2001-03-20 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- -MARCH 20, 2001- -7:30 P.M. Mayor Appezzato convened the Regular Meeting at 9:07 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, Kerr and Mayor Appezzato - 5. Absent: None. AGENDA CHANGES None. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (01 -135) Mayor Appezzato thanked Kent Rosenblum for donating six bottles of wine and the Oakland Raiders for donating [baseball] caps as gifts for his [Mayor's] visit to Israel; stated that he will meet the President, Prime Minister, Defense Minister and the Mayors of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. (01 -136) Proclamation recognizing Nancy Cox - Mongerson for her - efforts on behalf of the Midway Shelter Fund Raising Event of March 10, 2001. Mayor Appezzato read the Proclamation and presented it to Nancy Cox - Mongerson. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Appezzato announced the recommendation to authorize the Mayor to send letters to the property owners of 1359 Pearl Street and 1536 Santa Clara Avenue [paragraph no. 01 -138] and recommendation to approve Small Project Capital Improvement Program List [paragraph no. 01 -1411 were removed from the Consent Calender for discussion. Councilmember Kerr moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calender. Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] ( *01 -137) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Meeting (Closed Session), the Special City Council Meeting (Closed Session) and the Regular City Council Meeting held on March 6, 2001. Approved. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 March 20, 2001 (01 -138) Recommendation to authorize the Mayor to send letters to the property owners of 1359 Pearl Street and 1536 Santa Clara Avenue regarding rent increases. Karen McElwain, Alameda, stated that when she moved into 1526 Santa Clara Avenue four years ago, her rent was $675 [per month]; after a few small increases, her rent was raised by $100 to $835 [per month] in October 1, 2000; the property was sold and the new owner demanded a $1,000 deposit and $1,350 [per month] in rent; that she needs Council's help; the new landlord will not respond to her; urged the Mayor to send a letter to the property owner; further stated that she pays the PG &E bill even though her water heater is connected to the shared laundry machine; when rent is paid, the landlord will not provide written receipt; $835 to $1,350 is an absurd rent increase. Roseann Sullivan, Rent Review Advisory Committee (RRAC) , stated RRAC has run into a brick wall with the property owners of 1359 Pearl Street and 1526 Santa Clara Avenue; hopefully, with the City Council's encouragement, the property owners will address the matter. Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *01 -139) Recommendation to approve Mayor's Fourth of July Parade for 2001. Accepted. ( *01 -140) Recommendation to accept the work of D & D Pipelines for Alameda Point Building 7 Utility Upgrades, No. P.W. 10- 98 -26. Accepted. (01 -141) Recommendation to approve Small Project Capital Improvement Program List for Fiscal Years 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. Councilmember Daysog outlined development of the Small Project Capital Improvement Program; listed the five projects proposed to be funded: 1) Lincoln Park Picnic Area, 2) Street Tree Planting, 3) Godfrey Park Backstop and Bleachers, 4) Washington Park Fence Repairs, and 5) Crown Memorial Beach Dog Park drainage; inquired whether the projects ranked sixth [Lincoln Park Basketball Courts] and seventh [Franklin Park Basketball Courts], could be funded instead of the Dog Park Project. The Deputy Public Works Director responded that the Dog Park Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 March 20, 2001 Project would be only partially funded if the $30,000 contingency fund was not used for the first four projects. Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the staff recommendation [approval of Small Capital Improvement Program list for FY 2000 -01 and 2001 -02]. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Johnson stated small projects were often overlooked for big, expensive projects. Mayor Appezzato requested staff to organize a Volunteer Day at the Dog Park, including refreshments, to repair damage caused by recent rain. Councilmember Kerr noted the City Manager recently authorized two new Public Works Department employees, who will repair potholes. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *01 -142) Recommendation to approve Parcel Map, PM 7654 for a two - parcel division of approximately 6.03 acres of property at 2415 Mariner Square Drive into parcels of approximately 4.17 and 1.86 acres. The 4.17 acre parcel would contain a marina, a restaurant, parking and other uses and has been approved for a boat storage building. The 1.86 acre parcel includes area approved for an assisted living facility. A public trail easement along the Estuary shoreline will be recorded with the Parcel Map. The site is located within the M -2 /PD, General Industrial /Planned Development Combining Zoning District. Applicant: Mariner Square and Associates; and ( *01 -142A) Resolution No. 13322, "Approving Parcel Map, PM 7654, at 2415 Mariner Square Drive, for Mariner Square and Associates." Adopted. ( *01 -143) Resolution No. 13323, "Authorizing the City Manager to Complete the Block Grant Process for Block Grant Funds (Fiscal Year 2001 -2002) to the California Department of Conservation, Division of Recycling." Adopted. ( *01 -144) Resolution No. 13324, "Amending Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 to Provide for an Appeals Fee Under the Citywide Development Fee Program." Adopted. ( *01 -145) Ratified bill in the amount of $ 4,399,204.47. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 March 20, 2001 REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (01 -146) Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Planning Board decision denying Variance, V -00 -20 and Major Design Review, DR -00 -092 to legalize a second story addition to a garage where one story would be permitted, and to allow the addition to remain nineteen and a half feet tall where fifteen feet would be permitted. The site is located at 1325 Dayton Avenue, in the R -1 (One Family Residential) Zoning District. Appellant: Steve Thorne, Architect; and (01 -146A) Resolution No. 13325, "Approving the Appeal of Steve Thorne and Overturning the Planning Board's Denial of Variance, V 00 -20 and Major Design Review DR 00 -092 for 1325 Dayton Avenue." Adopted. Mayor Appezzato opened the public portion of the Hearing. Proponents: Steve Thorne, Architect; Kimberly diGirolamo, Alameda (read letter from Regis Scott); Dick Stallman, Alameda; Douglas DeHann, Alameda; Janelle Spatz, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (RAPS); Gia Boscacci, RAPS; and Rena Rickles, Applicant's Legal Counsel. Mayor Appezzato inquired whether the property owner agrees to a deed restriction to keep the area above the garage from becoming an apartment, to which Ms. Rickles responded in the affirmative. Mayor Appezzato inquired why permits were not obtained. Ms. Rickles responded no one seems to know; there were permits for all other work on the house; once Mrs. diGirolamo found out what happened, she requested a Variance and will pay the penalty. In response to Mayor Appezzato's inquiry about the penalty, Ms. Rickles stated City provision states building permit fees are quadrupled for construction completed without permits. Ms. Rickles further stated the property owner agrees not to have plumbing or heating in the facility [second story above garage]. There being no further speakers, Mayor Appezzato closed the public portion of the Hearing. Mayor Appezzato noted Woody Minor submitted a letter [dated March 20, 2001] encouraging Council to approve the Variance. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 March 20, 2001 Vice Mayor DeWitt stated the [garage] design matches the home; neighbors support the design; that he will [move] support the Appeal, which allows the Variance for the height increase; the motion should include that a penalty, for completing work without a permit, be awarded [paid]; a neighbor submitted a letter indicating that the property owner has failed to complete projects; the fence along Paru Street, tree planting and garage addition are all in process; the property owner should complete projects; that he does not support the use of the second story [above the garage]. Councilmember Johnson stated construction is often completed without a permit; the property owner applied for a Variance when she realized a permit was required; architecture and construction revisions to the home were high quality; if the project had been presented prior to construction, the Variance would have been approved; the penalty [amount] will be fairly substantial; the owner agreed to deed restrictions; the garage will not be used as a living space; the Planning Board made its decision based on an application of City Ordinances and could not make the appropriate findings to grant the Variance, however, said findings can be made. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Councilmember Daysog stated if Planning staff has suggestions on improving [zoning] rules, he would like to be advised. The Planning Director stated a Resolution was provided to Council and the Applicant's legal counsel [Rena Rickles]; staff will work with Ms. Rickles to finalize the Resolution and incorporate the language she [Ms. Rickles] provided; suggested conditions of approval include deed restriction against the establishment of a unit or any habitable space on the second story [above garage]. Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired whether Conditions include: 1) approval of the Variance, 2) the property owner paying a penalty and 3) [deed] restriction regarding the second story, to which the Planning Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Kerr stated the Planning Director's Conditions include that design review approvals shall be obtained on or before September 20, 2001 and are valid for six months, with one six month extension; said language protects the neighborhood from on- going, unfinished work. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 March 20, 2001 Mayor Appezzato called a recess at 9:56 p.m. and reconvened the Regular City Council Meeting at 10:13 p.m. (01 -147) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager or his designee to issue disposition instructions allowing Allied Housing, Inc. to list 1815 Elm Street for sale in the open market. Dave Greenberg, Alameda, stated that he supports the staff recommendation; the open market sale of the house will add stability to the neighborhood and is best for the future of affordable housing in Alameda; urged Council to approve the sale and reinvest profits for better affordable housing solutions. Councilmember Kerr moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Daysog stated the project started as a home for unwed teen mothers; the City should not be afraid of taking risks on behalf of under - served populations; there should be a place for everyone under the sun; the program failure was not the fault of unwed teen mothers or the family who replaced the mothers; the failure was a planning issue - -the management of the property; the family moving out has permanent affordable housing; the City should review the difficulties of managing the house. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -148) Recommendation to approve the Northern Waterfront Specific Plan Advisory Committee membership selection process, confirm Chamber of Commerce and West Alameda Business Association members and that the Mayor nominate, and Council appoint, other Committee members. Councilmember Kerr stated staff thinks fifteen [Committee members] is the maximum workable number; there are only eighteen to twenty people on the list, which does not seem unworkable; another option would be to allow each Councilmember to pick two members and the Mayor pick three. Mayor Appezzato stated the current process [staff recommendation] is acceptable; the Mayor always nominates members of Board, Commissions and Committees. Councilmember Daysog questioned whether any Councilmembers were Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 6 March 20, 2001 interested in becoming involved [serving] on the Committee. There being no response Councilmember Daysog noted said suggestion was not accepted. Councilmember Kerr stated residents should be selected, rather than Business Association and Chamber of Commerce representatives. Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired whether the Mayor was prepared to select fifteen members, to which Mayor Appezzato responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Johnson stated there are neighborhood groups, small property owners and large property owners represented; the list looks inclusive; Board Members are residents of the community. Mayor Appezzato nominated: Planning Board Member Marie Gilmore; Historical Advisory Board Member Nancy Gill; a member of the Recreation and Park Commission to be selected by the Commission; Economic Development Commissioner John Abrate; Neighborhood group: Debra Arbuckle; Small Property Owner: Jim Ramell; Large Property Owners: Peter Wang and Joe Sordi; Business Located near the Specific Plan Area: Wayne Milani; Local Architect: David Thruston; Three At -Large Members: Marilyn Pomeroy, Stuart Rickard and Jean Sweeney. Councilmember Kerr requested that Douglas Holmes [Neighborhood Group applicant] be added to the list. Mayor Appezzato stated that he would not support said addition. Councilmember Daysog stated that he concurred with Mayor Appezzato's selection. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the selection process [confirm appointment of Business Association Member Georgia Madden and Chamber of Commerce Member Floyd Hibbits; Mayor nominate and Council appoint Committee membership] and the Mayor's nominations. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (01 -149) Resolution No. 13326, "Requesting that CalTrans Prepare a Project Study Report for Tinker Avenue Extension Project which would Modify Access to State Route 61, Webster Street and Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Negotiate and Execute All Necessary Agreements." Adopted. Jon Spangler, Bike Alameda, stated the Public Works Director responded to most of the concerns in the letter [dated March 20, Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 March 20, 2001 2001] he submitted to Council; Public Works is working towards a comprehensive transportation community, including bicyclists, pedestrians and bus riders; the Deputy Public Works Director has been receptive to integrating suggestions into the design; the process and design evolution have been well done; compared to previous options, 25% to 300 of taxpayers' money, about $4 Million, will be saved. Peter Lenhardt, Alameda, stated City staff has been receptive on working out details of Tinker Avenue extension; the solution is impressive; the dash [pedestrian crossing] across Webster Street is still being resolved; urged Council to support the plan and finding a Webster Street crossing solution. Vice Mayor DeWitt inquired whether there are possible solutions for the pedestrian pathway across Webster Street. The Deputy Public Works Director stated pedestrian access will be enhanced by including an additional crossing somewhere between the new College of Alameda entrance and Mariner Square Loop; staff has not had the opportunity to provide detailed designs, however, there will be a crossing for pedestrians and bicycles. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether the crossing would be a bridge, to which the Deputy Public Works Director responded it will most likely be an over crossing. Councilmember Daysog inquired whether the bus stop at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and Webster Street was moved away from the shopping area. The Deputy Public Works Director responded [bus] stops were relocated in response to the College's desire to have direct bus access to the campus and because Webster Street crossing created a safety concern for students; at the open house [March 8, 2001], staff identified a new proposal to have a split [bus] stop - -half a block away from each other; there will be a [bus] stop in front of the College and the northbound stop will remain in its current location. Councilmember Daysog inquired whether the bus stop at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and Webster Street would remain in its current location. The Deputy Public Works Director responded the [bus] stop in front of the Senior Center [Independence Plaza] will remain in its present location; the stop southbound on Atlantic Avenue will move to the College [entrance]. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 March 20, 2001 Councilmember Kerr thanked the Deputy Public Works Director for including citizens' comments; stated the process was satisfying; at the open house, people had an opportunity to have one -on -one conversations with staff. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Johnson stated the public input and staff's effort have resulted in a good plan; at the open house, everyone seemed to be impressed with the plan; the process has been successful. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (01 -150) Joan McMahon, Alameda, stated residents in the neighborhood near the Island Paradise Club have tried to place revoking the Club's business license on the Council Agenda since January; submitted petitions with 21 signatures; stated neighbors are kept awake due to pounding bass noise; after the Club closes, patrons scream and play loud music in cars; neighbors would like the City to address: public urination, public drinking and littering. (01 -151) Richard Hunter, Alameda, stated the Island Paradise Club is a nuisance; bass noise from the Club wakes him up; the owners of the Club are not interested in being good neighbors. (01 -152) Guy Smith, Alameda, stated the Island Paradise Club owners do not care about problems in the neighborhood; Club patrons urinate on sidewalk, neighbors' yards and the parking lot behind the Club; drug paraphernalia can be found around the Club; public drinking is common around the Club; patrons play car stereos; the noise is relentless; other bars' patrons do not create the same problems; the neighbors want nothing less than the bar to leave the neighborhood; requested the City Council to apply State of California public nuisance laws, public nuisance common law and case law against the Club and rid the neighborhood of the Club. Mayor Appezzato stated if any laws are being violated, action needs to be taken. The Assistant City Manager, Operations stated the Police Department has met with the Club owner and has monitored noise and activities; Patrol Officers have dropped by to remind the owner to turn down the music; there is regular monitoring; staff is reviewing Mr. Smith's recommendation, from the last Council Meeting, regarding a Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 9 March 20, 2001 new way to measure decibel readings to take into account noises in the lower register, which may solve one of the neighbors' problems. Mayor Appezzato stated if there are public disturbances outside the building, e.g. drunkenness, there should be arrests. The Assistant City Manager, Operations responded there have been arrests. The City Manager stated staff would report back to the City Council and neighbors; the Assistant City Manager, Operations is leading up the staff team which is working on the high priority issue. (01 -153) Jon Spangler, Alameda, stated the Tinker Avenue extension, Webster Renaissance, Economic Development Strategic Plan and the Northern Waterfront [Committee] are all examples of community involvement; the City looses creativity by not having 500 community representation; the Webster Renaissance was successful because eight out of fifteen members were private citizens, not affiliated with organizations; the City should follow said model; the process for formulating groups should be revised to keep from selecting special interest groups representatives. (01 -154) Plato Wang, Alameda, stated everyone is proud that Mayor Appezzato will represent the City of Alameda when he visits the State of Israel. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (01 -155) Councilmember Daysog stated the City should consider ways for two Councilmembers to have informal, staff - assisted communications with City of Oakland Councilmembers; there are a wide variety of issues, e.g. Alameda Point and Northern Waterfront estuary, which deal with the City of Oakland; perhaps semi - annual or quarterly informal discussions could be held. Mayor Appezzato requested the City Manager to discuss the matter with the City Manager of Oakland. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Appezzato adjourned the Regular Meeting at 10:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane B. Felsch, CMC City Clerk Agenda for meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 10 March 20, 2001