Resolution 16015CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 16015 AMENDING MASTER FEE RESOLUTION NO. 12191 TO ADD AND REVISE RECREATION AND PARK FEES WHEREAS, the Alameda Municipal Code and the California Government Code provide that the City Council shall set fees reasonable to recover the cost of providing various services by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council, at the August 27, 1991, Special City Council meeting directed City staff to amend the Alameda Municipal Code to reflect that City fees shall be set by City Council Resolution; and WHEREAS, State law authorizes local governments to charge fees for services based on the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged; and WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized to increase fees annually by the consumer and/or construction price indices; and WHEREAS, the Alameda Recreation and Park Department strives to offer high quality recreation programming and facilities while also creating more effective cost recovery that provides balanced community benefit; and WHEREAS, the Recreation and Park Commission reviewed the 2023 Recreation and Park Department User Fee Schedule on October 13, 2022 and recommends its adoption; and WHEREAS, the 2023 Recreation and Park Department User Fee Schedule is shown on Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 as to fees for services provided by the City's Recreation and Park Department are adjusted as set forth in Exhibit A and are to be reflected in the Master Fee Schedule. EXHi&fT A. AT1tWI( FIELDS Youth Organization (7 Youth Organization (fess Private Resident Private Non -Resident Synthetic Turf Field - Youth Gr rs zation X75% Res' d r, synthetic Turf Field 7 Youth0Orgar ization (r75 Reside Synthetic Turf Field - Residents Synthetic Turf Field - o'1 -Residents Field Light Use Carnsp/Tournament Alarneda Non-profit Camp/Tournament - Non -Alameda Non-profit Camp/Tournament Synthetic Turf Field -Alameda Nen-profs Carnp/Taumament Synthetic Turf Field 7 Non -Alameda Non Field Prep - Lining for Non -Profits Field ley - Liming for Private Field Clean -Up & tock Up Fee GYM Gym Tournaarterct Security Deposit - dae Tournament Set -Up Fee Ctvertime Charge Government 'use Youth Organiza s (7S°�, resat Practice 1-41agu€ Gari / T t.rrarr e'-ts Resident Non -Resident N€t Pr t Non -Resident Gym Rooms A and B (500 squa Gym Room C (700 square feet) Gym Clean -Up Fee BOCCI RALE comas- 3-1d Resident r -Resider` OLIO FATUITIES - Twit, PiddebaN, OTTITTITer Per Court Rental Resident Nor* -Resident EXHIBIT A RECREATION AND P t PAR 2023 User Fee Shczeduie 2023 Fees / hour 2/hour 2 /hour / hour / hour. /hour hour '4/ hour $36 / hour pl: 32 hour $42 / hour $53 / hour ofit $69 / hour .. $40 / game plus $75 / game plus houay° fee $54 per incident et( ,Youth ?rganizazi $63 / hour $531 hou pa/ hour $35.1 hour $50/boor $25 / hour ! hour / hour (7 Ss reildert) TAarneda S hccls Cama 'rfvate lrstrt..ict. Tourrtamert Fee City Coordinated Tournaments Casts RECREATION Ail PARK DEPARTMENT 2023 Use Fee Schedule PL RENTAL - 3 -Hour Minimum Governme' t use N s, -Reti' e^t. N: r-Atarreda tr. n_Pr>;f€t CoCr'r ner ciat Use - Al'�'€gw3 Corner ercial Le Non-ASS-rner a Bustles,: $246 7 hor r $79 / ht $11r hoLJ 54:454,1 hu+ $1o5 $13 : h r2r,` Rdent Y,s',tt ?E3"- a j75t A:a-lede p -1t>; E°`""- H ` $15 / he Resident A: I~ Teams t75% A>` R -ed Ps-ticip- ts,f E ^.i; ;x17; 3 . ;3; RESiiei'. Yc _t : Tea —3.175% A:amedr, p ts'. $2 esidentAc€d7 Teams t75%Aa-edaPa4ticiperrtE, 37; hcv/ossI LI°eg..ar of Tee - Resi :est Li4'e bard Fee - ilwr SeWicert City Ss°,r rta Championships PARK & P#+1( RENTAL a:thy °` ct°' Shsct $25.0/ Hwy g:Et,_ ugly` crli-y re-tal 1iv F n9_h9', .t A aE "t "#,�� as E�r *k='ial e'47 Jay u •ri 3 31i re-Aal uveF`,rn S.W-,t iA lt@_"ta C4thErUse w - Corn- Epc 74 "iii#' 3y/$i.25;iful c y'+I s '31 1 utste'Veido s ;°~X:", it -f ate £e `- ."e=., Partije We Far 0. c r T3,' j"aze4a ,_.af E C z, t€act cI_c=°`i,:ty L. se f, i Esd.sf Cms_r;:N Large Group (t00+) Resident; 'V"dr-Rsrae^-4:4s Picnic Areas Resident S-allAreal1-2ta !V et lam Area 9 3 - 4"a44es) '355 p LaTe A`II3 t34DIes} +rt'�L-?S j,._:I $1:9v44 Picric Areas Non -Resident & o A Lar dPr -*fit i 3 -hr 9n aII A44ea < - 2 tatte3 Mea urn Area (3 4 tavtes FACILITY RENTAL 3-Houz Minimum Actv'e'v�l.tam Public. Boat Launch Fra€i[Per 10% cisLv $212241 lay RECREATION AND PARK DEPAR 2023 User Fee Schedule Additional Fees for Recreation Centers and Veteran's Building RLriiabIe Cleanirg nd 3e:..rity Deor,sit Ref_ ndable Cleanirg 3-1C Dezoilt Wtth Akch,:11/OLte SEW At Cost. Per Outside Insurance Provider Regular rate plus 15% VendorsICrirnercial Alccto Perrrit p-;oliday Rental Fee Com—ercia! d-Rats7rg Alameda BUSness 1 -DA Meeting late Nor -Alarrieda Sts,fies i -ICA Meeting Rate Veteran's Building Resident Rcorn 390 Resrdent Warr Roan $130/ hour $45 / hLr $60 / hour $75 I hour $95 /hour Resident - Room 120 $95 / hour Nor -Resident -11.)crre 333 $100 f hour Ns r-Reiidert - Ma n R: $120f hour Nor-Residert - Room 123 $1201 hour Bayport, Leydecker, Krusi and Washington Park Centers AlarneO a Nor -Profit $71.! Resident $95 1hr Nr Resider*: $120 hour tincohi Park (Hair risCin) Re creation Center Warned a Ncr-Profit $94 / hour Resident $125 / hour _ Nor-Resictert $165 / hour Concesskin Stand Use Nor $15 /hour Resident $20 / hour Nor -ltesidert $30 1 hour (KLUB RENTAL Security Ceposit Refundat le - Witnout Al:oh:l zemit $no with:AA al:ohol Dernt Security Ceposit - Refurcat :Mtn ;errnit $1,533 Witt alcorcoi pe74 Event Sec .-ity Staff At Cc Per C-Is;oe "n:oviier Ctub Ca^ cellation Fee $100 Der rental Aloof. a; Perrnit At CoFt Pe Cts ,cie Insurance Provider Gowrnrnent ise $25 Kitchen Use Fee $155 / event Crab Feed Additional Cleaning fee $275 / event -ioliday Event Rental 'Regular rate ph 15 Saturday Event Rental Regular rate plus 15% Garden Set lip including Table/Chair Rental $250 / event Event Set Up & Clean Up including Table/CFair Rental $250 / event Aiar d @ •nay, Ri,Ti:. r tarireda Resident M a Profit trganizati Tr'de"tk Le -race Rodt7 RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTI TENT 2023 User Fee Schedule nd Scl) Sad drn Non -Resident and No Alameda N N19 - t'r Tr J tom_.% Te --ace F w n1 RC'O ... AQUATICS nrrp Swin Lessons all a es, 30 rrrinutes i -Private Swim Lessons 3 -IS year olds, 30 Fesiden`', Private Swim Le ResIdent Publk Swim/Lap Swi ,Water ' y:;gbh Res'de~t Y ut. T Ad,./t: Resident I - 4 j Adu.t Ner Ser Ger, or .5.C",)--,1 Piqua Fitness Cl Resident eta i.xeynt, Ser.or iJ ft J:G YOUTH SPORTS Sports Leagues, tarnps. and Special Prograrz s $.3.4'/11 $205 .. h S:70 / h: c.r h::Gr Jrtrac RECREATION AND PARK (*PARTMEi T 2023 user Fee Schedule ADULT SPORTS Leagues with 1Oificial Resident Tea** Nan-Residert -earn Leagues with 2 Oifii 'dais Resident Tea Nor.-Residert Team Adult Sports Tournamenl Open Gym Resident Gym Pas_ ascaurt MORS tiSSONS group Lessons Resident Nar:-Residzrt Private Lessons ,Resident Nor -Resider? Serpi Private lessons (2 people) Residen`. Nor-R.:idert [LASSES Adult and Youth Class and Camp: Administrative Fee - Mast.ick Sen ror Cen° Administrative Fee MASTICK S (EMIR Bingo Program Bingo Came = r ces Snack Ba, Classes Pr'°p-in Classes Term Classes Facility Rental - Social Hall - 2 -Hour Minimum Resident Non -Resident Nort-Profit Commercial Kitchen Use -Res Commercial Krter: Use - Non side Security Deposit (Refundable) Facility Rental - Classroom - 2 -Hour Minimum Alameda Non -Profit Organization Non -Alameda Non -Profit Organization Residertt - Room A Resident- Dining Room 1 $71 ! game $%2 / game 45% - iC a of total irstrictcfr Fee $3 per class 34 of class cast Fee Deter ane3 Based on Rec:v�eringCosts 15%-2034 cfTe.t3 irstructor ree $115 / hour $204 / hour $75 / hour $75 / hour $100 / hour $500 /hour ... $60/ hour i5 # hour $5 / hour. �RESler� it'ri^1 Nar-Re i fie•"; _ Nor -Re i+ pert Cr irig Rischr 1 Nab _ !d - tag R 2 Nab Sesur A 4Iti Vert t RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2023 User Fee Schedule b:hcv Riau $114 + hz.t:;r $114, hci $11 / h'cLr 'er,c r Tate R µ,tai Thrlt- 5t°;;;, Travel Frsgram Special ee sts Art zirbigram ',ales F„`l ra se- °3E Can 'ut ,Fr"ft YOUTH PROGRAMS Tray Tots Frzig m Fee, i1b.hiddl Year & S..ITt _e '4Veei Play RAP - Retr eat'sor3 After schr G1 Pt ogr4 At a"ttos.a: tw'li' ly i3 WOW - World of �Ar order c 5 Days 4 Days rL�4` b Eike eI Care Day Camp CL• % - Per Week e siertC Aie -4 Eay Week. Trat[_ E& Trailbi z rs Per Werk Teerr/'i y.reen Adventure Camp is an1p 'carie. Varies Varies by Fed _rete rd'lei 1.5'`t of fee Varies y tet 0' R -C V a $2 7(s $21.2 R r $224 M $7 $15'R $7,47-$ 35 $i;;', 5211 r $3 rt / $54.5 t,° Rest ;erg. $244,7i- $27 -i5 - $4 24°�-$2Tp=-$4 C , week. Teen T ra rv,ing lalf day Leader Tra rang full day Alameda 4..t..tf-t C.rrtrr:.t`y� Additional Programs/Fees Per fur Charge for Other Yout*r lir' Nora -Refundable RAP and Ti°iy'crt Regi Nor -5:hool Extended Care Split Payment Fee Fief 'rips & Program Activities Special Events : Parties, i1+lovie�, e^^E Santa's Visit - Vii rtai and in -Person Breakfast with Santa Resident Nor -Resident Late Pick -Up Charges Transportation Program TransDortatian Fee Scholarships 00,1 -Contract Programs) I ram,Marketing Discounts RE€RFATRON AND PARK (EPARTMENT 2023 User Fee Schedule 5. $25 $15/day-Ft, $25/day-NR $30 per transaction Based or Activity Costs Based on Acivity Casts $28 - $45/ visit_ ._ $ iAdult/$11€hild 24 Adult / $13 Child 1 / minute for all $10 - $30 based, on st Fee determined based ar cost fron, Vendor Fees reduced by 25% - 5096 based on need Early Bird10% off ofactivity cost acing a Friers $15 - $25 voucher isst:ed, based on total fee School year pi rams marked w th a asterisk (*} ar*ct are effectve atthe new school year !n August Anziwasimitow tits Supply Fees Receipt Printing Late/Transfer/Ca,ce$laFior Fee ,Admin Fee for :wising Facility Permits Portable Toilet Fee Van Rental Activity %ride Adv Fall Page Half Page rn Darter Page Page (Business Card) Commtmity Events Booth Fee Food Both/Thick Fee Event Admission `R =Alameda Resident Rate n Supply Costs on -refundable costs At cost from Vendor pl.s Admin fee $49 / hour $927 / Guide $4154 / Guide $232 / Guide $124 / Guide NR Non-A.fomeda Aesidenf ofit 5 pe* person 2 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on 6th day of December 2022 by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, Knox White, Vella and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft — 4. NOES: Councilmember Herrera Spencer — 1. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 7th day of December 2022. r Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Yibin Shen, City Attorney City of Alameda