2002-05-21 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY - - MAY 21, 2002 - - 7:30 P.M. Mayor Appezzato convened the Regular Meeting at 7:27 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, Kerr, and Mayor Appezzato - 5. Absent: None. AGENDA CHANGES None. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (02 -207) Presentation on Power Supply Alternatives and Recommendations for Reliability in the 21St Century. Alameda Power & Telecom General Manager stated due to California's energy crisis, Advanced Energy Strategies was contracted to develop a plan for power supply alternatives and recommendations for reliability. Dr. Dean Tibbs, Advanced Energy Strategies, gave a brief Power Point presentation on power supply alternatives. Councilmember Daysog inquired whether implementation would include all plans noted in the presentation. Dr. Tibbs responded the recommended option is Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Gasification Plant; a second option is a combined power plant; the third is distributed generation which would be gradually integrated. Councilmember Daysog inquired how distributed generation would be financially planned, to which Dr. Tibbs responded financial planning would be addressed during the Public Utility Board's strategic planning cycle. Councilmember Daysog inquired whether the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) power supply would decline in 2006 -07, to which Dr. Tibbs responded contract changes and restructuring of WAPA and PG &E agreements would make energy no longer available. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether there are only three Pyrolosis Plants in operation in the world, to which Dr. Tibbs responded in the affirmative. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 May 21, 2002 Councilmember Kerr stated down -wind locations should be considered when planning the location of combustion power generators. Dr. Tibbs responded a permitting and review process would take place when a project is started [which includes prevailing winds] . Councilmember Kerr inquired whether there would be a savings for massive installation of solar generation, to which Dr. Tibbs responded there is no economy of scale for commercial solar generation. Councilmember Kerr stated solar generation should be considered for Alamedans. Councilmember Johnson stated care should be used when types of power are decided upon; inquired whether geothermal could be re- injected again to increase power production. Dr. Tibbs responded Northern California Power Agency (NCPA) is aggressively managing the steam field. Councilmember Johnson inquired about the types of garbage that would be used in the gasification of MSW, to which Dr. Tibbs responded any garbage or recyclables that contain a hydrocarbon. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the Combined Cycle Power Plant uses all natural gas, to which Dr. Tibbs responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Johnson inquired about the effect of fluctuation in gas prices, to which Dr. Tibbs responded if there are concerns regarding the volatility in the gas market a long -term gas purchase contract would be secured. Councilmember Johnson requested Dr. Tibbs to comment on the grid system, to which Mr. Tibbs responded locating generation on a site nearby or on Alameda is being analyzed. (02 -208) Presentation on the Pedestrian Safety Program. Sergeant Swatman, of the Traffic Division, gave a brief Power Point presentation on the Pedestrian Safety Program. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether half of the pedestrian accidents were due to pedestrian negligence, to which Sergeant Swatman responded pedestrians were at fault in eight of the forty - nine accidents last year. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 May 21, 2002 Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the accidents were in the business district, to which Sergeant Swatman responded the accidents happened all over town. Councilmember Johnson stated a pedestrian safety outreach program was needed. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether a signal timing system for left hand turns could provide safety for pedestrians, to which the Public Works Director responded an exclusive left turn feature does not allow pedestrians to cross; further stated the City of Oakland's "scramble" signal creates confusion. Councilmember Daysog congratulated the Alameda Police Department for their enforcement work. Vice Mayor DeWitt stated signs on Otis Drive should be used throughout the City. Mayor Appezzato inquired whether accidents occurred during commute hours, to which Sergeant Swatman responded accidents happened during all hours of the day. (02 -209) Proclamation Declaring June 1 through June 9, 2002 as Affordable Housing Week in the City of Alameda. Mayor Appezzato read the proclamation and presented it to Peggy Doherty, East Bay Housing Organization. Ms. Doherty invited Council to participate in the events during the week; stated the housing crisis is not over. (02 -210) Councilmember Kerr stated a new coalition, called LOCAL [Leave Our Community Assets Local], was formed; the coalition consists of over 150 agencies throughout the State and was formed to address State budget cuts; one way the State will balance the budget is on the backs of local government; a long list [of cuts] was compiled by the League of California Cities; that she would provide said list to Council; the list includes reducing reimbursements for State mandates and taking future tax increment funds from redevelopment districts as part of the ERAF [Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund] shift; redevelopment district tax increment is used to repay bonds and is a chief funding mechanism for affordable housing; however, housing allocations are not being reduced; requested staff to provide a report on the problems the City will face as a result of State budget cuts. CONSENT CALENDAR Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 May 21, 2002 Mayor Appezzato announced that recommendation to accept Quarterly Investment Report [paragraph no. 02 -212], and the Resolution Appointing Marc A. Lambert as a Member of the Bay Area Library and Information System Advisory Board [paragraph no. 02 -220] were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *02 -211) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and Social Service Human Relations Board Meeting held on April 25, 2002, the Special Joint City council and Planning Board Meeting held on April 30, 2002, the Special Joint City Council and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Meeting held on May 1, 2002, and the Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on May 7, 2002. Approved. (02 -212) Recommendation to accept Quarterly Investment Report for the period ending March 31, 2002 and approve appropriation for Investment Management Services. Kevin Kennedy, City Treasurer, stated investment management services specialize in managing money for public institutions and agencies; there should be high return with low risk. Councilmember Johnson inquired about the rate of return, to which the City Treasurer responded the rate of return depends on how the portfolio changes. The City Manager stated investment management services will be fine - tuning the City's ability to generate investment yield. By consensus, the motion carried by a unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *02 -213) Recommendation to award Contract in the amount of $681,432 to Kvichak Marine Industries for Express II Conversion Project, No. P.W. 08- 01 -22. Accepted. ( *02 -214) Recommendation to authorize the installation of Stop Controls at Chestnut Street and Clinton Avenue and Lafayette Street and Clinton Avenue to establish right -of -way. Accepted. ( *02 -215) Resolution No. 13449, "Authorizing the City Manager to Secure and Implement Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority Measure B Paratransit Funding for Fiscal Year 2002 -03." Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 May 21, 2002 Adopted. ( *02 -216) Resolution No. 13450, "Authorizing the City Manager to Submit a One Year Grant Application for the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant Funds (FY 2002 -03, Cycle 8) to the California Integrated Waste Management Board and Execute All Necessary Applications, Contracts, Payment Requests, Agreements and Amendments." Adopted. ( *02 -217) Resolution No. 13451, "Authorizing Application for Fiscal Year 2002 -03 Bicycle Transportation Account Funds." Adopted. ( *02 -218) Resolution No. 13452, "Intention to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda for FY 2002 -03 and to Set a Public Hearing Date of June 4, 2002." Adopted. ( *02 -219) Resolution No. 13453, "Authorizing the City Manager to Apply for United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Supportive Housing Programs Funding." Adopted. (02 -220) Resolution No. 13454, "Appointing Marc A. Lambert as a Member of the Bay Area Library and Information System (BALIS) Advisory Board." Adopted. Vice Mayor DeWitt acknowledged the spirit of volunteerism; further acknowledged former BALIS volunteer Linda Olsen for her community work. Vice Mayor DeWitt moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *02 -221) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,648,027.67. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (02 -222) Public Hearing to consider a request for approval of Initial Study IS- 01 -01, for a Mitigated Negative Declaration under the California Environmental Quality Act, and a General Plan Amendment, GPA- 01 -02, to add Tinker Avenue as a Major Street from Main Street to Webster Street to Figure 4 -1, Street and Transit System, of the Alameda General Plan; (02 -222A) Resolution No. 13455, "Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, IS- 01 -01, for General Plan Amendment GPA- 01 -02, (State Clearinghouse #2001062021)." Adopted; and (02 -222B) Resolution No. 13456, "Adopting General Plan Amendment, Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 21, 2002 GPA- 01-02, to Add Tinker Avenue to Webster Street to Figure 4 -1, Alameda General Plan." Adopted. as a Major Street from Main Street Street and Transit System, of the The Planning Manager provided a brief background on the addition of Tinker Avenue as a major roadway. Mayor Appezzato opened the Public Hearing. Proponents: Richard East, U.S. Coast John Knox White, Alameda John Beery, Alameda; Jon Spangler, Alameda. Guard; Transportation Coalition; Councilmember Kerr requested Bike Alameda provide education on bicycle safety. Councilmember Daysog moved adoption of the resolutions. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Johnson thanked staff and residents who worked on the project. Councilmember Kerr stated specific language regarding the first story noise levels [for Coast Guard Housing] is needed to ensure a livable use; existing language is vague. The Planning Manager responded the Negative Declaration acknowledges potential noise impacts; a noise study will indicate whether sound walls are needed to shield the recreation areas and first floors. Councilmember Kerr stated the report reads a sound wall might protect the first story; stated the report should read: "the first story windows would be glazed if a sound wall is not installed and interior noise on the ground floor will be within residential noise standards." Councilmember Daysog requested Council move forward with the staff recommendation; noted changes can be made in the future. Councilmember Kerr requested language be revised to reflect that noise levels on the ground floor interior will be no higher than noise levels on the second story. The Planning Manager stated the City standard is an interior noise Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 6 May 21, 2002 level of 45 dBA /CNEL; the mitigation monitoring program commits the City to work with the Coast Guard to retrofit residences which are impacted by noise; if a noise wall is not installed, windows will be glazed; staff will work with the Coast Guard as we complete a more detailed study of noise levels. Councilmember Kerr inquired why second story noise mitigation is specific but first story noise mitigation is not specific, to which the Planning Manager responded a sound wall could not mitigate second story noise levels. Mayor Appezzato stated either a sound wall or glazing would be on the first story. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether noise levels would meet the City standard, to which the Planning Manager responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether specific language regarding 45 decibels (dBA) is in language for the first story, to which the Planning Manager responded in the affirmative and stated the specific language is in the Initial Study and the Negative Declaration, and also in the Mitigation Monitoring Program. Councilmember Kerr stated the Planning Board brought up the issue and requested that Council make a determination; requested that the motion be amended by adding that noise on the first floor will be below 45 decibels. Councilmember Johnson stated that said language is in the report. Councilmember Kerr stated that said language is not what Council is voting on. Vice Mayor DeWitt stated mitigations should be governed by the noise study and City regulations. On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, and Mayor Appezzato - 4. Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1. (02 -223) Resolution No. 13457, "Approving Submittal of an Application for State Matching Funds from the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2000." Adopted; and (02 -223A) Resolution No 13458, "Approving Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report for the New Alameda Free Library (State Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 May 21, 2002 Clearinghouse #90030601)." The Library Director gave a brief oral report to Council. Dr. Alan Mitchell, Library Board, urged Council to adopt the resolution. Honora Murphy, Library Building Team, commended members of the Library Building Team for their hard work. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the resolutions. Vice Mayor DeWitt seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Kerr noted that the State budget is reducing funding for public library foundations by $11.8 million; library foundations are seeking local funding. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (02 -224) David Rich, Alameda, stated improvements are needed at Alameda beach; submitted postcards of Alameda Beach to Council. Mayor Appezzato requested the City Manager to contact East Bay Regional Parks District regarding the matter. (02 -225) Richard Neveln, Alameda, stated the flag at City Hall is not properly lighted at night; requested proper lighting by Memorial Day. (02 -226) Corey Redding, Mary Andrade, and Roxanne LeBlanc, American Cancer Society, invited Council to attend the 7th Annual Relay for Life Celebration Saturday June 8, 2002 through Sunday June 9, 2002 at Encinal High School; submitted information to Council. (02 -227) Jean Sweeney, Alameda, stated East Bay Regional Park District is replacing non - native plants along the beach. (02 -228) John Spangler, Alameda, expressed his appreciation for the City Manager's contribution to the San Francisco Aids Foundation. (02 -229) Genevieve Chesler, Alameda, noted her concerns about teenage driver and pedestrian safety, and pedestrian sauntering. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 May 21, 2002 COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (02 -230) Councilmember Daysog stated Census 2000 Summary data is available on the Internet. (02 -231) Councilmember Kerr stated an upcoming Special Association of Bay Area Governments Meeting in Richmond would cover Principles to Smart Growth; the defiscalization of land use would also be covered at the meeting. (02 -232) Councilmember Johnson requested staff to review if there are adequate bike racks on the beach. (02 -233) Councilmember Daysog stated Alameda might benefit from defiscalization of land use; suggested Council remain open to defiscalization of land use. Councilmember Kerr noted Oakland is the only City supporting defiscalization of land use. (02 -234) Vice Mayor DeWitt requested Jim Sweeney, American Legion, to address Council regarding Memorial Day Services. Jim Sweeney invited Council to attend the American Legion Post 647 Annual Memorial Day Service at Veterans Memorial Park on Monday May 27, 2002. (02 -235) Mayor Appezzato stated the Port of Oakland requested Council to review a list of names for the Cross Airport Roadway; requested the matter be placed on the next Council agenda under council Communications; stated that he does not oppose naming the road after developer Ron Cowan. ADJOURNMENT (02 -236) There being no further business, Mayor Appezzato adjourned the Regular Meeting at 9:35 p.m. in memory of Kathy Baker, Alameda Journal photographer. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 9 May 21, 2002