Y moose PEitmrrS iC,vic Center (Monddy Friday)FJ Lith 1C,vic Center Garage (Monday Saturday) nr lth For services requested of Otv staff which have no fee listed In this fee stnedule, the Cali M 4 Nor or the City Manager's designee vhe II Idetermine the appropriate fee based on the established hOlgiy rates for this devertment/division. Additionally, the City will pass, terough t4 the aonOcarit any discrete casts incrirred from int use of . i external service providers if ',mu:red ter process the specific i . iapp[rcat:on. , Notes Ell fee set by State 1-21 Permi..1 may require a separate trnmi dept.:At:Accord:mg to the City'r. suskytrr.qt,:rotrents MON. srge per parking spaz or 18 feet of cob. Annua: deposit agreement efll be set hi PW director with IitIty companies Alameda PUBLIC WORKS Development impact Fee. (DIF) Schedule Co Wide CHF .(ExcludIn9 Alameda Point) General Public Public !Land Use Category Safety Facilities TnInsportation Parks Total DW Fewa PerR.Iduntt1Unit Resldential Fee Per welling Unit Dwellin, One Farnii)- Subsection 2?73.5t) $14J86 Ilizo Multiple Family (Subsection 27-3,51; $11,125 Accessory Dwollirg Unit or Acsissory Dwelling Unit-Jultor iSubsect,on 27.3-5' t 10 nokaioner, UM Subisectrbn 27-3 'a')10 Nonrasi BIP Feats Per 1000 Square Feet of Nen-Residential Building Space al Fee Per 1,000 Sq. Ft. Re Commercial or Office Warehouse or Mararfacturla. $5.285 $5,899 $4,103 A ame CANNABIS BUSINESS OPERATOR AND REGULATORY FEES Cannabis Business Operator Application And Permit Fe scr4)tionFe U Cannabis Rusinttits CtoPritt or Permit I 01 Roviow titmines,s (.4itetator Per mit RFI' Propo$al Cannabis Business Cor,:alcir Pormit RFP Dectsim Attpeat Fr Czir nn bis Business C.7t,t.lotiator Permit. Attplicittion Fee Cannabis Business Ciaor Permit Renewa fc $4,12u $5,930 57,980 $2,415 Fla,: Teti Flat :..ce Deausit Based Deuo sit -Based Deaosit-Based Cannabis Business Regulatory Program Fees Fee Descrip ion Fee Linn Petai Disper.sary Nursery Cultivatior Testing L.aboratory Manufacturng. Volatile Man tafacturnc: n -Volatile 1)ei:Nery-'3114.1);ss-tei-isOry DistritiAinii (inJ1lj1 vUi it 4 A1,01', Of 1°,If otly",• Delivery fintition with Retziilony S7,7.70 Per Permit .Atinual.y. 54,72.5 Per Permit Aiirma.y 5.4,725 Per Permit AtirL,aLy 58,92.5 Per P&mit Ain G,C y S8,085 Per r>eunit Aru y $6,30o per ;,ermit Annual y S4,610 Per Permit AtM y $3,8t:k5 Ectr ciit,AlnuaFy I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 12th day of July 2022, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, Knox White, Vella and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft — 4. NOES: Councilmember Herrera Spencer —1 ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 13th day of July 2022. APPROVED AS TO FORM Yibin Shen, City A rney City of Alameda;' 1 Lara Weisiger, CityClerk City of Alameda