2003-11-04 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- - NOVEMBER 4, 2003- -7:30 P.M. Mayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 8:11 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Gilmore, Kerr and Mayor Johnson - 4. Absent: Councilmember Matarrese - 1. AGENDA CHANGES None. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (03 -489) Briefing by the Public Works Department on the City's Public Works bidding process pursuant to City Charter Section 3 -15. The Public Works Director and Supervising Civil Engineer gave a power point presentation on the bidding process. Mayor Johnson inquired whether a list of projects is provided to fiscal year contractors. The Supervising Civil Engineer responded in the case of sidewalk repair, there is a list of all known areas in need of repair; high pedestrian areas receive first priority; other locations are addressed in the order in which the deficiency was reported. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the sidewalk Contract is for a fixed amount. The Supervising Civil Engineer responded in the negative; stated certain quantities are calculated; the contractor receives a list of addresses. Mayor Johnson inquired whether unit prices were used for each sidewalk repaired, rather than an annual amount. The Supervising Civil Engineer responded in the affirmative; stated the bid document is written with the aim of a particular total amount. The Public Works Director noted the Contract amount is approved in the CIP budget. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 November 4, 2003 Mayor Johnson inquired whether the complete Contract amount is a cap, to which the Public Works Director responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson inquired whether there is a provision regarding preference for local contractors, to which the Public Works Director responded the City has a loo preference policy. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether Public Works conducts a thorough investigation of contractors, to which the Supervising Civil Engineer responded in the affirmative. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to accept Quarterly Financial Report [paragraph no. 03 -492] and the recommendation to approve Request for Proposal for Ferry Operations [paragraph no. 03 -493 were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember Gilmore moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Councilmember Matarrese - 1.] [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] ( *03 -490) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on October 21, 2003. Approved. ( *03 -491) Recommendation to accept Quarterly Sales Tax Report for period ending September 30, 2003 for Sales Transactions in the Second Calendar Quarter of 2003. Accepted. (03 -492) Recommendation to accept Quarterly Financial Report for period ending September 30, 2003 and approve supplemental appropriations. Councilmember Kerr inquired why there is an increase of $139,000 in Human Resources. The Finance Director stated the adjustments relate to a carryover for the performance measurement project and facilitation services. Councilmember Kerr inquired what are facilitation services, to which the City Manager stated the services are part of the City's interest based negotiations approach with collective bargaining Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 November 4, 2003 groups. Councilmember Kerr inquired why the amount is being increased, to which the City Manager responded the amount depends upon which bargaining groups are in negotiations. In response to Councilmember Kerr's inquiry regarding the Museum rental increase, the Finance Director responded the Contract provides for a CPI adjustment. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether the $5,827 increase is for the first quarter or the entire year, to which the Finance Director responded the entire year. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether there was adjustment to the affordable housing expenses. The Finance Director responded the amount did not change. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether Council is approving adjusted appropriations tonight. The Finance Director responded the amount for affordable housing has not been adjusted. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether amounts listed under adjusted appropriations are not necessarily adjustments, to which the Finance Director responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the report summarized adjustments. The Finance Director responded in the affirmative; stated the total for all General Fund adjustments is $150,000. Vice Mayor Daysog stated the adjustments relative to the entire budget are relatively small; noted the Museum's rent increase is 140 of the Museum's total appropriation, which is above the CPI. The Finance Director stated the adjustment includes an amount from the prior year; that she prepared an off agenda report on Museum rent, which could be redistributed. Mayor Johnson requested the amount of time remaining on Museum's lease be included in the report. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether there has been an operating loss or gain. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 November 4, 2003 The Finance Director responded there is an operating gap of $6.5 million; however, property tax revenues do not come in until December; if projections are met, $50,000 should be added to the reserves at the end of the fiscal year. Vice Mayor Daysog moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Councilmember Matarrese - l.] (03 -493) Recommendation to approve Request For Proposal (RFP) for Ferry Operations. John Knox White, Bike Alameda, suggested that the RFP include that persons riding bikes not be charged a fare to promote non - automotive travel during commute hours; submitted proposed language to Council; stated the cost would be small and would create a decrease in traffic during commute hours. Lucy Gigli, Bike Alameda, stated the proposed incentive of no fare for bicyclists on the ferries would not be unique; free parking, which involves security, land and repaving costs, is an incentive given to auto drivers; bus riders receive a free ticket stub for AC Transit and Muni; there are subsidies for other modes of transit, which have a greater impact on traffic than bicycles. Jon Spangler, Alameda, stated providing free tickets to bicycle riders would not cause freeloaders to ride the ferry with bikes because riding a bicycle in San Francisco is very dangerous. Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed bicycle riding. Vice Mayor Daysog stated the concept of rewarding bicyclists is very good; inquired whether language could be added to the evaluation criteria to reward strategies for reducing single occupancy vehicle trips to the ferry terminal. The City Attorney responded staff would find a way to include said suggestion; suggested that the RFP remain intact and an addendum be created to address the issue, rather than including it as an evaluation criteria. Councilmember Kerr stated a free Muni ticket is no longer attached to ferry tickets and AC Transit cancelled the 365 bus; that she supports inclusive language; many people cannot ride bikes. Mayor Johnson stated Vice Mayor Daysog's proposal was to encourage strategies where people are not driving single occupancy cars to Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 November 4, 2003 the ferry; subsidy was not mentioned. Vice Mayor moved approval of the staff recommendation with the addition of an addendum to encourage proposers review strategies to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips to the ferry terminal. Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Councilmember Matarrese - 1.] ( *03 -494) Recommendation to approve extension of Agreements with Harbor Bay Maritime for Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry Operations and with Blue and Gold for Alameda Oakland Ferry Service Operations to July 31, 2004. Accepted. ( *03 -495) Recommendation to amend Fiscal Year 2003 -04 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to establish an East End Ferry Maintenance CIP and authorize an Annual Transfer of $35,000 from the Transportation Improvement Fund. Accepted. ( *03 -496) Recommendation to accept improvements and reduce the Subdivision Bond for Tract 7302 (Bay Cove). Accepted. ( *03 -497) Resolution No. 13647, "Ordering Vacation of a Portion of an Existing Public Utility Easement within Lot 9, Parcel Map No. 4744 and Recordation of Quitclaim Deed (First Marina Plaza)." Adopted. ( *03 -498) Resolution No. Funding from Discretionary Construction." 13648, "Authorizing Application for the Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Countywide Grant Fund to Purchase Right -of -Way for Trail Adopted; and ( *03 -498A) Resolution No. Funding from the Measure B Discretionary Grant Fund for Plan." Adopted. 13649, "Authorizing Application for Bicycle and Pedestrian Countywide Development of the Alameda Pedestrian ( *03 -499) Resolution No. 13650, "Authorizing Application for Funding from the Association of Bay Area Governments' Regional Development Program to Conduct a Feasibility Study for the Cross - Alameda Trail." Adopted. ( *03 -500) Resolution No. 13651, "Authorizing the City to Apply for Grant Funds for the Per Capita Grant Program Under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002." Adopted; and ( *03 -500A) Resolution No. 13652, "Authorizing the City to Apply Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 November 4, 2003 for Grant Funds for the Roberti- Z'Berg- Harris Block Grant Program Under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002." Adopted. ( *03 -501) Resolution No. 13653, "Authorizing the Submittal of an Application to the California State Department of Housing and Community Development for Funding Under the Exterior Accessibility Grants for Renters (EAGR) Program; the Execution of a Standard Agreement if Selected for Such Funding and Any Amendments Thereto; and Any Related Documents Necessary to Participate in the EAGR Program." Adopted. ( *03 -502) Bills for ratification. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (03 -503) Resolution No. 13654, "Appointing Gina M. Mariani as a Member of the Planning Board." Adopted. Vice Mayor Daysog moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Councilmember Matarrese - 1.] The City Clerk administered the Oath and presented a Certificate of Appointment to Ms. Mariani. (03 -504) Resolution No. 13655, "Resolution Appointing Robert A. Bonta as a Member of the Social Service Human Relations Board." Adopted. Vice Mayor Daysog moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Councilmember Matarrese - 1.] The City Clerk administered the Oath and presented a Certificate of Appointment to Mr. Bonta. (03 -505) Resolution No. 13656, "Appointing Cecilia Y. Cervantes as a Member of the Public Art Advisory Committee." Adopted; (03 -505A) Resolution No. 13657, "Appointing Katina Huston as a Member of the Public Art Advisory Committee." Adopted; (03 -505B) Resolution No. 13658, "Appointing Karen Lee Schutz as a Member of the Public Art Advisory Committee." Adopted; Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 6 November 4, 2003 (03 -505C) Resolution No. 13659, "Appointing K.C. Rosenberg as a Member of the Public Art Advisory Committee." Adopted; and (03 -505D) Resolution No. 13660, "Appointing Peter T. Wolfe as a Member of the Public Art Advisory Committee." Adopted. Councilmember Kerr moved adoption of the resolutions. Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Councilmember Matarrese - 1.] The City Clerk administered the Oaths and presented a Certificates of Appointment to the Committee members. (03 -506) Ordinance No. 2910, "Amending the Community Improvement Plans for the Alameda Point, Business and Waterfront and West End Community Improvement Projects to Extend Certain Time Limitations Pursuant to Senate Bill 1045." Finally passed. Councilmember Kerr moved final passage of the ordinance. Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Councilmember Matarrese - 1.1 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA None. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (03 -507) Councilmember Kerr again requested information, which she previously requested at a Ferry Workshop [October 7, 2003]; stated the Alameda Oakland Ferry has always efficiently used public funds and the public should be informed. (03 -508) Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he reviewed Alameda Power and Telecom's most recent financial report; there appear to be a number of fund sources that could be used to finance the loan telecommunication buildout; $10 million was transferred in FY 2001- 02 from electric to cable television; requested an off agenda report on the transfer and a primer on the sources of funds included in the financial report; stated a $17 million transfer is requested for FY 2003 -04; internal transfers imply that cash is available within AP &T; that he wants to understand AP &T's internal finances available prior to making a General Fund loan; requested the report include any transfers made in FY 2002 -03; further stated that his understanding was that there was to be firewall requiring cable television to stand alone. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 November 4, 2003 (03 -509) Vice Mayor Daysog requested an update on the status of drafting a resolution requiring competitive bidding for bond underwriting. Mayor Johnson inquired whether a briefing is being scheduled on said matter. The City Manager stated an off agenda report was sent to the Council; a briefing can be scheduled. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Meeting at 9:04 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 November 4, 2003