2000-03-21 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- -MARCH 21, 2000- -7:30 P.M. Mayor Appezzato convened Meeting at 7:38 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, Kerr and Mayor Appezzato - 5. Absent: None. AGENDA CHANGES None. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (00 -128) Presentation of Plaques to Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Regional Members in recognition of exemplary service. Mayor Appezzato presented plaques to: Sandre Swanson, representative for Congresswoman Barbara Lee; Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan; and Mayor Sheila Young and alternate Kathleen Ornelas of San Leandro. [Roberta Brooks, Alternate for Congresswoman Barbara Lee, and Jay Leonhardy, City of Oakland representative, were not in attendance.] (00 -129) Mayor Appezzato announced that the City of Alameda received the California Recreation and Community Service Program Agency Showroom Award of Excellence for the community build of the Skate Park; presented the award to Carolyn Knudtson, Senior Recreation Supervisor, Leslie Medine, Executive Director of Alternatives for Action and HOME Project Director, and students Robbie Hanson and Daniel Osborne. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Appezzato announced that the report recommending participation in the Lead Poisoning Prevention Program [paragraph no. 00 -1311 was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 arch 21, 2000 ( *00 -130) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on March 7, 2000. Approved. (00 -131) Recommendation to continue participation in the Alameda County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. Councilmember DeWitt stated the City of Alameda has done an excellent job; Victorian homes have lead paint; the County program has assisted with safely renovating 35 units in Alameda during 1999. Steve Schwartzberg, Director, Alameda County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, thanked Councilmembers DeWitt and Kerr and the City's Community Development Manager. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether cleanup of childcare centers is being reviewed. Mr. Schwartzberg responded in the affirmative; stated a HUD Grant Application is being completed; other issues, such as mold, integrated pest management, and safety, are being reviewed for daycare centers. Councilmember DeWitt moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Johnson stated everybody in Alameda needs to be aware of the potential dangers. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *00 -132) Recommendation to authorize submission of Application and enter into Agreement for Every Child Counts Service Development and Community Grants Initiative 2000 for Smart Healthy Babies Home Visit Program. Accepted. ( *00 -133) Resolution No. 13192, "Authorizing Purchase of Six Pool Vehicles Using the State of California, Department of General Services, Procurement Division, Competitive Bid Award." Adopted. ( *00 -134) Resolution No. 13193, Adopting the Amended and Restated Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) Trust Agreement." Adopted. ( *00 -135) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,079,520.66. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 arch 21, 2000 (00 -136) Public Hearing to consider a request for approval of Initial Study IS 99 -08, for a Mitigated Negative Declaration under the California Environmental Quality Act, a General Plan Amendment, GPA 99 -03 to allow 100,000 square feet of assisted living facilities for frail elderly persons in the M -U -2 (Specified Mixed Use /Mariner Square) General Plan area, and Rezoning R -99 -03 to establish a Planned Development Combining Zoning District for the site within the M -2 General Industrial /Manufacturing Zoning District; and Call for Review by Mayor Appezzato of the Planning Board approval of Planned Development PD 99 -04, Use Permit 99 -27 and Major Design Review DR 99 -74, for 4.26 acres of land and 3.09 acres of water located at 2415 Mariner Square Drive adjacent to the Estuary. Applicant: Aegis Assisted Living and Mariner Square Associates; (00 -136A) Resolution No. 13194, "Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, IS- 99 -08, and Mitigation Monitoring Program for General Plan Amendment GPA- 99 -03; Rezoning R -99 -03 Planned Development PD- 99 -04; Use Permit UP- 99 -27; and Design Review DR 99- 74, for Construction of a 103 -Room Assisted Living Facility and a Storage Building for Up to 170 Boats, with Docks and Parking Reconfigured on a 7.35 Acre Site, Mariner Square." Adopted; (00 -136B) Resolution No. 13195, "Approving General Plan Amendment GPA 99 -03 at 2415 Mariner Square Drive, for Aegis Assisted Living and for John Beery Jr. /Mariner Square." Adopted; (00 -136C) Ordinance Reclassifying and Rezoning Property at 2415 and 2455 Mariner Square Drive from M -2 General Industrial /Manufacturing Zoning District to M -2 /PD General Industrial /Manufacturing Zoning District with a PD Planned Development Combining Zoning District. Introduced; and (00 -136D) Resolution No. 13196, "Sustaining Planning Board Approval of Planned Development 99 -04; Use Permit UP- 99 -27, and Design Review DR 99 -74 for an Assisted Living Facility, a Dry Boat Storage Building and Floating Docks with Piers at Mariner Square, for Aegis Assisted Living and for John Beery Jr. /Mariner Square." Adopted. The Development Review Manager gave a brief presentation on the proposed project and the shoreline trail. Mayor Appezzato stated trail access is a major concern. Mayor Appezzato opened the public portion of the Hearing. onents (not in favor of Call for Review) MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 arch 21, 2000 Len Grzanka, Alameda; Paul Fossum, Alameda; (submitted letter) Rich Krinks, Applicant, Mariner Square & Associates; (submitted letters) Bill Mabry, Applicant, Aegis. Proponents (in favor of Call for Review) Jim Sweeney, Alameda; Jean Sweeney, Alameda; William Smith, Sierra Club; Wendell Stewart, Alameda; Vince Mackel, Alameda; Pattianne Parker, Alameda; Bill Smith, Alameda. Following the comments by Mr. Krinks, Applicant, Mariner Square & Associates, Mayor Appezzato inquired whether the boat storage facility is going over a vacant waterhole, to which Mr. Krinks responded in the affirmative. Mayor Appezzato inquired whether boats would be brought out to the left of the Pasta Pelican Restaurant and the right of the Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC), to which Mr. Krinks responded in the affirmative. In response to Mayor Appezzato's inquiry regarding a boardwalk along the water connecting to the FISC property, Mr. Krinks stated there are docks which are the property of Mariner Square and Associates. Councilmember DeWitt asked the number of feet in front of the boat storage facility, to which Mr. Krinks responded 127 feet. In response to Councilmember DeWitt's inquiry regarding the width of the boat storage facility doorway, Mr. Krinks stated the doorway is approximately 55 feet. Councilmember DeWitt further inquired what is dry dock storage? Mr. Krinks responded dry storage is an environmentally correct way to store boats; boats are taken out of the water and stored on land; the building will house boats on racks. Councilmember DeWitt inquired how people would use boats, to which Mr. Krinks responded individuals would call whenever they want to use their boats and the facility would put the boat in the water. In response to Mayor Appezzato's inquiry regarding whether storage is short -term or long -term, Mr. Krinks stated storage could be MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 arch 21, 2000 either. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether Mr. Krinks proposes to route the trail behind the Aegis facility and the boat storage facility, to which Mr. Krinks responded in the affirmative. In response to Councilmember Johnson's inquiry regarding the amount of feet the trail will detour from the shoreline, Mr. Krinks stated that he has not calculated the feet. Councilmember Kerr stated the detour around the back of the buildings will require adjacent property owners to supply land for the trail; inquired the distance between the Aegis building and the boat storage building. Mr Krinks responded there is a sidewalk, a parking space and a driveway between the two buildings; it is probably 40 to 50 feet from the corner of the Aegis building to the boat storage building. Councilmember Kerr stated that there will be industrial use adjacent to a residence for frail, elderly people. Mr. Krinks stated the boat storage facility will give those living in the Aegis facility something to do. In response to Councilmember Kerr's inquiry regarding the hours of operation of the storage facility, Mr. Krinks stated the plan states 7 a.m. to 6- or 7 p.m. Councilmember Kerr stated strong lighting would be required due to late hours of operation; in other parts of Alameda, industrial lighting glares into windows of residences; shielded lighting does not work; inquired why extensive lighting would be needed if the boat storage facility will operate until 6- or 7 p.m. only. Mr. Krinks responded Mariner Square & Associates did not state extensive industrial lighting would be used; City staff stated there was a potential need for said lighting; it is not Mariner Square & Associates' requirement. Councilmember Kerr stated there is not landscaping between the parking on the waterside of the Aegis building and the promenade; there is normally a buffer zone of three feet between parking lots and other uses; there should be visual shielding of the parked cars. Councilmember Johnson requested staff to indicate how the trail would reconnect to the water. MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 arch 21, 2000 The Development Review Manager responded the trail is proposed to relocate along the Catellus property; stated Catellus representatives submitted a letter requesting the trail be relocated to the first public street, rather than along the property line; the exact alignment is not clear, however, the matter would be resolved prior to issuing building permits. Mayor Appezzato stated boats will go in and out of the water depending on the usage boat owners; Nelson Marine at Alameda Point puts boats in and out of the water using a crane which goes across a roadway where people drive and walk; inquired whether Nelson Marine's business is primarily maintenance or storage. Mr. Krinks responded Nelson Marine is entirely different and has mostly maintenance and long -term storage; everyday, Mariner Square & Associates will remove boats from storage for day trips. Mayor Appezzato stated there is a precedence [Nelson Marine]; although usage might not be as high. Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether the City Risk Manager or City Attorney evaluated said risk. The Development Review Manager responded staff is aware that there might be conflicts, however, specific concerns were not evaluated; staff proposed a gate be closed when the forklift is operating. Councilmember Kerr stated the Aegis facility is expected to have typical commercial lighting requirements; inquired the type of lights that will be used. Mr. Mabry, Applicant, Aegis, responded acorn -style lights will be used to create a park -like setting throughout the Aegis Facility. In response to Councilmember Kerr's inquiry regarding Mariner Square & Associates use of industrial lighting, Mr. Mabry responded the lighting plan will be reviewed by the Planning Director prior to issuance of permits; the lighting will be needed at the front doors of the boat storage facility only. There being no further speakers, Mayor Appezzato closed the public portion of the Hearing. Mayor Appezzato stated the Planning Board voted unanimously for the project; that he requested the Call for Review because continuous public access to the waterfront would be interrupted; Harbor Bay has complete access to the waterfront, as will Alameda Point and the FISC site; Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) recently approved public waterfront access from the Pasta Pelican MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 6 arch 21, 2000 Restaurant past Barnhill Marina; both the City and BCDC asked the Applicant [Mariner Square & Associates] to provide a plan for extending the shoreline trail westward toward FISC; the Catellus project proposes open space one mile -long by 150 feet -wide; said significant park area should connect to shoreline trails heading east and toward Marina Village; accommodation for 127 feet [in front of boat storage facility] should be made; however, a detour behind facilities would disturb the ambiance and beauty of the Island; if the use is not safe, the matter can be reviewed in one - year; inquired whether the matter of lighting will return to Council. The Planning Director stated lighting is a staff action under the Conditions of Approval; however, Council can request that the matter be addressed by the Planning Board or returned to the City Council. Mayor Appezzato stated the Aegis project would not be effected by continuing the shoreline trail along the waterfront; that he will support continuing the trail along the waterfront; complimented the Applicants for including a waterfront park in Plans; further stated that the shoreline trail should be extended from the Pasta Pelican Restaurant to the FISC site; the City should be creative and find a way to make it work. Councilmember Kerr suggested that lighting and exterior visual impact of the boat storage building be reviewed by the Planning Board. Vice Mayor Daysog stated the public trail should be continued; staff can address the matter of ensuring safe access. Councilmember Johnson stated continuous public access to the shoreline should continue; maritime use of the boat storage building should be allowed; and Harbor Bay has an assisted living facility on the water which works well. Councilmember Johnson moved the Planning Board decision, with regard to shoreline access, be reversed. The Planning Director stated if the Council's will is to require access along the shoreline, a new Condition 22, Public Access, was provided. Mayor Appezzato inquired whether the lighting and [boat storage] building will undergo design review. Councilmember Kerr responded the matter is slated to be addressed MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 arch 21, 2000 by staff; that she is requesting it be reviewed by the Planning Board. The Development Review Manager stated Councilmember Kerr is correct; the Condition reads staff would review plans prior to issuance of a building permit; Councilmember Kerr is requesting Planning Board review. Councilmember Kerr stated that she is recommending a language change requiring the Planning Board to address visual impact and lighting. The Planning Director stated Council is considering Design Review; and explained that Councilmember Kerr is requesting specific Conditions be heard at a Planning Board Public Hearing. Councilmember DeWitt stated taking the boats in and out [of the Boat storage facility] creates a safety problem in the area; measures should be taken to prevent accidents, e.g. restriction of hours or use of a fence; the matter will be revisited after a year. Councilmember Johnson stated staff addressed the safety issue; that she would not be opposed to safety alternatives other than gates; the matter should be left open for staff to review. Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion. Mayor Appezzato requested a clarification of the motion. The City Attorney suggested Council approve the staff recommendation, including related actions [adoption of Resolutions and introduction of Ordinance], and approve Condition 22 [Public Access] as presented by the Planning Director this evening. Councilmember Kerr stated the Resolution [No. 13196] should be amended by directing the Planning Board, rather than only staff, to review the Conditions of Lighting and Visual Impact of Buildings; and that she will support trail access on the shoreline. The City Attorney inquired whether Councilmember Kerr was presenting a substitute motion. Councilmember Kerr inquired whether Councilmember Johnson would amend her motion. Councilmember Johnson stated that she does not have a problem with the matter going before the Planning Board; inquired whether the Planning Board has completed Design Review. MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 arch 21, 2000 The Planning Director stated Design Review is before Council; there are a number of Conditions for staff to work out with the Applicant in conjunction with moving through the building permit process; Councilmember Kerr is requesting that two aspects, lighting design and treatment of the boat storage building, go before the Planning Board. Councilmember DeWitt stated that he would support [Councilmember Kerr's] amendment. Councilmember Johnson agreed to amend her motion. Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the amended motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Mayor Appezzato called a recess at 9:27 p.m. and reconvened the Regular Meeting at 9:40 p.m. (00 -137) Public Hearing to consider Certification of the Environmental Impact Report for the Reuse of Naval Air Station Alameda and the Fleet Industrial Supply Center, Alameda Annex and Facility; and (00 -137A) Resoluti Impact Report for Fleet Industrial Adopted. )n No. 13197, "Certifying the Final Environmental the Reuse of Naval Air Station Alameda and the Supply Center, Alameda Annex and Facility." Mayor Appezzato opened the public portion of the Hearing. Proponent: Dick Lyons, President of the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, urged the City Council to certify the EIR. Opponent: Peggy Doherty, Renewed HOPE Housing Advocates, stated the fact that the City has been in exclusive negotiations with Catellus Development Corporation has impacted citizens' abilities to find an open forum for discussing issues around East Housing and other Base issues; Councilmembers have stated that they cannot discuss the matter because they are in exclusive negotiation; concern is that hearings will occur at the last minute without adequate time for public input; the process with Catellus has been flawed; the model perfected over the past two years could very well become the model for future development in Alameda, including Alameda Point; Council MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 9 arch 21, 2000 should delay the Project; and everyone should have an opportunity to express his or her opinion. Opponent: Jean Sweeney, Alameda, stated the EIR includes a RV Park in an area near Encinal High School; the citizens addressed the issue two years ago; it is inappropriate for large vehicles to wander through the streets in the area; related noise and visual impact is also inappropriate; West Alameda citizens do not want a RV Park near Encinal High School; the [proposed] RV Park is strictly a moneymaker; and the City Council should remove the provision from the EIR. Mayor Appezzato stated the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) requested public conveyance of land at the Base [Alameda Point]; one EBRPD plan includes a RV Park; said proposal will go before the City Council at a Public Hearing; citizens will be allowed to voice pros and cons. Councilmember Kerr stated the District's original plan for the inner harbor area was 70% asphalt; the EIR is a program level document; each time the Final EIR is used to support City approval, e.g. acceptance of a project, City Council will be required to make findings of the document's adequacy under CEQA, and adopt mitigation measures for significant effects on the environment and a mitigation monitoring program. In response to Vice Mayor Daysog' s inquiry why the RV provision could not be removed from the EIR, the City Attorney stated that the City Council is approving the EIR on the Base Reuse Plan, approved by the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA); the City Council and Community Improvement Commission have no ability to change an ARRA decision; a Special ARRA Meeting could be called to address a Base Reuse Plan change, however, it would necessitate another complete environmental process; City Council will have the opportunity to address future environmental impacts; the Base Reuse Plan addresses a Community Reuse Plan; ARRA serves as a developer and the City Council as regulator; and policy decisions are not before the City Council this evening. Opponent [to RV Park provision in the EIR]: Jim Sweeney, Alameda, stated the matter of a 13 -acre RV Park goes back to 1996, when the [Base]Reuse Plan was published; due to lack of tax funding, EBRPD was going to turn the RV Park proposal into a cash cow to pay for its entire Park System; without any expertise, the District was venturing into a commercial enterprise; the City stated it could not go any further with the proposal, and the District did not continue pushing the program; the people in MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 10 arch 21, 2000 attendance this evening are very frustrated because RV Park proposal remains in the EIR. Mr. Sweeney further stated that cargo containers traveling through the Tubes and the repair of cargo containers 500 feet from Central Avenue had bothered the West End also, however, the Planning Board stopped it; the City established a committee composed of West End residents and stakeholders to set up rules and to qualify what should be done in the inner harbor area; West End citizens want the best use of the Base [Alameda Point] and are willing to work with the City. Mayor Appezzato stated the City Council wants what is best for the community; all members of the Council are elected at large; there will be two seats open in November; the City Council has done quite well; if you do not think so, you can voice your concern in November; the process is critical and tonight is not the night [to address the RV Park matter]. Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he shares Mr. Sweeney's frustration; inquired whether Council could add a statement of concern regarding the RV Park. The City Attorney responded in the affirmative; explained proposed statement would be for staff to take into consideration at the subsequent policy decisions on the General Plan and Rezoning. Mayor Appezzato commented that proposed statement should include that there may be people who support RV Park; must be fair. Vice Mayor Daysog stated that a lot of people have been working on the matter over the course of four years; the community has been ampley aware; some kind of recognition should be given to the residents who have given a lot of time and effort as a result of joining the different base reuse organizations. Mayor Appezzato stated the matter [RV Park] is not agendized; everyone must be heard. William Smith, Sierra Club, stated: "I, along with many other Alameda residents, have grave concerns about the adverse environmental impacts of the proposed reuse plan for the Alameda Naval Air Station. These adverse impacts will not be satisfactorily mitigated by the measures identified in the Final EIR before you tonight. Our fundamental concern is that the development program analyzed in the EIR will not create workforce housing near jobs. Instead, this development program may accelerate the destruction of the present renters' community in the West End. Others, including, the City of Oakland, the Port of Oakland, and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission have documented our other concerns. What I will do now, is describe why MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 1 arch 21, 2000 this reuse plan is dividing, and not uniting, our community. The workforce that is today's West End renters' community is under tremendous pressure from rising rents; the hardships inflicted on this community have been well documented by Father Jeffery Keyes of St. Barnabus and others in letters to the Editor of the Alameda Journal, by Reverend Michael Yoshi through the Alameda Ministerial Association, and by an editorial in the San Francisco Chronicle. When Renewed Hope has attempted to reach out to the larger community to ease these hardships their reception has been hostile. Hostile examples include: 1) a statement on page 163 of the draft EIR for the Catellus Mixed Use Project that rising rents resulting from a project are not considered significant, 2) a City sponsored housing forum originally consisting, with the exception of a transient renter, solely of homeowners, 3) letters to the editor of the Alameda Journal, such as a recent one from Lynn Low that said life just isn't fair and if one of Father Jeff Keyes's music teachers can't afford a house in Alameda, that teach should just move to Antioch or Tracy, or out of the Bay Area - -which that teacher, and many others, have done; 4)of great concern to many environmentalists: financing schemes best described as reversed Robin Hood: stealing from West End renters to jam our freeways and foul our air. Given this hostile reception, is it any wonder why Renewed Hope members have difficulty reaching out to the broader community. In the interest of strengthening the community of Alameda, I ask that you continue the Resolution "Approving the Final EIR for NAS Alameda" for 30 -60 days to allow staff time to prepare the socio- economic impact report described in the remarks I submitted earlier today (Letter, dated March 21, 2000); or if you do not continue it, at least do it before you consider the next EIR for the Catellus Project." Mayor Appezzato stated that he thought the matter of the West End versus the rest of the town was behind the City; perhaps said issue will have to be dealt with at the next Election; described recent West End projects and developments; stated that he hopes something similar can be done for the Fruitvale /Blanding Shopping Center and other areas in town. Opponent [not in favor of RV Park provision]. Saundra Cavender, Alameda, filed a speaker's slip, however, was not in attendance when called forward to speak. Opponent [not in favor of RV Park provision]: Kurt Peterson, Alameda, stated there should be an open forum regarding the RV Park, and adequate time and notice given; there is overwhelming opposition to a RV Park; and that he does not see a "West End versus and East End" issue. MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 12 arch 21, 2000 Mayor Appezzato inquired whether Mr. Peterson and others have met with Mr. Siden [EBRPD] , to which Mr. Peterson responded in the affirmative. Mayor Appezzato stated discussions with the District should continue. Mr. Peterson responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Kerr stated most of the land on which the proposed EBRPD moneymaker [RV Park] is slated to occur belongs to the City of Alameda; it is currently leased to the Navy; and inquired of the City Attorney whether four [affirmative] votes are required to give away City property. The City Attorney responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Kerr further stated citizens would have adequate notice and an opportunity to lobby. Opponent: Eve Bach, ARC Ecology, San Francisco, stated Council should evaluate whether environmental impacts are sufficiently addressed; an EIR is a proposed action and small modifications by Council do not require the entire Report to be re- circulated; adopted findings explain the facts relied upon by Council to reach a conclusion -- Council will be held to same. Ms. Bach further commented that staff had an opportunity to share the fiscal impacts, e.g. Redevelopment Plan and LAMBRA, however statements in the Staff Report are extremely evasive. Councilmember Kerr inquired how many people are employed by ARC Ecology, to which Ms. Bach responded approximately four. Proponent: Moira Fossum, President - Elect, Alameda Chamber of Commerce, urged Council to approve the EIR, as written; stated environmentalists have appeared before the City Council and Planning Board without a positive plan for anything. Proponent: Paula McCloskey, Chief Executive Office, Alameda Chamber of Commerce, stated Alameda has outpaced other communities insofar as finding businesses and creating jobs after base closure; urged Council to accept the EIR. Opponent: Bill Smith, Alameda, stated that he disagreed with the Final EIR. MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 13 arch 21, 2000 Opponent: Ann Mitchum, Alameda, stated the City should take as much time as it needs in regard to housing. There being no futher speakers, Mayor Appezzato closed the public portion of the Hearing; and announced that two letters were received from the Alameda Association of Realtors supporting the staff recommendation. Councilmember Kerr stated: 1)the matter of social economic impact was discussed in the Navy's EIS, and responses were sent to people who inquired about the issue; 2) it is the City's responsibility to provide housing across the whole income spectrum; and, 3)the Base Reuse Plan was written many years ago; BRAG Sub - Committee Members, including members of the original HOPE, participated in the process and the formation of the Plan; there were many public hearings. Vice Mayor Daysog stated approximately 7,500 cars, per hour, during peak morning hours will be coming to Alameda Point in the year 2020; of that 7,500 cars, roughly 4,300 cars will come through the Tube; unfortunately, the current Tube has capacity for only 3,400 cars at peak morning hours; that there are mitigations in place to deal with said fact; mitigation measure B3 addresses how the City will pace development; and inquired with whom final authority will rest in regard to pacing development. Planning Manager Eliason responded that significant new development, e.g. General Plan Amendments, Rezoning and changes in land use, would be actions heard by the Planning Board and City Council. Vice Mayor Daysog noted that there will be public participation. Planning Manager Eliason stated flushed out more within the General the governing body, probably with that said mitigation will be Plan Update and brought back to an implementing ordinance. Councilmember DeWitt stated each project, City -wide, should have a traffic analysis. Councilmember Kerr stated the zoning for the Alameda Point Improvement Project will probably be MX; a majority of the City Council approved an amendment which allows the Council to determine at what level certain decisions will be made; when the MX zoning is established, City Council will decide on the type of approval levels. MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 14 arch 21, 2000 Councilmember DeWitt moved that the Council certify the Final EIR, as presented by staff. Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion. Under discussion, Vice Mayor Daysog suggested adding a paragraph to the Resolution noting the significant neighborhood opposition to the proposed development of the RV Park, and directing staff to seriously consider concerns in preparation of the General Plan Amendment. Mayor Appezzato stated that he would support Daysog's proposal if he added both sides would be heard on the matter [RV Park]. Vice Mayor Daysog agreed. Councilmember DeWitt stated the RV Park matter will be addressed in the near future; Council should approve the EIR as presented. Councilmember Johnson stated that there are many details in the EIR; said details will be coming back to the City Council; there will be many public hearings; the addition of preferential clauses at this time is not a good idea. Vice Mayor Daysog stated the question is one of recognizing the time, energy and effort of the citizens; the neighborhood does not want the RV Park. Councilmember Kerr stated that she is opposed to the original East Bay Regional Park District plan for the inner harbor area; that she hopes the District will change its viewpoint on what it wants to do at that site; however, the Final EIR should be approved this evening. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Mayor Appezzato called a recess at 10:52 p.m. and reconvened the Regular Meeting at 11:00 p.m. (00 -138) Ordinance No. 2826, "Reclassifying and Rezoning Certain Properties within the City of Alameda by Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1277, N.S., for Properties Located at 1001, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1109, 1111 Chestnut Street; 1119 Lafayette Avenue; 1901, 2004, 2008, 2012 San Antonio Avenue; and 1907, 2005, 2011 San Jose Avenue." Finally passed; and MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 15 arch 21, 2000 (00 -138A) Resolution No. 13198, "Closing Chestnut Street Between San Antonio Avenue and San Jose Avenue to Vehicular Traffic During School Hours." Adopted. Alan Asker, Co- founder, Chestnut Encinal Neighbors Association, stated approval of the project is a serious mistake for Alameda, violates many requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, particularly parking, and violates the General Plan, specifically with the expansion of non - conforming use in a residential zone and expansion of offices in a residential zone; the most egregious aspect of the project is the overall expansion of a facility which City Planning Staff indicated was overexpanded 35 years ago; 600 of the students live outside of Alameda, and create traffic and parking impacts; giving a public street to a single private entity is a dangerous precedence to set in Alameda; many institutions desiring non- conforming expansions are awaiting Council action; urged Council not to approve the Plan. Deborah Oliveri, Alameda, requested Council to reconsider its decision regarding street closure; stated there is not traffic during the middle of the day; there might be one car every ten minutes; most day traffic is delivery trucks; the closed street will turn into a physical education yard; currently, St. Joseph conducts physical education on sidewalks; St. Joseph is being provided free land for six or seven hours a day; taxpayer land is being provided for free; further stated City Planning is requiring parking be completed before other construction is completed; however, St. Joseph outlined construction phases, and parking is part of Phase 2; street closure will not work and should not be free. Joe Jaber, Alameda, stated his children graduated from St. Joseph; when he purchased his property, it was located next to a convent; the parcel is being rezoned to accommodate a 200 -seat theater which will be 35 -feet high; that he proposed height limitations because his property is impacted on two sides; his property is being devalued; City staff explained his problem is with Design Review; however, without limitations on the rezoning, his property value and the tenant's quality of life will decrease; the theater's back door will be next to his apartments. Kathy McIntire, Alameda, stated street closure will funnel traffic down her street; the need for an adequate parking plan has not been addressed; on June 14, 1999, City Planner Judith Altschuler wrote a memo to the Project Engineer stating: "the 1964 St. Joseph Plan required 110 parking spaces and the new plan requires 60 plus spaces "; 170 off - street parking spaces are required; inquired why MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 16 arch 21, 2000 said matter is being ignored; stated parking problems are being attributed to single- family homes being replaced with multi - family apartment buildings; both the neighborhood and school have grown to capacity; there is a parking problem; St. Joseph has used emotional smokescreens to diffuse the issue; St. Joseph should be permitted to modernize its existing facility and beautify its grounds; however, the site is inadequate to handle parking requirements; 36 years ago, public officials informed St. Joseph that the current site was built out; urged Council to review the proposal in its entirety and not approve the Master Plan. Pauline Kelley, Alameda, requested the City Council reconsider and not accept the Plan; stated the City seems to be giving away use of land; Council needs four affirmative votes regarding land; inquired why matter passed with three votes. Tony Aiello, Principal, St. Joseph Notre Dame High School, stated the St. Joseph Plan took three years; careful consideration was taken with the environment and neighbors; concessions were made to modernize the facility; temporary closure of Chestnut Street is important to the Plan because the street bisects parish property; urged Council to approve the project. Kay Reed, St. Joseph Community, stated the Plan requires the same amount of on -site parking as Alameda High School, even though St. Joseph has fewer students; the High School has always had students from outside Alameda; State Code permits street closure for schools; parking will be phased in with additions; City staff will hold St. Joseph accountable and ensure that for every square foot built, parking is installed at the same time; St. Joseph submitted a very rough Construction Plan; however, a more complete Plan will be submitted based on the results of fundraising activities; within two years, St. Joseph must add 30 new parking spaces even if other work is not completed; St. Joseph understands Mr. Jaber's privacy - and sound concerns; St. Joseph will do everything possible to mitigate said problem and will have design discussions with Mr. Jaber in good faith; parking in the neighborhood is impacted; 212 living units surround St. Joseph's site with only 147 off - street parking spaces; 500 of St. Joseph's daytime parking will be off - street; and St. Joseph will limit the number of large events that will take place. Councilmember DeWitt stated the private street is not being given away; the street will be temporarily closed during school hours; four votes is not needed to temporarily close a street; the matter will be reviewed to determine whether there is a negative impact on the neighborhood and traffic; if the street is being used as a playground, the barriers can be removed; the one -year trial period MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 17 arch 21, 2000 will allow closure during school hours; the action is being taken for safety reasons. Councilmember DeWitt moved Final Passage of the Ordinance. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Kerr stated that she voted against the rezoning due to the inadequacy of the parking plan. Mayor Appezzato inquired whether sections could be addressed separately. The Planning Director stated the Resolution which approved the project was before Council previously, at which time Council took action on parceled out items; the issue before Council is an Ordinance which will place a Planned Development [zoning] overlay on the property. On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson and Mayor Appezzato - 4. Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1. Councilmember Kerr stated street closure is like an unpaid lease of public property during school -year weekdays; there is a considerable amount of time the public will not be able to use a public street; there is not a list to judge street closure on in one -year; if there is a tragedy, the closed street would be worse [less safe] than the open street; [street closure] criteria are vague; nothing will be measured during the year [trial period]. Councilmember DeWitt moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers DeWitt, Johnson, and Mayor Appezzato - 3. Noes: Councilmembers Daysog and Kerr -2. (00 -139) Ordinance No. 2827, "Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Harbor Bay Isle Associates to Purchase a 2.2 Acre Parcel for the Cross Airport Roadway Project." Finally passed. Len Grzanka, Alameda, stated that at the last Council Meeting, he inquired why the City sold 10.2 acres of land at Harbor Bay Business Park to Harbor Bay Associates (HBA) for $267,000 per acre, and now, is buying 2 acres for $650,000 per acre; the answer, that the value of land had gone up since 1997 when negotiations began, was not satisfactory; somebody should have realized that the City MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 18 arch 21, 2000 would need the 2 acres only eight months later; inquired who was asleep at the wheel last August 17, when the two deals should have been linked ?; was it the Public Works Director, the Deputy City Manager, or the City Manager ?; stated staff is costing the taxpayers $800,000 unnecessarily; further stated that at the last meeting, the Mayor stated: "when you put the facts out some people do not want to hear them, but, unfortunately, I'll take the time to do that "; he [Mayor Appezzato] took the time to prevaricate; the Mayor stated "nobody protested the sale of the land back to HBA last August "; however, the Mayor was wrong; he [Mr. Grzanka] spoke against the sale; the land could have been reappraised last August; however, the Mayor stated: "we can continue to move forward or stop going forward "; the Mayor will have the City move forward over the cliff to financial ruin, e.g., the $7.9 Million Alameda Power & Telecom Cable TV fiasco really is costing $20.5 Million plus interest on the Bonds; at the last meeting, the Mayor stated the deal was done in 1997, however, the City Council approved the sale August 17, 1999; the price could have been renegotiated until said time; as the Mayor says: "either lead, follow, or get out of the way "; unfortunately, taxes go up as he [Mayor Appezzato] leads the City into financial ruin; at the last Meeting, he [Mr. Grzanka] raised a point of information to correct the Mayor's misinformation, but he [Mayor Appezzato] ignored parliamentary procedure and Council rules, did not allow him [Mr. Grzanka] to state facts in his point of information, and ordered him [Mr. Grzanka] to sit down; inquired who he [Mr. Grzanka] should have breakfast with to sell his undeveloped land in Alameda to the City for $1/2 Million, provided he can buy it back eight months later for $250,000. Bill Smith, Alameda, suggested the Cross Airport Roadway include a bicycle lane. Councilmember Johnson moved final passage of the Ordinance. Councilmember DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson and Mayor Appezzato - 4. Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (00 -140) Jean Sweeney, Alameda, stated Alameda, like many cities, provides Zoning designations on an official map; Alameda Municipal Code Section 30 -3.3 requires the City's zoning boundaries be shown on the Zoning Map with all amendments, changes, references and other matters, and marked filed in the Office of the City Clerk June 10, 1958; however, when she has requested a certified copy of this map as evidence of the official zoning law of the City, she MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 19 arch 21, 2000 has been told that no such particular map exists to be certified as the true and correct law of the City; she discovered some designations on the official map kept by the Planning Department are mistaken; the Planning Department map has three dates of amendments noted on its margin; however, there are other zoning amendments since 1958 which are not noted on the unofficial map; in addition, the 1957 Master Plan that guided the original 1958 zoning designations cannot be found; the City's Zoning Law requires that the City have an officially certifiable zoning map; the City is in violation of its own law; requested matter be addressed. Ms. Sweeney outlined the history of Alameda Beltline Railroad Property, including the 1924 Agreement with the Western Pacific Railroad Company and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company as it relates to Ordinance 273, including Section 5; inquired whether the City government would continue to operate in the dark; stated a position should be taken and a plan should be devised to deal with the issue. Mayor Appezzato requested staff to respond to Ms. Sweeney. (00 -141) Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed City housing issues. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (00 -142) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Recreation and Park Commission for a partial term expiring September 30, 2003. Mayor Appezzato nominated Bruce Reeves for appointment to the Recreation and Park Commission. (00 -143) Mayor Appezzato announced that he received a letter from the CalTrans District Director which states: "CalTrans will soon begin construction on the project to seismically retrofit the Posey and Webster Street Tubes; the first construction stage to retrofit the Tubes interior and portal buildings was awarded to West Coast Bridge Inc. of Benicia California; a second construction stage to retrofit the Tubes exterior will follow in about a year and a half; the project will be one of the most unique projects to be constructed by the State; the Posey Tube was the worlds first submerged highway tube ever to be constructed in 1928; this project is believed to be the first seismic retrofit on immersed tubes of this type ever attempted "; stated there will be a Hearing on the project in the near future. (00 -144) Mayor Appezzato read a City Development Corporation press release: "the ink is barely dry on the papers forming the Alameda MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 0 arch 21, 2000 Development Corporation and already a major homeowner development project is underway; the Articles of Incorporation were signed only a month ago and today the Alameda -based housing development non- profit announced that it signed a sale and purchase agreement for its first homeownership project ". (00 -145) Mayor Appezzato stated Vice Mayor Daysog has been corresponding with the Library Director regarding a Poet Laureate; that he [Mayor Appezzato] supports the Vice Mayor's efforts; urged Vice Mayor Daysog to continue to work on the matter; stated only two other cities have Poet Laureates. (00 -146) Vice Mayor Daysog requested an Off Agenda Report on the status of O'Ryan's Tavern and the direction the City is going; stated there has been minimal neighborhood opposition. (00 -147) Councilmember Kerr inquired whether barbed wire fences are illegal in the City. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Appezzato adjourned the Regular Meeting at 11:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane B. Felsch, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. MRegular Meeting Alameda City Council 21 arch 21, 2000